Thursday, May 26, 2016

GH CAN Leadership Committee Meeting 5/18/16

Greater Hartford CAN Leadership Committee
Wednesday, May 18th, 2016
1.       Welcome and Introductions
2.       CAN Subcommittee Updates
a.       At the last GH CAN meeting Leadership requested updates on the purpose, progress made, and challenges faced by all GH CAN subcommittees.
a.       Shelter Triage Subcommittee
1.       Smartsheets Shelter Waitlist will be implemented starting tomorrow, Thursday 5/19
-          We discussed protocols for working with folks who present at the shelter door, seeking immediate shelter, and discussed that a shelter can take people in for one night on an interim basis on the discretion of their agency.  Because there will continue to be folks who present at the shelter door, or who present on the weekend when there are no CAN appointments, Heather talked about agencies needing to navigate the area between safety and compassion, to ensure that we are sheltering people as safely as possible within the limitations of each program.
-          The Leadership Committee requested that Mollie send around a draft policy for after hours/weekend procedures regarding taking people into shelter temporarily.  The group determined that it was at the discretion of individual shelters to take folks in for one night if they present at shelter, but that those individuals need to go through to a CAN appointment as soon as one is available.
2.       Duty Service Coordinators
-          The Duty Service Coordinators have not met regularly for many months, so rather than a committee report the Leadership Committee reviewed the Coordinated Entry Report that CCEH prepares on a monthly basis.
-          The unprocessed referrals are very high in the Greater Hartford area, and is an area that we’d like to improve moving forward.
-          Because South Park Inn is not completing assessment appointments, one suggestion was that at some point during the week a staff person could review any unprocessed referrals that had happened earlier in the week.  At this point, there are a great number of unprocessed referrals
-          Leadership has approved to checking if duty service coordinators are checking out on appointments when clients do not show up. Also to send a weekly e mail out when duty service coordinators are not closing out on appointments.
3.       Coordinated Outreach
-          Theresa has proposed a point person for outreach when seeing a person on the street who is homeless, and requested that Janet create sort of a business card that staff could carry, so that if they encounter someone out on the streets they can know where to call, to make sure that person can get connected.  Janet will bring this up at the next meeting for discussion.
-          Kara has proposed a housing representative to be present at the outreach meetings, to try and increase communication between the housing matching process and the outreach workers.
-          Janet will bring this up at the next outreach meeting on June 6th.
4.       Coordinated Exit
1.       Communication and Collaboration Challenges
-          Tenesha expressed that there have been challenges with folks not reporting their updates in advance of the call, but this has improved in recent meetings, so now the calls aren’t spending as much time on the pending referrals. 
2.       Support Needed
-          Tenesha has proposed that shelter case managers to be on the calls so that they know which of their clients are at the top of the priority list, and to promote warm hand-offs from shelter staff to housing staff when a client is referred to a program.
-          Heather proposed that an e mail with HMIS numbers is sent out day before call meeting, so case managers at shelters can be on the call for that client they have in their shelter.
3.       Formerly Chronically Homeless Client, Currently in Skilled Nursing Facility
-          This client had met the definition of chronically homeless prior to a major car accident that left him in a coma.  The Coordinated Exit Committee wasn’t sure whose programs would be able to serve him, since after his time in multiple medical facilities he had been in an institution for more than 90 days and no longer appeared to meet the definition.  This individual is also required to register on the sex offender registry, and is not eligible for any of the state funded programs.  It was decided that he will work with a HUD-funded program for housing.

