Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Greater Hartford CAN Meeting 6/17/15

WEDNESDAY, June 17th, 2015
NEXT MEETING: WEDNESDAY, June 24th, 12:30 – 3:00 pm

In Attendance:
Janet Bermudez – Hands On Hartford
Kevin Bedon – Journey Home
Suzan Bibisi – Tabor House
Sharelle Blatche – Salvation Army Marshall House
Cordelia Brady – The Open Hearth
Aisha Brown – CHR Enfield
Crane Cesario – DMHAS / Hartford COC
Roger Clark – ImmaCare
Stephanie Corbin – Community Health Network
Alfredo Echevarria – ImmaCare
Fred Faulkner – The Open Hearth
Amanda Girardin – Journey Home
Ruby Givens-Hewitt – My Sisters’ Place
Mollie Greenwood – Journey Home
Mark Jenkins – Greater Hartford Harm Reduction Coalition
Mercedes Johnson – Interval House

Brittany King – The Open Hearth
Steve MacHattie – ImmaCare
Philomena McGee – CHR Enfield
Matt Morgan – Journey Home
Karis Neufield – Journey Home
Heather Pilarcik – South Park Inn
Patricia Pollicina – Chrysalis Center
Jamie Randolph – CHR
Chris Robinson – Chrysalis Center
Iris Ruiz – Interval House
Sarah Simonelli – Chrysalis Center
Rob Soderberg – CHR
Sandra Terry – CRT
Sarah Trench – Journey Home
Tamara Womack – My Sisters’ Place

1.      Introductions & GH-CAN Meeting Notes for last week, 6/10/2015 (emailed)

2.      GH CAN Stats Update – See p. 2 and p. 3-4
Population Housed through GH CAN Programs
During 100 Day Campaign-  3/11/15 – Present

Rapid ReHousing
Others Housed

Transitional Housing
Rapid ReHousing
Other Housed

a.      We reviewed the list of clients that we had designated as housed.  Two clients had been reported as housed at a previous CAN meeting, but so far we have not been able to confirm their housing status.  We are looking into those cases.
b.      Moving forward, the Greater Hartford CAN stats will be updated online, rather than on the agenda. 

3.      Announcements
a.      The 100 Day Campaign Wrap Up will be held on Wednesday, June 24th, from 12:30-3:00 PM at CRT’s Lumsden Center, 555 Windsor St., Hartford
b.      Move-In Kits- Journey Home has donated move-in kits available.  Case managers should feel free to take them after the meeting!
                                                        i.      A number of case management staff took the move-in kits with them, and more are available at the Journey Home office.  If staff is interested in additional kits, please call Mollie Greenwood at Journey Home at 860-808-0336.
c.        Zero: 2016 – Chronic Homeless Veteran Update
                                                        i.      In the future, if staff interacts with a veteran they can be referred directly to SSVF or the VA.  If clients have been determined as ineligible for VA or SSVF services, they will be referred back to the GH CAN.  For some veterans with a dishonorable discharge, they may be eligible for a new RAP program. 
a.      Airport Outreach – Crane announced that soon the airport would not be allowing anyone to stay there overnight.  Staff are encouraged to go Thursday and Friday to help explain to clients that they would not be able to stay longer, and help explain the 211 system for accessing shelter.  There is a plan for Thursday morning outreach, please talk with Crane after the meeting if you plan to do outreach there.

4.      Future Meeting Schedule and Contingency Plan (see p. 10)
a.      We discussed bi-weekly meeting schedule which would call for GH CAN housing matching meetings every two weeks, rather than weekly.
b.      At these meetings, we have asked that all involved agencies send at least one staff person who can help facilitate the matching process.  Because meetings will be less frequent, it will be essential that agencies allow for at least one staff person to be available for these meetings.
c.       In instances where there are no meetings for more than two weeks, there may be a GH CAN conference call so that referrals can be made in the interim. 

5.      Help us Identify the Resources that Supporting the Client Identification for GH Prioritization Flow Chart (See p.5)
a.      We discussed the Flow Chart that outlines the process for identifying clients to add to the Priority List.  It may be helpful to figure out how many staff are currently involved in certain steps of this process in order to identify any areas that are adding time to the housing process.

