Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Greater Hartford CAN Meeting 10/21/15

Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network
Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, October 21st, 2015
Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 4th, 2015

In Attendance:
Natasha Baldwin – Salvation Army Marshall House
Ralston Beckford – Capitol Region Mental Health Center
Janet Bermudez – Hands On Hartford
Gail Budrejko – Tabor House
Cordelia Brady – The Open Hearth
Marcel Cicero – CRT East Hartford Shelter
Roger Clark – ImmaCare
Stephanie Corbin – Community Health Network
Rosemary Flowers – My Sisters’ Place
Nate Fox – Center Church
Amanda Girardin – Journey Home
Ruby Givens-Hewitt – My Sisters’ Place
Mollie Greenwood – Journey Home
Amber Higgins – CHR Rapid ReHousing
Aaron Jones – VA
Brittany King – The Open Hearth

Gerilyn Maciel – Salvation Army Marshall House
Shannon Oliver – Salvation Army Marshall House
Heather Pilarcik – South Park Inn
Chris Robinson – Chrysalis Center
Amy Robinson – VA
Michelle Simon – Catholic Charities
Sandra Terry – CRT Supportive Housing
Jose Vega – CRT / McKinney Shelter
Tamara Womack – My Sisters’ Place
Maureen Perez – McKinney
Megan Pellerin – My Sisters’ Place
Nikia Newkirk – YWCA / HOPE Team
Kaylon Griffith – Capitol Region Mental Health Center
Cat D’Amato - CRT