4.       Changes to rapid rehousing referral process
-          Tenesha asks how to prioritize rapid re housing and is requesting leadership to help out in that process.
-          Andrea stated that we were planning to phase out the Google Doc for housing referrals in the next couple of weeks, and would begin working down the by-name-list during housing matching meetings. 

                 e. Veterans – This report was shared during the meeting, no major action needed by Leadership at this time.
3. TLP Transition-TLP Providers –No updates were reported at this meeting

4. GH CAN Leadership Meetings/Opening Doors Greater Hartford Meetings/Sub COC Meetings – There was no time to discuss this agenda item, it will be at the top of our next meeting’s agenda.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

GH CAN Leadership Committee Meeting 5/4/2016

Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network
Leadership Meeting
Wednesday, may 4th, 2016
Attended: Brian Baker, Steve Bigler, Kara Capobianco, Crane Cesario, Cat Damato, Brenda Earle, Fred Faulkner, Bryan Flint, Rosemary Flowers, Nate Fox, Louis Gilbert, Tenesha Grant, Mollie Greenwood, Andrea Hakian, Steve Hurley, Matt Morgan, Theresa Nicholson, Tina Ortiz, Heather Pilarcik, Iris Ruiz, Kathy Shaw, Barbara Shaw, Deborah Ullman

1.      Welcome and Introductions:

2.      Moving away from triage: Next steps on shelter waitlist

-          Leadership has agreed that Smartsheet will be reviewed by Journey Home and the data will be shared during CAN leadership meetings.
-          Theresa proposes that all initial data gathered form Smartsheets should be brought to Leadership for review and discussion before sharing the initial data with any funders. The data should be labeled as DRAFT or something similar the first few weeks of review as we get started in the system, and each report must be dated.         
-          Lou proposes that we need to make sure what the protocol is for those on the waiting list who do not have a phone number to contact.
o   Kara proposes that Center Church can be the shelter where people who are difficult to engage and live outside can drop in and request to be added to the shelter waitlist. Also, Center Church will have a list of these clients who are the most difficult to engage.
-          Crane proposes we should have a small committee to make a protocol for the list of those who are the most difficult clients to shelter.
-          Leadership has agreed that Nate and Kara will lead this small committee.
-          Leadership has requested that Operations decides the implementation date.
-          Leadership proposes that other procedural decisions about how to implement the waiting list (including when to operationalize) should be determined by the operations committee.  Mollie will share the go-live date for implementation with leadership.

3.      Coordinated Exit: Developing a separate time for family providers

a.      Location needed for meetings
-          Leadership has approved to have a separate meeting time for family housing meetings.

4.      Leadership Meeting Times
-          Theresa says we should keep meeting every 2 weeks for the next 3 months.
-          Brenda proposes to bring announcements or short report on these small committees that occur to send out with the minutes or to be included into the agenda.
5.      Announcements:

a.      Katherine Gale will be in Fairfield County on Wednesday, May 11th to help brainstorm and improve on a CAN dashboard in HMIS. Please let Mollie Greenwood know if you are interested in attending.
b.      Linda Kaufman will be in Hartford on Wednesday, May 18th
-          Crane has offered CRMHC auditorium for that date, and Leadership has agreed to have a working meeting prior to the event to touch base about the shelter waitlist implementation.
c.       The Zero: 2016 Document Fair will be held on Friday, June 17th at My Sister’s Place. Attached, please find a list of materials were are working to collect.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

