Greater Hartford - Coordinated
Access Network
Meeting Notes
July 2, 2014
In attendance:
Brian Baker- South Park Inn
Crane Cesario- DMHAS/ Hartford CoC
Roger Clark- Immaculate
Mary Davenport- The Network
Brenda Earle- Department of Housing
Fred Faulkner- The Open Hearth
Bryan Flint- Cornerstone
Rosemary Flowers- My Sisters’ Place
Kristen Granatek - CCEH
Lou Gilbert- Immaculate
Tanesha Grant- Mercy Housing
Andrea Hakian- CHR
Dave Martineau- Mercy Housing
Sarah Melquist- MACC Charities
Patrice Moulton- CRT/ East Hartford
Matt Morgan-Journey Home
Amina Musa- Journey Home
Robin Nichols- St. Franics
Roxan Noble- YWCA/ Chrysalis
Frank Rector- HOPE Team
Lionel Rigler- City of Hartford
Iris Ruiz- Interval House
Barbara Shaw- Hands on Hartford
Dave Shumway- Immaculate
Donna Szarwak- Interval House
According to 2-1-1, 50% of calls in other
coordinated access networks getting diverted by 2-1-1
Updated the group on 100 day rapid results campaign:
in New Haven their goal is to house 75
chronically homeless people. We are looking to have a 100 day campaign in the
Greater Hartford area as well. Journey home’s board will fund a boot camp
training to start 100 day campaign in Hartford. The 100 day campaign in
Hartford will possibly start in Jan with Registry week occurring during the
same week as PIT count.
Coordinated access networks are being called
different things in different regional areas. Maybe we should call our local
CAN a Coordinated Assessment and Housing Referral network. In NYC it’s Coordinated Assessment and
Housing Placement (CAHP).
We need to think about how to name the waiting
list, possibly ”registry list”
Later on in discussion it came up that this
should be referred to as something different. Registry has negative
We need to identify Housing Oversight Group and
Case Conferencing processes.
In terms of marketing, maybe we could publicize
our GH CAN if we start our 100 day campaign on Oct 1.
That would be great but we are currently waiting
to hear if other communities will start the 100 day campaign with us. Starting
at the same time promotes camaraderie and a bigger push to accomplish goals
(i.e., house people)
Might be tough to do earlier as we have so many projects we’re working
Because of scheduling with the Rapid Results
Institute, the boot camp cannot be scheduled before October.
Various regions of the state are going to have
different CAN assessment sites due to their geographic scope. Similar to how
Greater Hartford will have one assessment schedule for the city and another for
the region.
Bed availability/ Google document:
would like to send out emails every day to identify what the availability is.
This will make it easier to know which shelter has available beds/space.
GH CAN Work Topics
We need to complete both 211 and HMIS
information pages. Information we tell
211 and HMIS are similar however, Nutmeg will customize HMIS based on what we
tell them to modify according to our community’s needs
Each CAN does not have access to another
region’s information
2-1-1 will be the one front door to have access to everyone’s information
Shelter Intake Tool: Newest HMIS standards will
be in the intake form, It should be approved soon by DOH. Shelters will receive
notice and use for clients in their shelter.
The diversion Tool done by Susan Wagner’s team
is currently undergoing modifications. It is a tool to divert people in person
(has to be done in person) and is a set of questions to be asked interview
style. The case manager/ interviewer can
figure out if there is a way to keep them from shelter, i.e., fighting with parent leading to homelessness.
Lauren Zimmerman and Kristen Granatek will walk
through the diversion tool and VI -SPDAT to see if there is any repeated
information they could cut out to maximize time
At the initial GH CAN assessment, diversion will
happen first. If possible then the VI- SPDAT will be done.
What is the skill set for the VI SPDAT?
Response: Case
manager level/ direct service person
Some agencies are doing shelter intake at the
CAN assessment if the person needs shelter that night. In that case, the Google
document makes sense. Would want to have eventually live bed availability in
How realistic is it for staff to continuously
update this information?
Response: We would use the Google Document/bed
availability in HMIS just to know where there is bed availability not
necessarily to know when and who is in the shelter at every specific moment
Release of Info for HMIS will be included as a
topic in our meeting next week
Referral Processes: No more individual waitlist,
call it a registry? Also no more individual program waitlists. People will now
gain access to services based on their score. People who have been sleeping outside
get higher on the registry.
Will finally be able to tell who actually has which
need based on VI-SPDAT score
How do we want to manage people who have been
referred to the three different tracks? (permanent housing, rapid rehousing, transitional housing )
We can start using the VI-SPDAT now? Will eventually add the VI-SPDAT to the Greater
Hartford Universal Housing Application (GH UHA)
Need to make sure that the GH UHA asks how long
one has been homeless
Hopefully by Sept 1 universal housing referral
list can be active.
Folks need to learn how to use the VI - SPDAT
now. If there is a training need (VI -SPDAT, Diversion tool) please let CEEH
know. CCEH will organize having another training session if the need is there.
We need a housing liaison for documentation acquisition.
Maybe some people don’t have ID, need Homeless verification this person will be
able to handle all of that. We also could have program case managers at each
agency spilt up the number of people who need documentation and get it for
them. That way one case manager is not burned out.
When would hospitals send someone to 2-1-1?
When we have patients being interviewed on the
phone by dependency facilities. We give the client a list of shelters and the
client makes the call to shelter themselves.
Maybe the CAN appointment could be done on the
If the person is discharged and they do not have
a bed that night they become suicidal s
What is the discharge plan now if there is no
Discharged to the street? St. Francis will hold them for the night many
For the in-patient unit, they have more time to
work with the client. The hospital’s case
management team will work with them but they usually have a 3 day, 5 day, or 7 day
discharge plan. Will the case managers be able to do GH CAN assessments?
Response: Would have to check
with them. Only the In-patient clients have a case manager.
IOL various clinics do refer clients to a
shelter bed
St. Francis ships people all over the state
depending on bed availability at specific shelters
2-1-1 will pick up on the people who are moving
all over the state. 2-1-1 will keep the client in the first CAN they were
assigned to.
We have to keep in mind that we have one group
that does Community Care Teams with the hospitals
PSH providers will have contracts with DMHAS.
DMHAS has to know that providers have modified measures based on
Next Week Agenda Items:
DMHAS …PATH outreach workers sounds like it
would be good for them to do assistance. CRT has PATH, (ASSISTANCE transition
from homelessness. SAMSHA funded program.)
Maybe CHR or MACC could donate
Referral side to community resources. Agencies
that are mandated to provide services to our clients (DCF, Parole, mental
health) these agencies need to be asked what their requirements are for
mainstream resources Want to integrate them into the network.
o Other
communities are putting together a resource binder so everyone knows what’s
o Good
task for the JH case manager’s meetings to consider
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