Thursday, July 22, 2021

GH CAN Leadership Meeting 7.21.2021




Wednesday, July 21, 2021 via Zoom

Next meeting: August 4, 2021

 1PM – 2:15PM


1.      Welcome and Introductions – 5 minutes

  1. NAEH/ DOH Next Steps to Support Shelters  – 15 minutes
    1. Will revisit goals at next month’s meeting in August

a.      Shelter Goals/CAN Overall Goal and needs of shelters/CAN to meet these goals?

-        Standard system that was used in MA was total capacity / 12

-        Would we want to use percentage rather than an actual number?

o   No discussion on what it needed to be, just what is your sense of what the goal should be?

-        Performance driven approach to outcomes – driven by past performance

-        Smartsheets modeled off old model – more aligned with performance driven approach

-        If we housed 100% last year – we would look to house 125% (regardless of the capacity) the coming year

-        What is the time frame we’re looking at? Are we looking to house x amount of people in a certain amount of time. Goal set for the rest of 2021 – check-ins weekly.

-        Structural injustices from these numbers, population changes, decreased numbers may not be very good statistics

-        Monthly goal or by end of the year? – input info on a weekly basis – the ask was a weekly goal

-        Email Matt and Nadine at JH your goal by the end of this week

-        Shelters can develop their own system and then we can look at numbers as a CAN

b.      How do these goals align with previous goals set in past learning collaborative?

c.      Since the learning collaborative meetings, what have been the immediate next steps?


3.      Cold Weather Planning/ Shelter Funding Discussion – 25 minutes

a.      Salvation Army has applied but they have not heard anything as of yet, we don’t know who else has applied – check in next time

b.      Lionel Rigler to try and get an update

c.      Programs and ESG / FEMA expenses reviewed

                                                    i.     Nutmeg created hotel covid enrollments – people were inaccurately enrolled in some of them.

                                                   ii.     $153,335 from City of Hartford ESG still needs to be spent – must be used in the city of Hartford

1.      This money could be used to hotel people in the event of another COVID outbreak

2.      Any priority? – hard to say, unsure of Delta variant of COVID, unsure of effect of eviction moratorium

3.      Funds need to be spent on temporary shelter by end of January 2022, could be spent later than January if someone reaches out to HUD to make a case for it.

                                                  iii.     Should be additional funding for those outside of Hartford

                                                  iv.     Family triage has already been subtracted from these numbers already

                                                   v.     Manchester – still determining what to do this winter, would support additional funding

                                                  vi.     Maybe look to some of the other day time supports as a way to reducing day time cost burden – 1st look at making sure we have enough beds then look at day centers

4.      CCEH Listening Session – 25 minutes

a.      Next legislative session – what would providers like to see reflected in Reaching Home agenda? What are needs and challenges?

b.      Survey is still open – feedback from survey

                                                    i.     Most helpful advocacy materials

1.      Housing and homelessness talking points

2.      Housing and homelessness data

3.      Data infographics

4.      Op-ed templates

5.      Email templates

6.      Social media postings

                                                   ii.     Challenges

1.      Funding levels

2.      Lack of staff / staff turnover

3.      Landlord unwilling to rent to high-risk clients

4.      Lack of affordable housing

5.      Flat funding from state agencies

6.      Minimum wage increases (contracts have not kept pace with rising costs)

                                                  iii.     What else would you like to share?

1.      Need an influx of funding from state agencies

2.      Housing first now a one fits all approach for everyone

3.      Need funding frontline services providers (livable wage)

4.      Focus on prevention services

5.      Uplift voices of those with lived experience

6.      Lack of affordable housing impedes ability to permanently house

                                                  iv.     What CCEH is hearing

1.      Additional diversion funding

2.      How to get landlords to work with us

3.      Tiny houses

4.      Increase outreach

c.      What else should CCEH know?

                                                    i.     Need more money for staffing

                                                   ii.     Careful about not taking care of all of the components of our response system – educating people about all the things that go into diversion, prevention, outreach, day centers etc. – a portion of our system was funded last time – not enough to impact multiple components of the system.

                                                  iii.     Diversion and RRH

                                                  iv.     Keeping CANs right-sized

                                                   v.     Lack of enough housing stock & creative housing stock solutions

                                                  vi.     How much would it cost to run the system at optimal levels? What was the impact on outcomes when we had additional COVID money?

d.      $300 million from American Rescue Plan left over to spend – letters being worked on to advocate for homelessness system needs

e.      What do you need in order to engage in advocacy better?

