Monday, November 9, 2015

Greater Hartford CAN Pre-Implementation 5/14/14

Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network
Planning Meeting Minutes
May 14, 2014
In Attendance:
Lynn Naughton, Sandy Barry – Salvation Army (Marshall House); Tina Ortiz, Steve Bigler, Sarah Pavone – Community Renewal Team; Barbara Shaw- Hands on Hartford; Diane Paige’Blondet, Kathy Shaw- My Sisters’ Place; Justine Couvares – Chrysalis Center, Inc.; Brian Baker, Heather Pilarcik – South Park Inn; Andrea Hakian, Amber Higgins- CHR, CT Rapid Re-housing; Sarah Melquist- Manchester Area Conference of Churches; Bryan Flint, Peg Doffek – Cornerstone Foundation; Louis Gilbert, David Shumway, Roger Clark- Immaculate Conception Shelter and Housing Corp.; Marilyn Rossetti, Kat Hannah- Open Hearth Association; Mary Davenport- The Network Against Domestic Violence, Enfield; Dave Martineau, Mary Gillette- Mercy Housing, Shelter Corporation; Dan Walsh, Enid Martinez – Veterans Inc.; Crane Cesario – Capitol Region Mental Health Center- DMHAS, Hartford CoC Chair, Greater Hartford S+C; Brenda Earle – Dept of Housing; Amanda Girardin, Matt Morgan, Amina Musa – Journey Home; Kitty Dudley, Pat Kupec -  Dept of Correction: Re-Entry; Lionel Rigler – City of Hartford, ESG; Kristen Granatek- CT Coalition to End Homelessness; Wendy Caruso – 2-1-1.
CAN: Coordinated Access Network
GH-CAN: Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network
2-1-1 : InfoLine, telephone-based statewide referral system
DOH: CT Dept of Housing
CoC: Continuum of Care
BOS: Balance of State CoC
DOC- CT  Dept of Correction
DMHAS: CT Dept of Mental Health and Addiction Services
HMIS: Homeless Management Information System
ECM: HMIS Software program used by CT: provided by Empowered Solutions Group
HUD:  US Dept of Housing and Urban Development
UHA – Universal Housing Application
VI-SPDAT – Vulnerability Index – Services Provision Decision Assistance Tool – an assessment tool under consideration

