WEDNESDAY, April 29th, 2015
3:30 pm
In Attendance:
Rubi Alegria – Mercy Housing
Shannon Baldassario – MACC
Sandy Barry – Salvation Army Marshall House
Aisha Brown – CHR Enfield
Crane Cesario – DMHAS
Roger Clark – ImmaCare
Stephanie Corbin – Community Health Network
Alfredo Echevarria – ImmaCare
Fred Faulkner – The Open Hearth
Bryan Flint – Cornerstone
Rosemary Flowers- My Sisters’ Place
Chris Fortier – The Open Hearth
Clarissa Garcia – ImmaCare
Amanda Girardin – Journey Home
Ruby Givens-Hewitt – My Sisters’ Place
Mollie Greenwood – Journey Home
Andrea Hakian – CHR
Eunice Hernandez – Chrysalis Center
Amber Higgins – CHR
Steve MacHattie – ImmaCare
Philomena McGee – CHR Enfield
Matt Morgan – Journey Home
Veronica Nixon – My Sisters’ Place
John Oliver – Chrysalis Center
Heather Pilarcik – South Park Inn
Patricia Pollicina – Chrysalis Center
Darlene Perez – My Sisters’ Place
Tiana Purvis – Salvation Army Marshall House
Chris Robinson – Chrysalis Center
Amy Robinson – CRT
Iris Ruiz – Interval House
Kathy Shaw – My Sisters’ Place
Sarah Simonelli – Chrysalis Center
Sandra Terry – CRT
Sarah Trench – Journey Home
Josephine Wilson – Salvation Army Marshall House
Tamara Womack – My Sisters’ Place
Jason Walsh – Chrysalis Center
1. Introductions & GH-CAN Meeting Notes for last week, 4/22/2014 (emailed)
2. GH CAN Stats Update – See p. 2
Greater Hartford
Coordinated Access Network Statistics
Updated as of April 28th,
Changes from last week have been bolded
Total Number of GH CAN Assessment Appointments Per
There are 92 scheduled slots each week
Total Number
of Hours at Drop In Centers
15 Hours per
6 hrs at
Chrysalis Center Thurs.
3 hours at
CHR Manchester on Thurs
3 hours at
Hands on Hartford
3 hours at
Center Church
No-Show Rate
11/17/14 – 3/30/15
Appointments Scheduled in Nov – Mar
Appointments Completed Nov – Mar
Attendance to appointments
No-Show Rate
for March, 2015
Appointments Scheduled for March
Appointments Completed
Attendance to appointments
Next Available Appointment Slot: Individual Men
Booking out 7 days further since last week
Next Available Appointment Slot: Individual Women
Booking out 8 days further since last week
Next Available Appointment Slot: Families
Booking out 12 days further since last week
Total Number of CA HMIS Data System Modifications
That is 31 additional cases to resolve compared to
last week.
Total Number
of New Available Housing Units Reported to GH CAN this week
additional program openings were submitted this week.
Housing Units Awaiting Referrals
ImmaCare RAP, Next Steps Enfield
Total Number
of Available Housing Units Reported through GH CAN in 2015
Units have been reported in the following programs: MSP TLP, CRT PSH, CRT
Project Teach, Chrysalis Veteran’s Support, Chrysalis Family Matters, Mercy
DMHAS RAP, CRT Bloomfield Scattered
Site, Mercy St. Elizabeth, Shelter Plus Care, Chrysalis Project HEARRT 20
Total Number
of Available Housing Units expected for 100 Days Team
These are
from a variety of programs. Some units are available immediately, others in
the next few months.
Total Number of Rapid Re-Housing Referrals this
Please note, CHR is now accepting new referrals to
CT RRH at this time.
Day Campaign
Total Number of Clients on Prioritized List
This list is comprised of clients who have a length
of time homeless that could classify them as chronically homeless.
On Prioritized List, number of clients with UHA
On Prioritized List, number of clients with a
On Prioritized List, number of clients
conditionally matched
On Prioritized List, number of clients housed
a. A few more slots have opened up for
appointments- two sites are double booking GH CAN appointments. We’re down to 65% no-show rate which is better
than the statewide average.
Manchester was overwhelmed by the number of drop-ins they received, 26 clients
presented for drop-ins. There have been
over a month of drop-ins and never with this extreme volume. Many clients could not be seen due to time
limitations. Mollie needs to follow up
with 211, and we should re-assess soon.
b. Appointments are booked out an
additional week now, we aren’t sure what is causing this book out, but sites
may want to consider double-booking appointment slots. Journey Home will follow up with 211 for
further information.
3. 100 Day Team Update – Following 50 Day Check-In Yesterday
a. Meeting structure – We want to see how we can re-structure meetings moving forward, and want
to make sure the whole CAN is taking ownership of this new community-wide
process over the next 50 Days. Part of
us wanting to understand the challenges of the matching process, team would
like to be present as much as possible for the housing referral group meetings. The 100 Day team is planning to start meeting
prior to the CAN meeting in the lounge, then re-join the larger meeting when it
begins at 1:30.
b. Time Between Conditional Match and Lease Up- One thing the team hopes to focus on
in the next 50 days. We have a number of
folks housed, but there’s a significant number that are matched, but there is a
lag time between the match and housing.
The team wants to work with navigators to housing providers to figure
out what the time-frame is, what needs to take place in that time, and how to
lessen the time between matching and housing a client.
c. Document Fair: We continue to be excited about the
document fair next Friday, May 8th.
Registration deadline for volunteers is Friday at noon because we’re
making volunteer teams. If anyone from
your agency is coming, if you haven’t registered, please clarify that with
us. If you have clients in your
programs, please let them know about that event.