1.      Introductions
Welcome – Mollie Greenwood
Introductions around the table
Confidentiality of clients stays in the room / staying objective / conscious and respectful without over sharing or imposing judgments
2.      Housing Referrals – Amanda Girardin
a.      Pending Referrals
                                                              i.      Journey Home has been working with My Sisters Place, Mercy, and South Park Inn.
1.      Discussed people in South Park Inn TLP – Who have episodes of continuous homelessness
a.      Open Hearth is going to send information about one of their clients to Mollie who fits the above description
                                                            ii.      CRT (Update) has called Open Hearth and has made several attempts to contact him
1.      Amanda will reach out to Sara Simoneli to see if she can contact him
                                                          iii.      CRT is finding it difficult to engage the individuals – Currently landlords don’t have units available and clients have not been coming in for their second appointment to follow up.
1.      The lack of follow up appointments has put their help with clients on stand still, which is causing landlords are turning them down. After two years in transitional housing landlords are questioning how clients are supposed to pay their rent?
                                                           iv.      We are looking for landlords to help with Cabby program with individuals
                                                             v.      CHR Enfield has housed the first of their 5 clients.
                                                           vi.      CHR Manchester has housed one individual.
1.      CHR Rental Assistance Program (East Hartford) going to help one client as well.
                                                         vii.      They may have a FUSE eligible client.
                                                       viii.      Columbus House has services for Nine street elderly units and are looking into other options for clients as well.
1.      Southington has a Winter Growth program for Elderly Housing
2.      There is an elderly project based unit in north end of Hartford
3.      Fuse has some scattered sites available as well
4.      SIF unit through Journey Home is currently unable to help elderly clients
b.      Housed Updates
                                                              i.      Frequent User Service Enhancement
1.      Connecticut’s Re-entry program is connected with HMIS data.
a.      They are cross-referencing with the CAN list
2.      Chrysalis has 30 new units available
a.      25 active individuals available to be referred for FUSE
3.      (Theresa?) Can only take 5 clients at a time but first has to double check that we can do this with the amount of funding.
4.      There is a possibility of swapping out FUSE certificates with Cabby certificates.
5.      D-Raps are Designated Rap Certificates
a.      When someone is identified as FUSE they get a D-rap, they do not have to be chronically homeless to get FUSE.
b.      We can occupy other hosing slots with FUSE first
6.      Elderly
a.      Sex offenders are ineligible for the program
b.      John was submitted to the program
c.       Steven is currently with Open Hearth
d.      11 units are set aside for elderly disabled homeless, however, they are prioritizing with chronic homeless first, and then non-chronic
7.      Imagineers
a.      This is a project based program, and a elderly waitlist. Elderly individuals are considered 62 years old and older.
                                                                                                                                      i.      Journey Home went through entire active list and submitted names
                                                                                                                                    ii.      They are open to receiving more names for this program.
                                                                                                                                  iii.      They are scattered sites, and are not typically through the homeless system
8.      Anthony Rodgers
a.      Scored higher on the VI-SPDAT than the Full SPDAT.
                                                                                                                                      i.      Immacare did the full SPDAT
1.      He is on the high end of rapid rehousing
a.      Before making referral, the topic of referring Anthony was opened up for discussion.
                                                                                                                                    ii.      Amber says that they are potentially going to have to go into a wait list.
                                                                                                                                  iii.      CHR has a list of what is needed to refer a client.
c.       New Referrals – My Sisters Place, Mary Seymour Place, Cathedral Green, South Park Inn TLP, Project TEACH Permanent, and Moving On
                                                              i.      Project TEACH is converting from transitional housing.
                                                            ii.      Mary Seymour has a one-bedroom referral. The person needs to be sober for a minimum of 1 year.
                                                          iii.      It is project based through journey home and comes from a supportive housing program the person must have no felonies for the last 3 years. The options available are 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom residences.
                                                           iv.      Cathedral Green has 3 new units available.
d.      D Gil – their full SPDAT does not correlate to Version 1 VI-SPDAT score
                                                              i.      Higher length of homelessness
1.      Anyone want to advocate on his behalf
e.      There are 6 units available
f.        VI-SPDAT conversion tool will be sent from Theresa to Mollie
g.      Units in and outside of Hartford  
h.      Mark Williams
                                                              i.      He completed a full SPDAT and is unsheltered. We can connect with him through soup kitchens. He just got out of jail and had an SSDI application completed for him years ago. He is well engaged, however, unable to be found often. He is a person with paranoia and does not value housing and may not be able to tolerate housing
                                                            ii.      Shian is the main contact for Mark
                                                          iii.      Frank with fill out a disability verification form for him
i.        Mathew Davis
                                                              i.      He does not have a Mental Health diagnosis but does have a Substance Abuse diagnosis
j.        Joseph D’Amigo
k.       David Gilcrest to add to the list
                                                              i.      The room has voted yes in adding him to list of 6
                                                            ii.      No opposition votes cast
                                                          iii.      The vote has passed; David will be added to the list.
l.        Theresa has a client out in Rockville who is in permanent supportive but wants to move; he is in a project based sentence and is willing to go anywhere. How do we prioritize these individuals that want to move? Are they more or less of a priority?
                                                              i.      Moving On may be an option that Amanda suggested for this individual
m.    Male with Schizophrenia – young – no SA issues – gentle young man – Kyba
                                                              i.      Frank can verify length of homelessness as 4 distinct episodes
                                                            ii.      He is in need of supportive documentation
1.      He may be a good fit for MSP
n.      Frank asked if anyone new of other individuals 30 years old or older with a year of sobriety or more that people would take the place of the male with Schizophrenia?
                                                              i.      No one responded
o.      Sanchez’s (35) and Creto are a couple and individual that could work for Moving On
                                                              i.      Any 9’s would come before these two, but as of now we don’t have any on the list.
p.      Basillo is a Potential Rapid rehousing candidate.
3.      New Agencies on GH CAN Release of Information – Matt Morgan
a.      Loaves and Fishes, Inc.
                                                              i.      They recently learned about how the CAN is operating and would like to host assessment appointments to help
b.      Catholic Charities
                                                              i.      Catholic Charities are already making referrals, but need to be added to the Release.
c.       Community Health Network (CHN)
                                                              i.      They have the ability to look up members; particularly ones that are MIA, are or were in inpatient care, and have high attendance in emergency rooms.  They are also able to put updates in system (confidential) and are able to put notes in that Journey Home is looking for to help clients.
                                                            ii.      Hopefully they will be able to do CAN assessments in the community soon
                                                          iii.      CHN is potentially going to get onto HMIS as well to do online VI-SPDATS
d.      ValueOptions
                                                              i.      Behavior health aspects as well (same reasons as CHN)
e.      Wheeler Clinic
                                                              i.      They use UHA and are already on the UHA release, they have behavioral and physical health services right now and would be able to help share information back and forth
f.        Journey Home is working on state wide CAN release, the above agencies have expressed their willingness to be apart of this process. This would allow us to be able to connect with other agencies outside of the shelters and soup kitchens to help with contacting clients
                                                              i.      Mollie will bring the State Wide CAN release to the next CAN meeting – and will send out after the meeting if it gets passed. Everyone would need a new form in their office not an additional release.
                                                            ii.      For planning purposes it is good to add these agencies in a batch rather than one by one
                                                          iii.      Mollie asked the room to raise their hands if they are willing to add the above agencies to release
1.      Majority rose hands to add these agencies to release, no one responded that they did not want to add the agencies and there were no abstentions.
g.      There is still a large no show rate at CAN appointments
h.      There has been a big push for individual VI-SPDATS to be done, Mollie says “Thank you!”
i.        Comment was made that the searchable Excel sheet is very helpful.
j.        Mollie will be emailing HMIS from individual VI-SPDATS on how they are calculated to make sure they are not leading to clients missing out on their opportunity to be housed.
k.      Transient numbers have been missing. HMIS was going to check their information to see if they have our missing clients in other CANs. They will send that information our way if they are in other CANs.
l.        80 people have been housed, Congratulations to everyone!