1.       Welcome and Introductions
2.       CAN Overview
a.       HUD has mandated that funding recipients for homeless programs have a Coordinated Access process.
b.      DOH has contributed funding and worked on the state level to develop a framework for Coordinated Access Networks in CT, identifying eight regions and outlining the statewide process.  Regions are to determine the local plan to best meet the needs of clients and communities served. 
                                                               i.      DOH is providing funding to contract with 2-1-1 to build a front end system.  2-1-1 will do initial assessment and high-level diversion screens to filter qualified people through to your CAN. The staff of 2-1-1 will enter client pre-screen data into ECM (HMIS) which will be sent to your local CAN ECM “bucket”.  (see handout of screening questions)
                                                             ii.      It is up to each community to sort out what will work best for the regional CAN.
1.       How will we circle around that person to find all of the services necessary for that client?  Not all referrals will need emergency shelter, many might need other interventions.  We should incorporate diversion strategies from recent trainings.
2.       Request for one point of contact from each COC to sit on the statewide CAN Planning Committee.  Crane Cesario and Marilyn Rossetti will start in this role.
a.       Next meeting will be June 5th, 10 AM-12 PM at CCEH
b.      Crane and Marilyn will represent Hartford at this meeting, Marilyn cannot attend the June meeting so Sandy will go in her stead.
                                                            iii.      2-1-1 has created a “Draft Coordinated Intake Protocol” to help us to formalize our planning process in designing our local CAN.  Please see handouts for this protocol.
c.       We can have different buckets (referral groups) within our CA. There doesn’t have to be one point of access for referrals from 2-1-1.  We can designate different points by date/time, or based on geography they are coming or going to and can specify the number per day.  If the need exceeds the capacity, then the client will have to wait until the next referral day
                                                               i.      We are responsible for determining what we do with clients who need shelter “tonight” but are above our daily capacity for intake (When we say “CAN intake” is NOT synonymous with “Shelter intake”.)
                                                             ii.      Cannot accept walk-ins.  If people come through the door they will have to call 2-1-1 to enter into the system.  It is suggested you let them use your phone if they don’t have one.  Possibly utilize Day Shelters / Soup Kitchens such as House of Bread and St. Elizabeth’s, Hands on Hartford as places for individuals to make calls during the day. 
a.       This feels like the protocol is not very client focused.  We will need to come up with something that will make sure these clients are not wandering the streets or struggling to make calls.
                                                            iii.      You can use shelter case management dollars to process these referral calls from 2-1-1.
                                                           iv.      We need to reevaluate the local workflows we came up with previously to address the CAN process.
1.       Where does UHA fall into the workflow?  Where might VI-SPDAT fall in the workflow?
2.       DOH will work to clarify where in the workflow certain forms will be completed.
d.      Many communities are having weekly CAN meetings or at least bi-weekly meetings
e.      At the last GH- CAN meeting on April 5th, a map of CT was handed out detailing the 8 different Coordinated Access Networks (CANs) – ours is Greater Hartford.  These were created by the statewide planning committee and boundaries were based on client guests’ churning patterns (movement between shelters)
f.        In addition to coordinated access into our system, HUD is also requiring standardized forms, included assessments for housing interventions, services and diversion.  The Balance of State (BoS) CoC is trying to figure out what these tools will be.   (The VI-SPDAT may be utilized).
                                                               i.      DOH met with Hartford representatives who has indicated that the Hartford CoC will participate in  the statewide plan.  This means we are required to use the tools decided upon by the statewide planning process that is happening through BOS.  This means that Hartford CoC has:
1.       Signed on to use 2-1-1 as front door, which DOH is funding
2.       Agreed to work as the Greater Hartford (CAN) instead of just Hartford
3.       Agreed to participate in planning, and adopt the statewide plan (ie. Standardized forms and protocols)
3.       Other Considerations and Concerns:
                                                               i.      Although when the Hartford CoC applied to HUD (Submitted this year’s NOFA) we specified that we were working on a state-wide coordinated access plan, Hartford CoC Advisory Board members were not clear that we agreed to the state/ BoS decision.
1.       Hartford requests representation as the Hartford CoC in a voting capacity at the BoS group working to come up with the standardized tools. 
2.       BoS CoC meetings are on the 1st Monday of the month, next one on June 2nd at noon in Middletown.  Brenda will let us know the schedule,
a.       A Hartford CoC chair and Marilyn will attend
3.       2-1-1 has created a “Draft Coordinated Intake Protocol” to help us to formalize our thought process in designing our local CAN.  We need to answer the questions within.
b.      DOC question / suggestion: Can the Department of Correction have a seat at the state-wide group as well?  We are statewide and our clients are often discharged to emergency shelters, though until they are released to shelters they are not considered “homeless” according to federal definitions. 
                                                               i.      It appears that the “re-entry” entities haven’t been at the table, though other DOC employees have been.
                                                             ii.      Brenda will follow up
c.       Shelter Staff are not currently doing intakes/assessments on people unless they are their clients who are definitely residing at their shelter, no capacity to do this type of work for clients entering the system who aren’t necessarily coming to stay at our shelter.
d.      How will our shelter staff perform the other expected functions if not all clients being referred require shelter intake?  The staff only have intimate knowledge of the different shelter eligibility.
                                                               i.      CCEH: Everyone who pulls referrals from the 2-1-1 bucket will need to be trained to have an intimate understanding of ALL, shelter, housing, prevention, diversion programs in our CAN
1.       This becomes feasible when the time previously spent answering phones or dealing with walk-ins is freed up to do other tasks.
2.       If the community is doing this together, the burden will be shared.
3.       New Britain is making one organization responsible for training their CAN intake specialists and are creating a training binder to use.
e.       How are DV shelters fitting in to this?  What is our coordinated exit strategy?  This is the second component of the system. 
                                                               i.      In New Britain, Prudence Crandall is directly involved, they are taking general calls and their specific DV calls.
                                                             ii.      DV calls will be screened out prior to entering CANs, unless DV comes out later in the initial screening, in this case they will be rerouted and their HMIS record will be deleted for privacy and safety reasons.
f.        If someone is exiting a shelter due to disciplinary reasons, or length of stay we have to figure out how they will get into another shelter or situation.  Some options:
                                                               i.      Call 2-1-1 again
                                                             ii.      Have weekly case management calls to figure out what to do with that person
                                                            iii.      Don’t allow them back into “the system” for 30 days
                                                           iv.      May have to address current Length of Stay (LOS) and focus more on discharge outcomes than LOS
4.       Identify Working Groups and Meeting Schedule
a.       Working Groups:
                                                               i.      Data quality management workgroup- Statewide HMIS Steering Committee is working on this plan.  We need to identify what are we measuring and ensure that we are making progress.
                                                             ii.      Resource Sharing- includes training and transportation (reach out to United Way for funds?)
                                                            iii.      Individual Men and Women
                                                           iv.      Families

b.      Meeting Schedule:
                                                               i.      Amanda will send out an email people can respond to about specific working groups of interest.
                                                             ii.      Coordinating a CAN Intake protocol, part of which includes shelter referrals, will be PRIORTIY #1
c.       Next Full Meeting for next Wednesday 5/21/14 at 1:30 PM- Location TBD
                                                               i.      We are still waiting on CCEH to provide a schedule of all the other communities’ meeting times
                                                             ii.      Willimantic is Tuesday morning
                                                            iii.      New Britain is Thursday mornings

5.       Initial Responses to System Questions for Nutmeg and HMIS:
a.       What is your CAN Region Name? Greater Hartford CAN
b.      Do individuals and families have different intake process (workflow) once they are referred to the CAN?
                                                               i.      If yes above, is the initial interview conducted by different people (or locations)?
Yes there will be different locations on different days.
c.       How many intake locations will be available at the CAN? If you utilize more than 1, are these locations “open” at the same time, or do they alternate days?
TBD, although we expect that there will be more than one location.

6.       Deadlines:
a)      We are required to get Nutmeg our answers for HMIS integration by August 29th with our local plan starting on October 1, 2014. 

b)      The state-wide CAN plan using 2-1-1 will roll out starting on July 1, 2014. There is a schedule posted, with Greater Hartford having dates as listed in 5. above.

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