4. Updates on Housing Referrals
Conditionally Matched – We are hoping to get outcomes or updates from all
of the programs that are working with different programs. Matt wants to take a moment and go through by
agency for each clients.
a. Staff from
CHR Manchester, Shelter Plus Care, CHR Enfield, CRT, ImmaCare, Chrysalis, My
Sisters’ Place provided updates on the status of all pending referrals.
b. CRT indicated that they will have an
opening in Project Teach Permanent soon.
Additionally, CRT will have a few openings in Transitional Housing
programs soon- those units will be posted through the Housing Availability
Report, available here:
c. Journey Home is working on a workflow
for the RAP program to illustrate the different steps in the housing
project. It may also be helpful to
develop similar workflows for other supportive housing programs so that the
whole community can be on the same page about what the process looks like.
Frequent Users of Incarceration and Housing –
Trish Pollicina of Chrysalis was able to compare
the FUSE eligible list to the GH CAN prioritized list. We are having difficulty locating
many of the clients on this list.
6. Inclusion/Outreach - Unsheltered
a. We have
handed out a list to people who are unsheltered. Outreach staff have helped contribute to
this. This list indicated whether
unsheltered clients had completed a UHA and a VI-SPDAT yet. Many clients on this list are in process for
referrals. However, there are many
people who don’t have anything, and who don’t have a release of information
that would allow us to case-conference about them.
7. Chronic Homeless Veterans Update – Staff at the Connecticut Heroes Project believe that
Connecticut may be very close to functional zero for chronic veteran
homelessness. This means that all
chronically homeless veterans are currently connected to services and engaged
with the housing process.
8. Airport Homelessness –
a. Crane met with the administration for
Bradley Airport public safety yesterday.
They reported having 30-35 people currently staying at the airport. With the census of the homeless in February
GH CAN staff found 19 people staying at the airport. We believe one factor that has led to more
people staying at the airport is the seasonal closure of the No-Freeze shelter
at ImmaCare. Airport staff reported that
some of the homeless clients have been reported doing laundry in the bathroom
and hanging it on the benches. Airport
staff are trying to spread a cohesive message that this sort of behavior is not
acceptable for anyone visiting the airport.
b. Word of mouth so far also indicated
that bus drivers may have been letting clients ride up to the airport without
paying bus fare. This is an issue that airport staff and the police lieutenant
will bring to the Department of Transportation.
To manage this issue in the meantime, state police have started getting
on the 10:45 PM bus and telling people that if they are not ticket-holders,
they should not get off of the bus and enter the airport.
c. There is a small group that will
start thinking about how to send up a coordinated outreach team. This planning group includes Steve MacHattie
of ImmaCare, Sarah Simonelli of Chrysalis, Mollie Greenwood of Journey Home,
Iris Ruiz of Interval House and
Alfredo Echevarria of ImmaCare.
d. The GH CAN brainstormed ideas for how
to work with the clients at the airport.
tongue in cheek suggestion was to offer to drive clients up to Massachusetts, (a
right-to-shelter state for families).
we believe that some people are staying at the airport when they are unable to
find shelter beds, an idea was to try and encourage roommate situations to expedite
people leaving from shelter. The
suggestion was for case managers to work with some independent clients with
income to figure out roommate situations that don’t require a subsidy.
we can have someone be a liaison for the landlord that can really help with
this sort of process. It’s another
resource allocation for us to consider.
Maybe if CABHI has available staffing they would be able to provide
supports in a roommate situation that may provide some peace-of-mind to
situations may not always be simple- we need to keep in mind the issues with
section 8 and policy limitations there, as well as potential zoning
issues. Roommate situations could be
more difficult to establish in certain cities.
is possible to utilize CT Rapid ReHousing for multiple clients, so that program
could be an option to help get a roommate situation underway.
will also be important to engage clients directly at the airport. Right now, shelters have been reluctant to
send outreach staff up with food, clothing, etc., because we do not want to
incentivize staying at the airport.
However, it could be helpful to go up, talk to the clients, and make
referrals to assistance programs when possible, as well as offer to bring
people back to shelter beds if any are available.
option to pursue may be rooms for rent- this option could be less expensive and
potentially faster-moving than an apartment search process. We may want to think about compiling a list
of places with rooms for rent.
capacity is going to be reduced again soon and it’s a frustrating process- when
already limited resources are reduced further, it leaves our community with
gaps to fill. We need to work
proactively as a community to anticipate and plan for these gaps as shelter bed
numbers are reduced.
9. Release Of Information – Universal Housing Application
a. All staff need to upload a Release of
Information for the Universal Housing Application as a part of the document
upload whenever they complete a UHA for a client. As a reminder, a GH CAN or HMIS Release of
Information is not sufficient to enter a client into the Universal Housing
Application, as it is a separate database system.
Sara Salomons has been receiving donations from the community in West
Hartford of clothing and furniture for clients during the 100 Day
Campaign. She has clothing of all sizes
and is willing to deliver. If you are
interested in taking some of these materials for clients, please email her at
as soon as possible.
Aetna has donated 50 move-in kits to be used for our clients in the 100
day campaign, but Journey Home does not have enough room to store all these
materials. Any agencies who could help
store these move-in kits before clients are ready to move in should email
as soon as possible.
My Sisters’ Place currently has openings in their Supportive Recovery
Program. This is a housing program that
is not only for clients who are literally homeless. To be eligible, women must have Husky D
(Medicaid) and mental health concerns.
GH CAN Coordinators:
Matt Morgan, Journey Home
Crane W Cesario, CRMHC –
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