Greater Hartford - Coordinated
Access Network
Meeting Notes
December 31, 2014
In Attendance:
Crane Cesario – DMHAS
Roger Clark - ImmaCare
Bryan Flint- Cornerstone
Rosemary Flowers – My Sisters’ Place
Mollie Greenwood- Journey Home
Heather Pilarcik – South Park Inn
Jamie Randolph – East Hartford Shelter
Amy Robinson- CRT SSVF
Barbara Shaw – Hands On Hartford
Jose Vega – McKinney Shelter
Tamara Womack – My Sisters’ Place
1. Introductions & GH-CAN Meeting Notes for last week, 12/17/2014
(emailed and attached)
2. Updates:
a. Assessment Appointment Schedule – Currently booked out until March 16th
are currently booked out until mid-March, but staff at Chrysalis have stepped
up to take on some additional appointment slots, to try and reduce the amount
of time between calls to 211. Also, we
said that we are only scheduling appointments for people who are 2 days away
from homelessness or less.
b. CA Data Quality Updates- DQ updates will be distributed to each site.
sites were concerned that they could not tell if their data was being entered
correctly, and Tamara Womack from My Sisters’ Place reminded everyone that if
you don’t click all the right buttons, your information may not save.
c. VI-SPDAT Training – Tuesday, January 6th from 1-4PM at United Way of Greater
New Haven, 370 James Street, New Haven.
You must register on in advance to attend this training.
d. CAN HMIS Training – Available training slots will be posted January 6th.
e. Airport Trip-
Scheduled for January 5th at 7PM.
If you would like to join this group please contact Sara Salomons at
has been in communications with the state troopers and airport administration
regarding stays at the airport, and have discussed the fact that policies are
changing, and people will no longer be able to stay. Their policy is posted on the wall, but there
is no implementation plan of how to stop people from staying in the airport. The state troopers, airport security, and
airport administrators are interested in collaborating with our service
providers to resolve this situation.
in the GH CAN have heard that the airport has been used for a long time, but
only by a select few. Now, this year we
are hearing reports of 30-40 people going to the airport, and airport staff has
started telling people they cannot stay.
We will be going up on Monday, January 5th, around 7:00 PM to
ask a few questions, and try to get a sense of why people are choosing to stay
at the airport, and why there are so many more than usual.
are planning to try and bring some snacks, some comfort kits, and bus passes if
people are able to provide them.
discussed a family unit that has visited the airport, and has been a longtime
client in our region, and what options they may have for housing. This conversation reminded us that the goal
of this new coordinated process is precisely to have these kinds of discussions
and collaborative conversations about how to serve the most vulnerable people
in our community.
then discussed a few scenarios people have seen doing outreach, people sleeping
under bridges and down by the river.
211 Workflow – Distributed last week via email to
the CANs statewide.
g. VI-SPDAT Master List- Who has done VI-SPDAT scores, but is not in CA HMIS or the UHA?
discussed creating a master VI-SPDAT score list, to gather information from
HMIS, the UHA, and scores that were done on hard-copies at shelters. Journey Home wants to compile this master
list, to make sure scores can be put in all the appropriate locations to best
serve clients. Journey Home will send
around a chart with all the data elements they are hoping to collect for this
community master list.
3. Working Groups:
a. Duty Services Coordinators:
definitions- Please remember we can only make Rapid ReHousing referrals for
clients who are literally homeless at the time of their appointment (see p.
ReHousing Referrals- Moving forward, please make all referrals for Rapid
ReHousing through the survey here:
Services Coordinator Manual – Available online
b. Housing Referral Group:
Housing Plan – Using the VI-SPDAT reports, we can begin to pull clients with
the highest scores in the UHA.
Home has created some reports we can use to temporarily pull clients with the
highest VI-SPDAT scores. However, so far
out of the 328 individuals and couples in the UHA, only 67 had VI-SPDAT scores
in the system. Out of the 52 families
with dependent children in the system, only 9 had VI-SPDAT scores. This workaround will help us prioritize
clients while the UHA goes through the process of an upgrade, but it cannot be
a truly prioritized list unless more clients have VI-SPDAT scores entered.
a. Happy New Year, everyone!
GH CAN Coordinators:
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