6.      Brainstorming:  Ideas to Reduce CAN Referral Appointment Backlog
a.      Right now we are booking out about one week each week.  If we could cut down on our appointment backlog, appointments would likely be scheduled in real-time.
b.      Philomena McGee of CHR Enfield shared some of the challenges she has seen with appointments in Enfield.  For the most part, clients who are Enfield locals are showing up for their appointments, and clients form other locations are not.  CHR Enfield staff volunteered to start calling clients prior to their appointments to figure out if they’re still able to and planning to attend their appointments.
c.       One reason that clients who are not native to Enfield have been booking appointments up there is that some 211 operators have informed clients that they can possibly get an earlier appointment time if they schedule their appointment for the suburbs.  Appointments in the City Of Hartford have consistently booked out further than suburban appointments.
d.      It is possible that clients agree to suburb appointments while on the 211 call, but transportation may still be a barrier to arriving for those appointments outside of the city. 
e.      It would be interesting to investigate the no-show cases further, to determine how many of them called multiple times, and scheduled multiple appointments.  A few months ago, we had discussed trying to build in some accountability for clients who no-showed to more than 3 appointments, but have never enacted that plan. 
f.        211 is implementing our changes regarding no longer scheduling an appointment for clients who have already completed a VI-SPDAT.  We are optimistic that this will lessen the time between calling 211 and attending a GH CAN appointment.
g.      A number of assessment sites reported that they are still getting a lot of clients who aren’t appropriate for our programs at the GH CAN appointments.  Many clients are not literally homeless, and will not be within 2 days.  Other clients arrive at these appointments thinking that it is a path to Section 8 or other rental subsidy program. 
                                                        i.      We discussed the need for another appointment outcome in CA HMIS.  In addition to the existing options (Accepted for Enrollment, Diverted Before CAN Appointment, Diverted At CAN Appointment, Waitlist, or No-Show) GH CAN staff sees the need for an “Inappropriate Referral” or “Ineligible Referral” option.  This option would be intended for clients who present at the appointment site, but after learning the purpose of the appointments, they choose to leave the appointment.  These clients are not technically no-shows, but also aren’t truly being diverted, since they were not seeking the services we have available. 
                                                      ii.      The Statewide CAN meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, and Crane will bring up this issue to learn what other CANs are doing and think about this option.

7.      Soup Kitchen Sign-Up
a.      Journey Home brought around a calendar so that staff from different agencies could sign-up to help with soup kitchen outreach, if they are able to. 
b.      Many of the staff who attend the CAN meeting would need to know what kinds of responsibilities are needed to help with this soup kitchen outreach.  It would be helpful to prepare this information and send it around to GH CAN leadership, along with an online calendar to sign-up.

8.      100 Day Update
a.      The 100 Day Team extended a huge thank you to everyone who has been involved in this campaign.  So many staff members have stepped up way above and beyond their traditional roles to help with this process, and we couldn’t have made the kind of progress we made without such collective involvement. 
b.      Amy Robinson, a member of the 100 Day Team who is out on medical leave, sent a letter letting us know she’s hanging in there, and staying positive.  She appreciates all the well wishes, and looks forward to seeing everyone again soon. 

9.      GH CAN Training Agenda  
a.      Journey Home currently offers trainings in the Universal Housing Application, and includes training on the VI-SPDAT as a component of this training.  In the future, Journey Home is hoping to offer a more comprehensive CAN-focused training that starts at the front end of CAN, with assessment appointments and the VI-SPDAT, and continues through document gathering and completing a Universal Housing application.  Journey Home distributed a draft of this updated training schedule, and asks that if anyone has feedback on the proposed training, they should send it along to
                                                        i.      The current training is not designated as a navigation-only training, but is instead intended to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the CAN process. 
b.      Stephanie Corbin of Community Health Network expressed interest in her team getting training, because they have the flexibility to meet with clients where they are.  Journey Home will plan to talk with staff at CHN about how they can get involved with the Universal Housing Application.
c.       Journey Home hopes to offer this as a free two-day training.  In the past, CRT has allowed Journey Home to host trainings in their building- if this is a possibility moving forward, there is a food kiosk available for lunch, as well as a refrigerator so staff who attend the training could buy or bring a lunch.