4.      New Triage Protocols – Call-back list – Shannon Oliver
a.      Walk-ins for shelter, call-back order, clients without phones, purging the list
                                                              i.      In the last few weeks changes have been implemented
1.      Instead of “call backs” triage is calling clients back and not just taking those who call minutes after a bed opens up, and not the one who called 6 times before them.
                                                            ii.      Where do client’s names go?
                                                          iii.      They are working on finalizing a call back order.
                                                           iv.      Trying to figure out what happens with clients that do not have phones.
                                                             v.      How often should triage centers be wiping the lists clean? Currently they are doing it every 10 days.
b.      Shannon –
                                                              i.      With this list we are trying to implement was are having less of the same people calling over and over
                                                            ii.      They are leaving a voicemail
1.      The clients have an option for primary and secondary phone numbers
a.      2-1-1 is allowing them 30 minutes to call back
b.      People may still lose their spots on the list.
2.      May want to shorten the time period from 10 to 7 days, the list is getting very long.
a.      Mollie put it to a vote, should we 2-1-1 be starting a fresh list every week? Try it for a while and see how it goes?
                                                                                                                                      i.      No objections were voiced.
b.      List needs to be prioritized: including walk-ins to shelters, communicating with triage, needs to be a check in, call back order 30 min time frame (pushing clients to leave a phone number)
                                                                                                                                      i.      Nate, Roger, Marcel & Shannon volunteered to be a part of a Small group meeting to talk through the waitlist, discuss barriers, working group to meet a few times aiming for next week as the first meeting. One of the goals is to prepare for winter coming.
3.      Shannon had an idea to separating families and singles on the list.
4.      An issue that has been occurring is that the phone numbers of specific agencies have been sent out from 2-1-1 instead of 2-1-1 doing the triage process themselves. This is not the way it should be going. We may need to create a systemic process to make sure this no longer happens.
a.      One option is for shelter to redirect case managers back to 2-1-1 and make sure their clients are not being prioritized over the calls that get into 2-1-1.
                                                                                                                                      i.      If this is happening please let Mollie know.
b.      Amber’s clients are getting the wrong address, once we have the clients information we can direct them to 2-1-1 and make sure that no longer happens and they have correct address for their office.
                                                                                                                                      i.      New information has surfaced that people released from Prison are receiving a packet of 2-1-1 information. We need to know what type of information they are receiving.
                                                          iii.      The 2-1-1 team has been using Google Docs to communicate information.
1.      They are discussing clients and notes on restrictions, this has been much easier for them to use.  
                                                           iv.      Shannon suggested a 48 hour bed, since the same people that walk in are the same ones that call repetitively
1.      The consensus of the room was to trying and stick to the list for now before implementing the 48 hour bed.
2.      48 hour bed may create chaos, especially in the winter time.
                                                             v.      Theresa was wondering if we know if the clients that are calling are literally homeless, we need to make sure they are the ones with the highest level of need.
1.      Shannon said that we need to give them the option to stay at friends house, but they cannot just switch around to different shelters.
                                                           vi.      There is no longer any discharge dates, however, there are still length of stays.
1.      Shelters cannot give a negative outcome according to the Department of Housing.
c.       Heather asked if there has been any recent look at availability, such as beds for single women. Especially since they have dropped low with Manchester’s shelter closing.
                                                              i.      Salvation Army has the option of adult rehabilitation that is 40 hours a week at a work shelter.
1.      They are Similar to MSP and are sending referrals over. They are another structured housing program, if people are willing to commit to these programs, then there are spots open.
d.      Shannon thinks that we should start using Google Docs again to stay in contact with shelters and agencies instead of calling so much, this may be easier for everyone.
e.      Send Amanda names of Women or Men that are at shelters for a year or more – that way they can be on Journey Home’s radar.

