Monday, April 16, 2018

GH CAN Operations Committee 1/3/18

                                            Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network
Operations Agenda
Wednesday, January 3rd, 2017

1.      Welcome and Introductions
Rochelle Currie – The Connection
Amber Higgins, CHR Manchester
Andre McGuire, CRT McKinney
Sarah DiMaio, SAMH
Geri Harrison, SAMH
Janet Bermudez, Hands on Hartford
Matt Morgan, Journey Home
Mollie Greenwood, Journey Home
Stephanie Corbin, Mercy Diversion Center
Jackie Maria Flores, Mercy Diversion Center
Kyren McCorey, The Open Hearth
Fred Faulkner, The Open Hearth
Heather Flannery, South Park Inn
Malika Nelson, CHR PATH
Elizabeth Hyde, CRT
Crane Cesario, DMHAS
Anita Cordero, ImmaCare
Maureen Perez, CRT
Lisa Quach, Journey Home
Amy Robinson, VA
Chris Robinson, VA
Luz Serrano, ImmaCare
Jose Vega, CRT McKinney

2.      Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Preference Opening – Matt Morgan
a.      Preference will open on 1/5/18.
b.      Families with at least 1 adult & 1 child under 18 or an individual between 18-24 including emancipated youth are eligible.
c.      Head of household has to be experiencing literal homelessness for at least 30 consecutive days to be eligible.
d.      There is no application process for this preference. Must be referred through the CAN at housing matching meetings.
e.      Clients in RRH are eligible for this program if they are unsuccessfully terminating from the program for financial reasons.
f.       Clients may want to wait for this option and refuse RRH. That may present some challenges for the CAN. We are really depending on everyone to give feedback on what happens the next few months. We don’t want to draw people into the homeless system which is a realistic thing that could happen. Journey Home can always shut down the preference if necessary or try to rewrite preference.
g.      Clients need to have all required documents when submitting application after referral.
h.      The clients are prioritized based on a point system. This may be a good thing to tell clients who are calling that they may have to wait a while. The chronic & PSH preferences are still open and will be higher priority than families and youth.
                                                    i.     The client receives 1 point for each month of verified literal homelessness. Other points are for having children under 6 in the household, any past DCF involvement, homelessness caused by being kicked out of parents’ home and/or for fleeing DV.
i.       Puerto Rico hurricane survivors who are in hotel/motel paid for by FEMA more than 30 days are eligible but still have to go through same process as the CAN. Also applicable for displaced clients through city’s relocation program. The CAN is still trying to work on how to get those clients on the BNL.
j.       There are no services attached. Clients must search for a unit and apply for security deposit on their own or with their shelter case manager.

3.      Case Conferences – Fred Faulkner - NONE

4.      Coordinated Entry
a.      Cold Weather Updates – Sarah DiMaio
                                                    i.     They have been almost full every night.
                                                   ii.     There have been 178 individuals come through the warming center since 12/30/17.
                                                  iii.     Severe cold weather has been extended until 1/8/18. Willie Ware will be open 24/7 during activation.
                                                  iv.     If you have open shelter beds and you don’t want to wait until 7 p.m. or the morning, please call warming center so they can fill the bed.
                                                   v.     First time SAMH had to shift single women to warming center to transfer families to Marshall House since there were 4 families in hotel. Now, they only have 1 family in hotel. They are using most recent entry date to determine who to transfer if necessary.
                                                  vi.     Have been able to accommodate all shelter requests so far.
                                                vii.      Also sheltering other families from other CANs since they do not have warming centers.

5.      Coordinated Exit:
a.      Recently Housed – Lisa Quach
b.      Changes to Housing Matching Meeting Schedule – Lisa Quach
                                                    i.     Rapid Rehousing & Chronic Individuals will be merged into Coordinated Exit for Individuals.
                                                   ii.     Will begin new meeting structure February 2018. Meeting will be on Tuesday afternoons.
1.      Folks preferred 1pm-3pm instead of 2pm-4pm due to traffic. 
                                                  iii.     Waiting for confirmation of new meeting space.
c.      Housing Data – see p.2

6.      Point In Time Count Updates – Cat Damato and Crane Cesario
a.      PIT training run by CCEH on 1/9/18 from 10am-12pm or 1pm-3pm.
b.      PIT Volunteer training will be rescheduled to 1/18/18. Will be catered by Max Bibo’s.  
c.      Need more volunteers for PIT on 1/24/18 from 5am-7am.

7.      Leadership Updates – Crane Cesario

8.      Announcements
a.      Youth Count Train-the-Trainer will be at CRT Lumsden Ctr. On 1/8/18.
b.      CT Department of Housing has made Capital Funding available for shelter improvements.  See DOH website for more information.
c.      Journey Home will be opening the Family and Youth Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Preferences on Friday of this week. 
d.      Beginning in January this committee’s meeting schedule will be changing to meet on the first and third week of each month.  Check your email for an updated link for the CAN calendar in coming days!
e.      As of January 1, 2018 Logisticare will no longer be providing non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) in CT.  A new company has the DSS contract now: VEYO, a part of Total Transit Company. To request rides for medical appointments that will take place on or after January 1, 2018, the new telephone number to call is: 1-855-478-7350.  Clients must still request rides 48 hours in advance. VEYO has established a local call center that is available with 24/7/365 access for trips on or after January 1, 2018.The call center number is 1-855-478-7350.


GH CAN Housing Data
Data Element
Chronically homeless households housed in 2015
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless households housed in 2016
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless households housed in 2017
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless households housed in 2018
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Total Chronically homeless households housed in GH CAN

Verified Chronic Matched

Verified Chronic Not Yet Matched
We currently have 1 chronic verified clients who have not yet been matched to housing.
VI-SPDAT score = 9
Potentially Chronic Refusers

Verified Chronic Refusers

Potentially Chronic Matched
These households did not disclose a disabling condition, and are matched to various programs.
Potentially Chronic Not Yet Matched
Right now we believe 25 households have the chronic length of homeless history, but none of these individuals have their homeless and disability verifications completed.
Individuals - Active – Not Matched
This includes Active – Enrolled in CAN, Enrolled in TH & In an Institution
Families – Active – Not Matched
This includes Active – Enrolled in CAN, Enrolled in TH & In an Institution

SmartSheet Shelter Priority List Data
Individual Men
Individual Women
Unsheltered: 168
Unsheltered: 121
Unsheltered: 19
Total: 244
Total: 172
Total: 45

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