                                                    i.     Need more opportunities to engage with statewide advocacy groups

5.      Critical COVID – 19 Agency Updates and ESG Updates – 4 minutes

a.      Salvation Army is 100% back on-site.

6.      Future Agenda Items or Additional Announcements – 1 minute

a.      Add triage to agenda for next meeting, Salvation Army and possibly ImmaCare







Friday, July 9, 2021

GH CAN Leadership Agenda 7/7/2021



Wednesday, July 7th, 2021 via Zoom

Next meeting: July 21, 2021

 1PM – 2:15PM


1.       Welcome and Introductions – 5 minutes

2.       Updates/ Next Steps on Accessing In-home Intensive Services and Accessing Higher Level of Care/Residential Treatment Programs – Lisa Quach -  15 minutes

a.       Google doc has been updated and discussed

b.      Goal – prioritize through programs, setting aside enrollments for our clients

  1. NAEH/ DOH Next Steps to Support Shelters – Lisa Quach - 20 minutes
    1. Shelter Goals/ Local CAN Needs

                                                               i.      Meeting was last week for shelter providers

                                                             ii.      Lessons Learned/ Internal Shelter Goals–

1.       ImmaCare – good refresher, meeting was held in previous years. Goal for ImmaCare, house one person per week. Less than first round goal – because of less people in shelter. Can provide old goals. Goals were created for the region.

2.       CHA – housing choice and client choice conversations that can be done with clients. Choice to choose own option. Useful tools for discharge date – setting a housing date. Framing the conversation.

3.       SA – have not debriefed yet. Staff found it helpful, positive feedback. Will provide take away.

4.       DOH – progress goal weekly by agency and by CAN. In the past it was a monthly goal, now weekly goal. Deadline to get clients out of hotels by Sept 30th, how many weekly exits are necessary to reach the total goal. Slides to be sent to group -sent. 

5.       Google Doc as tracking – can not set up automatic reminders, can be widely shared.

6.       YWCA – would like manageable goals

7.       EH Shelter- would like to think of goals

8.       SPI – take number of people for standard placement goal. Divide by 12 for annual goal.

9.       Tracking to begin on July 1st with CAN

10.   Next Steps:

a.       Report progress – Elijah to provide Lisa with a template.

b.       Internal goals to be identified and reported to Lisa

c.       Create a doc based off of templates for entire CAN

d.       Report back by

e.       Once goals are determined, discuss CAN length of stay for annual numbers – looking at CAN capacity, how will it shift average length of stay.

    1. How do these goals align with previous goals set in past learning collaborative?
    2. Since the learning collaborative, what have been the immediate next steps?
  1. CT CAN Collaborative Discussion – Matt Morgan – 15 Minutes
    1. document was emailed yesterday – draft version
    2. Matt shared doc
    3. Sharing outcomes – comparing between CANs
    4. Statewide levels to improve
    5. Special incentives and progress to be reported out statewide
    6. Work with established partners like PSC
    7. Making sure providers are driving the system
    8. How can we break barriers, identify entities and where they to be placed
    9. CAN COVID Task Force has been meeting to discuss this topic
    10. Look at streamlining entities that already are in place

5.       COVID – 19 Agency Updates and ESG Updates – 10 minutes

a.       Updates/Vaccinations

                                                               i.      Unite CT will make referrals to SPI for GH CAN for prevention, will also provide legal services, details to come soon

                                                             ii.      SPI looking to repurpose space. Funding for hotels for quarantine/isolation space for unvaccinated clients? Unallocated funds for shelter dollars, unspent dollars for shelter. Will look into using funds to use for winter. Needs to be spent by JAN for ESG dollars. Other funds can go through Sept.

6.       Future Agenda Items or Additional Announcements – 1 minute

a.       Lisa Quach and Crane Cesario are GH CAN BOS representatives for 2021

b.       Winter Warming Center to be added to future agenda – RFP process through COH. Only ESG funds will be available for this winter.  SA has applied, city reduced contract, will decide by July/August.

c.       Shelter beds have been full, triage beds at ImmaCare have been filled the same night. Beds should be filled through triage.

d.       Discuss at operations – discuss the filling of beds through triage for shelter beds. Check back in a few weeks.