Friday, April 20, 2018

GH CAN Leadership Committee / GH Sub-COC 1/17/18

Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network
Greater Hartford Sub-COC / CAN Leadership Meeting
Wednesday, January 17th, 2018
In Attendance:
Brian Baker – South Park Inn
Steve Bigler – CRT
Crane Cesario – CRMHC, DMHAS
Sarah DiMaio – Salvation Army
John Ferucci – South Park Inn
John Lawlor – The Connection
Matt Morgan – Journey Home
Lionel Rigler – City of Hartford
Amy Robinson – US Dept of Veteran Affairs
Barbara Shaw – Hands On Hartford
Fred Faulkner – The Open Hearth

1.      CT BOS COC Steering Committee Items and Discussion
a.      Policy and Procedure Updating:
                                                    i.     Coordinated Entry – CT BOS will be reviewing and adopting new policies for Coordinate Entry to submit to HUD.  Journey Home distributed these draft policies at a previous meeting.
                                                   ii.     Rapid ReHousing – CT BOS is working to try and align the state-funded RRH and COC-funded RRH programs. One thing we have been doing locally is trying Rapid ReHousing with some of the folks with longer histories of homelessness, with greater service needs.  Some PSH advocates are worried about trying Rapid ReHousing.  There are concerns that this lead to folks thinking we don’t need additional PSH. 
                                                  iii.     There’s a subcommittee that’s been working on drafting a statewide process and protocol on how to move towards dynamic prioritization.  Part of the debate is around what are the characteristics that would be involved in making decisions around prioritization.  Should we have number of inpatient visits?  What are other characteristics that we use?  Then, ideally, once we have agreed upon factors, we would rank them and create categories.  Everyone would be assessed to those categories, and it would move us towards a more automatic housing matching process. 
                                                  iv.     One thing we have been doing locally is trying Rapid ReHousing with some of the folks with longer histories of homelessness, with greater service needs.  Some PSH advocates are worried about trying Rapid ReHousing.  There are concerns that this lead to folks thinking we don’t need additional PSH. 
                                                   v.     Shared Housing – The Connection has done 15 shared housing arrangements, but they don’t have separate leases.  Two per unit seems to work best. 

2.      CT HMIS Steering Committee
a.      Reminders:
                                                    i.     Include all information on Helpdesk requests including: Grant numbers, example ID, etc. 
                                                   ii.     We need to tell Nutmeg when there is a merger or new projects to be entered into CT HMIS.  CT BOS Staff Myles to Forward GIW to CCEH/Nutmeg when it is completed in the spring as this should reflect all  COC grant mergers.
3.      PIT Planning Process
a.      Tuesday January 23rd, 2018
b.      Hartford/Greater Hartford count is Wednesday 1/24 morning from 5-7 am.
                                                    i.     We need volunteers!
c.      Volunteer training Thursday 1/18 from 507PM at CRT’s Lumsden Center with food!
d.      Program staff should have attended PIT training or watched Webinar
4.      Hartford Planning Grant
a.      Position status and function planning – there is not ongoing funding that has been made available for this position to continue in its current capacity.  Crane has been working with CRT and CT BOS to determine how the core functions provided by this position will continue moving forward.

5.      GH CAN : Grievance and Appeals Policy: Draft from CT BOS
a.      Coordinated Entry Policy
                                                    i.     Grievance and Appeal Policies
All households shall have the right to appeal eligibility determinations and individual program acceptance decisions. Appeals of program acceptance decisions should be first made to the receiving agency using their grievance process. The entity receiving the appeal must respond in writing to all appeals within 14 days.
All appeals of eligibility decisions made by a CAN and appeals of receiving program acceptance decisions that could not be resolved to the satisfaction of the applicant through the receiving agency’s grievance process shall be managed in accordance with the CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Appeals Process. That process entails these steps:
1) Informal conference with the Appeals Committee (a segment of local CAN Leadership).  Amy Robinson, Matt Morgan, and Barbara Shaw offered to be a part of this effort.
2) Hearing with the DMHAS Appeal Panel  
               It was unclear how this would proceed for non-DMHAS funded programs.
3) Final review with the Director of Housing and Homeless Services. Each step is available to the applicant if the previous step did not result in satisfactory resolution.  
               It was not clear who the Director of Housing and Homeless services is.  Journey Home will follow up.  The committee agreed that it would be helpful to have someone from DMHAS and someone from DOH at the same level as this person.
DMHAS funded programs must comply with their appeals process. 

6.      Trends in Chronic Homelessness
a.      Journey Home distributed materials outlining the total reduction in chronic homelessness throughout Greater Hartford and over the last few years our community has seen a 75% reduction in chronic homelessness.
7.      Subcommittee Updates
a.      Family Subcommittee
                                                    i.     Utility arrears continue to be an issue.  Eversource is requiring a deposit to turn on utilities.  The deposit amount is based on the previous tenants usage.  This is a barrier for CHR because they’ll run out of funding quickly if they’re providing arrear assistance as well as deposit assistance.
b.      Youth Engagement Team Initiative
                                                    i.     Attendance continues to be widely varied meeting to meeting.

8.      Emergency Shelter Learning Collaborative
a.      Next month’s 2/7 meeting will be cancelled because it conflicts with the introductory meeting for the Emergency Shelter Learning Collaborative

9.      Dynamic Prioritization Update
a.      A statewide committee is working on this.
10.   GH CAN Shelter and Housing Data

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