10.  Housing Referrals
a.      New Referrals
                                                        i.      For one client who was in process, the paperwork came in to confirm status and who has a VI SPDAT score of 10 or over was referred to Greater Hartford Shelter Plus Care between CAN meetings.
                                                      ii.      Another client was supposed to move into an apartment at Sue Ann Shay Place through Shelter Plus Care, but due to water-heater problems, was unable to move there.  Crane Cesario was hopeful that she could use this client’s cert to move her to another unit and get her housed more quickly.
                                                    iii.      There’s an opening coming online at Mary Seymour Place, but clients need to have been clean for a year before they are eligible to live there, per requirements of the property manager. 
                                                     iv.      CABHI – New CT BoS Certificates – Referrals
1.      Programs implementing new Balance of State units are instructed to only accept referrals with a VI-SPDAT score of 10 and higher.  Documentation needs to be reviewed in advance to confirm CH eligibility.  Until further notice, please contact Crane and fax her the verification forms to 860-297-0930. Please also send an email notifying her that the fax has been sent. 
                                                       v.       A few referrals were made to CRT’s Project Teach Transitional Living program. 
                                                     vi.      A few referrals were made to My Sisters’ Place’s Transitional Living Program.  A number of formal referrals fell through because client’s pre-existing utility bills were too high.
                                                   vii.      Homeless Verification Form: Client Self-Verification (see paper clipped packet)
b.      Review Pending Referrals
                                                        i.      Staff at CHR Enfield has had difficulty with clients being very reluctant to leave the city.  Unfortunately, the CHR Enfield certificates are designated for outside the City Of Hartford.
                                                      ii.      Staff at Interval House expressed that they were having difficulty helping one client to find a location to use her voucher, as she needs all utilities included.  Amanda Girardin of Journey Home offered to share some landlord information who have included utilities in the past.  If utility bills are a barrier, sometimes it’s possible to have friends or family offer to help pay utilities if a household is unable to pay themselves.
                                                    iii.      To access the Security Deposit Guarantee Program at My Sisters’ Place, the contact person is Beverly Ramsey, and she can be reached at 860-895-6629. 
                                                     iv.      Staff at ImmaCare indicated that while past referrals have been FUSE clients, they may have some flexibility to work with clients who have a history of involvement with the criminal justice system, even if they are not on the FUSE list.  ImmaCare offered to set some guidelines for what level of involvement is needed to satisfy their funding obligations, and will bring this information back to the group.
                                                       v.      At the next meeting (July 8th) Mollie of Journey Home will be bringing the prioritization criteria that was adopted by the CAN in earlier months as a reference point for housing discussions.

GH CAN Coordinators:
Matt Morgan, Journey Home 
Crane W Cesario, CRMHC – DMHAS


The proposed schedule for the Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network (GH CAN) plans meetings on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.  Meetings are held on Wednesday afternoons from 1:30 to 3:15 p.m. at Sue Ann Shay Place Apartments Community Room, 67 Pliny Street in Hartford.   

There are five instances throughout the coming year in which there are more than 2 weeks between CAN meetings.  We are proposing to meet during two of those gap periods, between 9/23/15 and 10/14/15 and between 3/23/16 and 4/13/15, when we plan to meet on the fifth Wednesday of the month.  Additionally, the fourth Wednesday in November is the day before Thanksgiving, and so we will not meet on that date.

The GH CAN is working on methods to fill vacancies with an immediate need.  We expect to have a plan in place for July 2015, including a conference call protocol. Please contact Mollie Greenwood at to schedule an interim meeting or to confirm meeting time and location if you need an update.

July 8th
July 22nd

August 12th
August 26th

September 9th
September 23rd
*September 30th – proposed fifth week meeting

October 14th
October 28th

November 11th
November 25th  - NO MEETING

December 9th
December 23rd

January 13th
January 27th

February 10th
February 24th

March 9th
March 23rd
*March 30th – proposed fifth week meeting

April 13th
April 27th

May 11th
May 25th

June 8th
June 22nd

July 13th
July 27th

Effective Date: June 17, 2015

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