GH CAN Operations Meeting 5/4/2016

GH CAN Operations Agenda
Wednesday, May 4th, 2016

1.       Welcome and Introductions
                In attendance:
o   Janet Bermudez, Hands on Hartford
o   Cordelia Brady, The Open Hearth
o   Crane Cesario, DMHAS
o   Roger Clark, ImmaCare
o   Kara Copabianco, DOH
o   Stephanie Corbin, CHN
o   Catherine Damato, CRT
o   Brenda Earle, DOH
o   Jacqueline Farmer, Veteran’s Inc.
o   Bryan Flint, Cornerstone
o   Valorie Gaines, CHR
o   Ruby Givens-Hewitt, My Sisters Place
o   Tenesha Grant, Mercy Housing
o   Nathalie Guzman, Salvation Army Marshall House
o   Mark Jenkins, Blue Hills Civic Association
o   Brittany King, The Open Hearth
o   Matt Morgan, Journey Home
o   Lisa Quach, Journey Home
o   Steve Hurley, Journey Home
o   Margarita Morales, Catholic Charities
o   Yolanda Ortiz, SSVF
o   Heather Pilarcik, South Park Inn
o   Iris Ruiz, Interval House
o   Cathy Shanley, Columbus House
o   Rob Soderberg, CHR
o   Sandra Terry, CRT
o   Jose Vega, McKinney
o   Gwendolyn Williams, DSS
o   Ymonne Wilson, CRT
o   Tamara Womack, My Sister’s Place
o   Kelly Gonzalez, CRT
o   Alicia Akers, CRT
o   Willem Donahue, Chrysalis Center
o   Shawn Lord, CHR
o   Jenaya King, CHR

2.       Zero: 2016 Updates
a.       Recently Housed – Tenesha Grant
                12 chronically homeless households have been housed since last meeting-                     this is the most people we have ever housed between two CAN meetings!                     Great work to all the housing providers!
b.      Housing Data Updates – See p.2              
                                Increased housing connection rate to 22 per month since newly identified                                           people
                Crane discussed getting legible documents sent to GH S+C. Gave examples of docs and                 suggested writing it down before sending. Also discussed not sending CAN documents                 such as homeless verifications or disability verifications to property managers.
c.       Document Fair Updates- Rubi Alegria
Kara discussed having success stories for Zero16. Send to Kara or Journey Home.
Crane has some suggestions.
Volunteers need to show up @ 8am for document fair. June 17 @ My Sister’s Place.
Brenda asked if we are inviting people to the document fair from registry that need documents. Nothing of that sort has been planned yet.
3.       Shelter Waitlist Next Steps
a.       Protocols for Contacting Households, Refusing Shelter, Presenting at Shelter     
If someone is called for shelter and doesn’t pick up, they will give clients 30 minute grace period to call back.  We determined that 30 minutes would be a minimum guideline, but that if shelters want to give folks a longer period of time to return a call, that is an agency-by-agency decision.
Natalie suggests Google Voice to be able to text/call clients without using your personal number. Asking 211 to ask clients if they can receive text message, if they can instruct clients to provide another number where they can be reached at and let them know that if they cannot be reached, they may lose access to shelter and their place on the waiting list. If you are connected to PATH or have a navigator, 211 can call the worker so they can relay the message to the clients.
1st step – call 2nd step – text – use judgment and circumstances for how long to wait before proceeding to next person.  Once we get started we will start figuring out what works for different agencies, and can adjust procedures as needed.
Folks who you call and they say “ I don’t want to go there” – Fairfield County – they stay on the list. Brenda of DOH expressed doesn’t think it’s dire need if someone is refusing a shelter and willing to go to one across the street. Every shelter is located within 2 miles is preference.
Kara said we have to be careful on how approach, comparing apples to apples among shelters is one thing, but it's also important to be aware of people’s trauma instead of removing them off the list if they have experienced trauma in a certain area.
Heather asked about the process of the waitlist and level of taking notes. For example, if the first two people have already been called, can she proceed to the next person since the first two are pending? Or can she go to the next one? Does she need to note that in the notes section on why she didn’t call?
Roger asked what about the people who are banned/suspended from all the shelters in the area? Brenda stated is it a big issue or is it a couple of people? Maybe it’s worth discussing with a smaller housing group.
Crane stated the budget cuts have changed Mobile Crisis Hours to 8am-8:30pm. Suggested referring a particular client to Mobile Crisis.  This particular client is suspended from McKinney this week, as well as other men's shelters in Hartford.
b.      Training: Duty Services Coordinators and Shelter Staff – Steve Hurley
      Steve Hurley will be going out to all GH CAN shelters and CAN assessment sites in the next week in order to provide training on how to access and use the new SmartSheets software to operate a shelter waiting list.
c.       Implementation Date – The Leadership Committee wanted the Operations Committee to determine an implementation date that seemed realistic and achievable.
Heather asked about what time is the right time to stop calling people for shelter, and the group determined that that would be an agency-by-agency decision.  
                d.   The Operations Group voted to implement this new SmartSheets shelter waitlist on                             Thursday, May 19th.
4.       Coordinated Exit:
a.       Households being terminated from housing programs: Case Conferencing – Matt Morgan
CT Bos COC asked regional CANs what they think about new recommendation. New recommendation on last page. If terminated, does it make sense to case conference prior to termination? Would it make more sense to be a policy? Or just a recommendation in our CAN? Covers all CT Bos Housing programs. Kara stated CT RRH is considering this policy as well. 
The Operations Group decided to adopt this as a policy, so housing providers who have a client that may be terminated from the program should bring this case to the attention of the Coordinated Exit Committee for discussion.  
b.      Proposal for separate family and individual housing matching meetings – Lisa Quach – We are hoping to split the Coordinated Exit meeting into two different meetings, one for family programs and one for individual programs.  Lisa is currently seeking a location for the family meeting.  The locations being offered are at MSP Pliny St or Salvation Army Marshall House.  Once there is a confirmed location, Lisa will work to determine a date that works for family providers to attend this meeting, with an option to call-in.  A doodle poll will be distributed shortly.
     i.   One question was whether providers who served singles and families would be able to attend both.  Hopefully, by splitting these two populations into separate meetings it will streamline the process for both meetings.

