Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Greater Hartford CAN Meeting 4/1/15

WEDNESDAY, April 1st, 2015
NEXT MEETING: WEDNESDAY, April 8th, 1:30 – 3:30 pm

In Attendance:
Rubi Alegria – Mercy Housing
Brian Baker – South Park Inn
Shannon Baldassario – MACC
Sandy Barry – Salvation Army Marshall House
Janet Bermudez – Hands On Hartford
Sonia Brown – CRT
Aisha Brown – CHR Enfield
Stephanie Corbin – CHN
Sharon Castelli – Chrysalis Center
Crane Cesario – DMHAS
Bryan Dixon – InterCommunity
Brenda Earle – Department of Housing
Alfredo Echevarria – ImmaCare
Rosemary Flowers – My Sisters’ Place
Chris Fortier – The Open Hearth
Nate Fox – Center Church
Lou Gilbert – ImmaCare
Amanda Girardin – Journey Home
Ruby Givens-Hewitt – My Sisters’ Place
Tenesha Grant – Mercy Housing
Mollie Greenwood – Journey Home
Andrea Hakian - CHR
LaQuista Harris – VA

Steve MacHattie – ImmaCare
Dave Martineau – Mercy Housing
Philomena McGee – CHR Enfield
Matt Morgan – Journey Home
Theresa Nicholson – Chrysalis Center
Tina Ortiz – CRT
Diane Paige-Blondet – My Sisters’ Place
Heather Pilarcik – South Park Inn
Suzanne Piacentini – US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development
Patricia Pollicina – Chrysalis Center
Jamie Randolph – CRT East Hartford Shelter
Chris Robinson – Chrysalis Center
Amy Robinson – Chrysalis Center
Sara Salomons – Journey Home
Rob Soderberg – CHR
Sandra Terry - CRT
Sarah Trench – Journey Home
Madeline Trinidad – Salvation Army Marshall House
Deborah Ullman – YWCA
Jose Vega- CRT McKinney Shelter
Josephine Wilson – Salvation Army Marshall House
Tamara Womack – My Sisters’ Place

1.       Initial announcements to the combined 100 Day Team, Leadership Team and GH CAN membership in attendance:
a.      The 100 Day Team and GH CAN have been working very hard on this challenging process, and are making progress toward housing priority CH people.
b.      It's very difficult, and we were hoping to make more progress already.  Despite frustrations, we know we are building momentum.  Particular challenges are document readiness, the difficulties of homelessness and struggles of people we are trying to serve (just keeping paper work on hand, for instance), and the lack of clarity in the data.  In particular, the HUD definition of chronic homelessness has changed over time, and HMIS is only now able to modify the calculation of this factor.  Documentation readiness has been a particular struggle.  The VISPDAT scores may not be accurate, as is the case for self-reported elements. 
                                          i.      The GH CAN has developed a process to modify VISPDAT Scores that appear to be incorrect.  This problem is often found in the low scores for CH people who have been living outside and are highly resistant to service connection.  We do not have updated verification forms yet.
c.       The CT BOS Continuum of Care consultants are revising the Disability Verification and Homeless Verification forms, with the goal of statewide use.  The revisions should be made available in the next two weeks.
d.      Journey Home was commended for its strategic development of the GH UHA, ad the recent successful upgrade to enhance the system and allow for batch documentation uploads.

2.       GH CAN Stats Update
Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network Statistics
Updated as of March 3125, 2015
Changes from last week have been bolded
Total Number of GH CAN Assessment Appointments Per Week
90 Scheduled Appointment Slots
There are 90 scheduled slots each week
Total Number of Hours at Drop In Centers
2118 Hours per week
12 hrs  at Chrysalis Center Tuesdays and  Thursdays
3 hours at CHR Manchester on Thurs
3 hours at Hands on Hartford
3 hours at Center Church