5.      Rapid Re-Housing VI-SPDAT Override Form – Amber Higgins
a.      Clients that we are referring to rapid rehousing need forms handed to Amber, and attach wfinancial forms to it once they move.
b.      Discussing anyone a 10 or higher (but may not actually be a 10 – seems high)
                                                              i.      Page 3 of agenda is a hard copy.
                                                            ii.      Let Mollie know if you have anyone to put on the agenda. It will be discussed in CAN meetings and then we will give the form to Amber.
6.      Landlord Sharing
a.      It is happening in a lot of regions in the state, sharing information about landlords is tough since it is hard to cultivate those relationships, however we need to start looking into landlord engagement and collaborative recruitment strategies.
                                                              i.      One idea is to have a spreadsheet to share landlord information, if people are willing.
1.      Housing case managers in previous CAN meetings are struggling to find landlords, bringing together our knowledge will help each other, the more we all know of, the more
                                                            ii.      A landlord contacted Amanda and is willing to avoid criminal background and credit check, his phone number is 860-805-1547.  He has a two-bedroom condo unit in Hartford on Wethersfield, Ave.
1.      Amanda has put 11 to 15 landlords that she knows through SIF, she will be making the form available for everyone to use
a.      We are looking particularly for people who are willing to be flexible with utilities and background checks. This information will be apart of an informal sharing to start more landlord engagement.
b.      Amber has information about landlords to avoid and reminded the group to be on the look out for those landlords as well.
                                                                                                                                      i.      Everyone should try to get the information in writing so if they go back on their word it can be sent to CT Fair Housing. There is the option to stay anonymous so you don’t lose your relationship with your landlords.
7.      Announcements
a.      Tamara knows of a 1 bedroom unit in My Sisters place that requires a DCF referral which Crane can help with.
b.      Nate announced that Friday Nov 20th is the Day of Sharing and Caring which is a banquet honoring people who are facing hunger and homelessness. It will be at the Franciscan center. Last year providers came out to have a resource fair. It will be from 11am – 3pm.
c.       Nate also announced that on December 21st there will be a Homeless persons memorial event and to please share names if anyone has someone to add to the memorial.
d.      MSRP has openings of emergency housing for people with Husky D, Substance Abuse or Mental Health issues – Mollie will be sending it around.
e.      Changes to the Housing Outcome Form will be modified to include Due Diligence Policy
                                                              i.      Updates have been made in the due diligence form from last meeting
f.        Amanda will be putting a soup kitchen contact list on Journey Home website.
g.      Changes to HMIS as part of Coordinated Exit.
                                                              i.      Amanda, Mollie, and Matt have been working at state wide level
1.      Instead of a printed list, so everyone will be able to look into HMIS and have the ability to see real time data.
2.      We are aiming for January to have the update to version 2 of the VI-SPDAT available for use.
h.      The Zero: 2016 Summit is on 10/28/2015 at the Hartford Public Library from 9:30 AM-4:00 PM
                                                              i.      If anyone is interested in attending the morning portion let Mollie know.
                                                            ii.      If anyone knows of any Chronically homeless veterans, please let Journey Home know.
1.      South Park may have one non-chronic veteran, theresa was notified of it this morning.
i.        A “Safe Shelter and Fair Housing for Transgender Individuals” training from CCEH will be coming to Manchester on 11/10 from 1-3 PM.  Look out for an email from CCEH.
                                                              i.      Information how to register will be on the CCEH website.
j.        CAN Leadership will have their next meeting on 11/3 right before the Hartford COC meeting.
                                                              i.      9-10 AM Mollie will be sending out email reminder
k.       Johnny Jonson – Found an apartment!