5.       Accessing the By Name List in CT HMIS – Mollie Greenwood (see attached handout)
                         The By Name List in CT HMIS is the list of all households who have completed a VI-                      SPDAT in the HMIS system.  As we continue moving forward, this list will be a                                centralized, single way to track where a household is in the housing process.  This list                        will help case managers see if someone has completed a VI-SPDAT already, if someone                      is matched for housing, or if we were unable to contact someone.  In a future meeting                        where there is more time, we will revisit this process.

6.       Navigators Seeking Clients – Mark Jenkins, Alicia Akers, Kelly Gonzalez, Lisa Quach

                Alicia looking for: DM, EC, EK
                Kelly looking for: PL, KN, AP

7.       Case Conference: LT – did not discuss due to time restrictions

8.       Announcements:
a.       Veteran Referrals to SSVF – Yolanda Ortiz – handed out brochures and talked about eligibility requirements for her program
b.      The average time between calling 211 and scheduling a CAN appointment was 3 days for the month of April!
c.       Katherine Gale will be in Fairfield County on Wednesday, May 11th to help brainstorm and improve on a CAN dashboard in HMIS.  Please let Mollie Greenwood know if you’re interested in attending.
d.      Linda Kaufman will be in Hartford on Wednesday, May 18th. – At Capital Region Auditorium
e.      The Zero: 2016 Document Fair will be held on Friday, June 17th at My Sisters’ Place. 
f.        The Center for Children’s Advocacy is having a clinic on May 13th for households in jeopardy of having their lights shut off.  Please see attached handout and share with your staff.

GH CAN Housing Data
Data Element
Number of chronically homeless individuals housed since March 2015

This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Estimated number of chronically homeless individuals who need to be housed by the end of 2016

84 of these individuals are currently referred to a housing program
85 of these individuals are not currently referred to a housing program

Housing Connection Rate


Individuals are constantly coming into and out of the system.  Journey Home believes that a rate of 21 households per month is accurate considering the fluctuation in population. 

Proposed CT BOS Policy: Case Conferencing Clients in Jeopardy of Losing Housing

Coordinated Access Networks (CAN)
Discuss Recommendation to Statewide CAN Committee:
If a household can no longer be served by a housing program, the CAN should be notified at the earliest possible convenience to see if an intervention can help to preserve the placement.  The CAN will convene a case conference to evaluate the situation, plan for the best possible outcome, and try to prevent a return to shelter or the streets.