No-Show Rate 11/17/14 3/30/15
1752 Appointments Scheduled in November – March
435 Appointments Completed November – March
25% Attendance to appointments
No-Show Rate for March, 2015
557 Appointments Scheduled for March
194 Appointments Completed
35% Attendance to appointments
Next Available Appointment Slot: Individual Men
Booking out 0 days further since last week
Next Available Appointment Slot: Individual Women
Booking out 0 days further since last week
Next Available Appointment Slot: Families
Booking out 2 days further since last week
Total CA HMIS-Trained Staff in GH CAN
52 were trained in our original training, at least 22 additional staff were trained in the February 2015 trainings.
Total Number of New Available Housing Units Reported to GH CAN this week
5 ImmaCare RAPProject HEARRT 20 (2), MSP TLP (1)
Total Number of Available Housing Units Reported through GH CAN in 2015
Available Units have been reported in the following programs: MSP TLP, CRT PSH, CRT Project Teach, Chrysalis Veteran’s Support, Chrysalis Family Matters, Mercy DMHAS  RAP, CRT Bloomfield Scattered Site, Mercy St. Elizabeth, Shelter Plus Care, Chrysalis Project HEARRT 20
Housing Units Currently Reported as Available
ImmaCare RAP, Shelter Plus Care, Next Steps Enfield, CHR Manchester, Chrysalis Project HEARRT
Total Number of Available Housing Units Reported through GH CAN in 2015
Available Units have been reported in the following programs: MSP TLP, CRT PSH, CRT Project Teach, Chrysalis Veteran’s Support, Chrysalis Family Matters, Mercy DMHAS  RAP, CRT Bloomfield Scattered Site, Mercy St. Elizabeth, Shelter Plus Care, Chrysalis Project HEARRT 20
Number of Clients Housed through GH CAN since January
Number of clients who we have reported as housed by the above listed 57 housing programs.
Total Number of Available Housing Units expected for 100 Days Team
These are from a variety of programs. Some units are available immediately, others in the next few months.
Total Number of Rapid Re-Housing Referrals this week
Please note, CHR is unable to accept new referrals to CT RRH at this time. 
Total Number of CA HMIS Data System Modifications
That is 6 additional4 fewer cases to resolve compared to last week.
Next Available Appointment Slot: Individual Men
Booking out 4 days further since last week
Next Available Appointment Slot: Individual Women
Booking out 0 days further since last week
Next Available Appointment Slot: Families
Booking out 2 days further since last week

3.       Nutmeg’s HMIS Data Quality Updates- Now using 2014 Data Standards to Calculate Chronic Homelessness. 
a.      The previous CH data element will be retained in a separate field for historical data purposes -in addition to the item of CH calculation.
b.      Additionally, the change to the potential shelter exit question was announced. 

4.       Hartford 100 Day Team – Leadership Check-In
a.      We discussed the scope of our goals.  While we think they are ambitious, but achievable, some other 100 day teams in other regions have made goal modifications as they have started this process- we are not bound to completing each goal exactly as we decided on that day.
b.      The leadership and 100 day team need to continue to be in close communication- the team cannot move forward without strong commitments from leadership.  Both teams will continue to focus as regularly as possible to continue the progress that is currently being made.
1.       PRIMARY GOAL: Lease up at least 100 of the highest priority chronically homeless individuals by June 16th.
a.       Progress: We have identified 75 of our 100 priority clients.  These clients are being recorded in a Google document.  We are working to help those clients complete a UHA, and get them document-ready. Out of the 75,
                                                                                 i.            12 have a navigator assigned to them
                                                                               ii.            36 clients have completed a UHA
                                                                              iii.            13 have been conditionally matched with a housing program.
    1. There have been some growing pains in this process- we have a lot of housing online, and many of the clients who appear to be most vulnerable do not have the documentation required to go into these units yet.  This is frustrating for housing programs who need to fill openings, as well as shelters who have clients that are ready to go, but who are not as highly prioritized.
    2. Requests for leadership:
                                                                                 i.            We need staff who can work as navigators for clients.
                                                                               ii.            We need housing programs to assist clients in getting document ready.
                                                                              iii.            We need shelters to stop the shelter shuffle for clients who are on this prioritized list.
a.       The shelter bids that came out from DOH will focus on positive exits from shelters rather than on length of stay.  All shelters will be encouraged to hold onto clients that have been prioritized for housing during this campaign.