Greater Hartford CAN Data Update 10/21
GH CAN Master Registry
Total # of active* clients
Total # in our master registry
Total # of people identified with a length of homelessness that qualifies as chronically homeless who aren’t housed

Coordinated Assessment
Total clients with a VI-SPDAT
Total active* households with a VI-SPDAT
Total 211 Appointments Cancelled Since Registry Week
# of upcoming GH CAN appointments
Booking into late December for City of Hartford

Coordinated Exit
Chronically homeless housed through CAN 3/11 – present
This may not include all clients housed by existing wait lists.
TLP Enrollments for all adults 11/17- Present
RRH Enrollments for all adults 11/17- Present

Zero: 2016
Average # of new people who are becoming chronically homeless each month
GH Monthly Housing Connection Rate:
*people are designated as active if they’ve been seen in shelters or by outreach in the past 3 months
Greater Hartford CAN Items for Continuing Discussion
Shelter search through 211
Clients churning, high shelter turnover
Shelter search through 211
People staying out of doors to avoid the 211 process
Shelter search through 211
Clients calling to get a hotel instead of shelter
Shelter search through 211
Empty beds in shelters
Client choice
Clients declining housing options – refusing to pay a portion
Challenges gathering documentation of homeless history
Client choice
Clients referred for a shelter bed who no show (Time frame established)
Case Conferencing
Clients who no-show for multiple appointments
Identifying appropriate clients for CAN
Backlog of CAN appointments
Identifying clients who are not attached to navigation / need help gathering documentation
Data Quality
Multiple client records in HMIS
Data Quality
Misrepresentation of homeless status due to HMIS assessments not checking current status. 
Data Collection
Identifying/validating progress matching clients housed through CAN to Zero 2016
Apparently inaccurate VI-SPDAT Scores: Concern Form / Full SPDAT
Need staff allocated for CAN Functions (navigation, management, etc.)
Rapid Re-Housing Fund Request Form
VISPDAT Assessment Score Exception

Client ID # _____________(HMIS ID)                   CAN making this decision____________________
VI-SPDAT Score: ______

Reason for Exception (provide as much factual detail as possible):

Attach: Original Request Form
Requester Name:   _______________________________ Agency: ________________________________

Phone: _____________________            Email: ___________________@___________________

______________________________________                                          __________________
Signature                                                                                                          Date

(Requester, please forward this completed form to CAN Coordinator or acting moderator.)

All requests for exceptions must be discussed at a Coordinated Access Network (CAN) Case Conference.

*           *           *

Concurrence with Exception:      Yes      No                   Date of CAN Case Conference: ___________     

_______________________________________________                       __________________
Printed Name and Initials of CAN Coordinator (or authorized individual)                   Date

For ACT use only:   Date request received__________  

Disposition: ________________________________________________________________________________________________


FAX all requests to 860-761-6711 or email to Aaron Lucas at

                                                                                     V1.  10/6/15