2.       Sub - GOAL: Get at least 200 clients document ready by June 16th.
a.       Progress: We have scheduled a Resource Fair for Friday, May 8th from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM.  The fair will be held at the Chrysalis Center where free lunch will be provided.  We have drafted a flyer, created a pre-registration document, gotten commitments for paper and envelopes, and started reaching out to agencies for participation.   
b.      Requests for leadership:
                                                               i.      We need more transportation to be available to the fair, other than the 2 CABHI buses driving from the South Green in Hartford.
                                                             ii.      We need more printers, copiers, and scanners to be made available on the day of the fair.
                                                            iii.      We still need strong commitments from the following agencies:
1.       DSS Mobile Van
a.       Brenda Earle of DOH has confirmed the DSS Van and requested specifics: number of stations, type of functions, etc.   She was also going to follow up on technical requirements to be communicated to Chrysalis Center's IT director.
2.       Department of Correction
3.       Department of Public Health: Vital Records
                                                           iv.      Although we have soft commitments made for the following agencies, additional advocacy would be helpful to firm up the commitments and identify specific staff to be present: 
1.       Department of Motor Vehicles
2.       Social Security Administration
3.       City of Hartford Town Clerk
4.       Court Support Services Division - Adult Probation
                                                            ii.      CRT indicated that they have worked with Hartford Hospital, and Hartford Hospital will be available on site to provide proof that clients were born in Hartford.
                                                          iii.      Matt stated that St Francis is also being contacted, in addition to Hartford Hospital (for birth records).
                                                           iv.      Sharon Castelli, Executive Director of Chrysalis Center, requested specifics and logistic planning as soon as possible, to ensure success.  Topics include registration process, mapping flow of process, additional table and chairs needed, technical requirements - wifi, electricity, etc.; provider volunteers, buses and parking plan; fine grained schedule, and overall logistics plan in writing. 
                                                             v.      Matt Morgan announced that Mary Gillette will serve as consultant to this project.  A meeting will be set up early next week.  The possibility of donated welcome bags was mentioned, perhaps from corporate partners.
                                                           vi.      The plan for the pre-registration process; and the range and kinds of documentation needed were discussed.

3.       Sub-GOAL: Lower the no-show rate at GH CAN appointments to 25% by prioritizing appointment scheduling and improving the diversion process.
a.       Progress: We have requested that 211 only schedule clients who are literally homeless for drop-in hours at Chrysalis Center.  We have also drafted a script that we think will help 211 staff screen for clients who are literally homeless for CAN assessment appointments.
b.      Requests for leadership:
                                                               i.      We would like 211 to pilot the script we have recommended for our region to see whether this helps us schedule closer appointments for people who are literally homeless.  It may also help other CANs to have 211 clarify literal homelessness status.  This is confusing for providers, people seeking assistance, and community members.  Brenda Earle reminded everyone that 211 is contracted with DOH for services, and the funds do not sufficiently cover all requests. The protocol is that all CANs need to participate in the decision making regarding script changes.  Brenda has reviewed the request with 211 staff.  Brenda and Crane Cesario will bring the issue to the Statewide CAN meeting to see if we can move this forward successfully.

4.       Sub-GOAL: Coordinate our outreach schedule and incorporate non-traditional stakeholders.
a.       Progress: We have identified a list of stakeholders that we would like to engage including Bradley Airport, hospitals, detox centers, and the Department of Correction.
b.      Requests for Leadership: 
                                                               i.      Encourage outreach staff at different agencies to attend an outreach meeting in order to decrease duplication and better coordinate with other agencies.

5.       Working Groups:

a.      Housing Referral Group:
                                          i.      The reminder that visitors and anyone not included in the CAN release of information refrain from looking at the priority lists, as names of homeless persons are included.  Confidentiality requirements were noted as an additional reminder.
                                        ii.      It was requested that the Initial Housing Documentation form will be piloted as we work to prepare people for housing referrals.
                                       iii.      The Disability Verification form needs to include the license number of the provider, per HUD instruction for PSH program files.
                                      iv.      Amanda was recognized for the innumerable hours of work she has done on the data and preparing priority and documentation status lists. Additional support for her work is needed as the burden is really too great.
                                        v.      In order to help make more progress, the following plans were made:
1.       The top 8 people on the priority list who are potentially MIA were identified.   CABHI staff may be able to work on these, pending confirmation.
2.       CRT Supportive Housing will work with the next group of priority list people who are missing UHAs. In addition, Sonia Brown will schedule a UHA training time for her staff, with Amanda Girardin and Sarah Trench.
3.       A number of highly resistant long term CH was identified by Jose Vega
4.       An interim workgroup was formed, to be hosted by ImmaCare, to identify ways to accelerate the process for getting identified priority list people document ready.   Outreach workers will be asked to attend.  This group will include Steve MacHattie, Tony Mack, Dave DuVerger, Jose Vega, Trish Pollicina, Amanda Girardin, Crane Cesario (**need to confirm list) and anyone interested.
5.       It was requested that the process problems and longer term system issues of clarifying match status will be brought to the 100 Day team for consideration.
6.       It would be helpful for the different lists to keep names in the same order (last name, first name).
7.       Additional matches were made for CHR Enfield, GH S+C.
8.       CHR Manchester will be ready for additional matches on 4/21.Review Hartford 100 Priority List
                                      vi.      Any information on any of the clients listed?
1.       McKinney shelter currently or recently had many of the clients listed staying with them.
2.       Hands on Hartford expressed that they saw many clients on the list regularly, and asked how they could help assist clients get what they need.
                                     vii.      We discussed the dilemma of choice.  We're in an unusual situation where there are several housing options available to some clients.
1.       What we're finding is the offer of multiple choices slows down the process, can be confusing to clients, is difficult for navigators to be sure they accurately present  the specifics of the various programs, and has even led to some clients delaying acceptance in the hopes of obtaining a more desirable option.   We would like the 100 Day Team to weigh in on the issue as well.
2.       For now, we decided to try to limit choice to two options and request a 24 hour decision window. If more time is needed, 48 hours is the recommended maximum.Assessment Concern Form – available to print on – Please print and complete prior to GH CAN

b.      100 Day Team:
                                          i.      See p. 3 for Leadership Check-In
1.       Chris, Heather, and Amy are planning to visit Chrysalis to get a sense of what the site looks like. check-in with leadership agenda
                                        ii.      How to access the 100 Day Flexible Funding – see p. 7
1.       Team saw the form for accessing funding. 
2.       Next week the team hopes to discuss the priorities we have for this funding, and how we would like to see it focused. 
                                       iii.      After leadership meeting, what do we have commitments for?  What is still needed?
1.       The team needs to start sending out save-the-date for volunteers
2.       InterCommunity may be able to assist with disability verification on the day of the event- this needs to be confirmed. 
3.       The group needs to work with Mary Gillette to plan the next steps in logistics.
4.       The team determined that staff for this event should carpool as much as possible on the day of the event.
5.       The team decided we want to find a sound system so that we can make announcements on the day of the event.
6.       The group decided that rather than have a rain date, they want to explore getting an event tent in case of rain.
                                      iv.      Action Steps for next week.
1.       The outreach teams are getting together to have a meeting in the near future to review the prioritized lists, as well as to start coordinating efforts.

                                          i.      Greater Hartford Universal Housing Application is back online!
                                        ii.      GH CAN Forms and Google Documents can be accessed at
                                       iii.      CT RRH through CHR cannot currently accept new referrals.
                                      iv.      Public Speaking Workshop date TBD
GH CAN Coordinators:
Matt Morgan, Journey Home 
Crane W Cesario, CRMHC – DMHAS  

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