Tuesday, April 7, 2020

GH CAN Leadership: Daily Call 4/3/2020


GH CAN Leadership – Daily Check – In

April 3, 2020 at 12PM-2:30PM via Zoom

1.      Welcome

2.      Staffing

a.      Available staff for each shift

                                                    i.     Google spreadsheet from Amanda

b.      Staff to client ratio?

                                                    i.     Currently same as shelter – staff can report to shifts as normal

                                                   ii.     If we overstaff – 1 person will have to be repurposed at SPI, need to confirm if we will allow clients back into SPI if they have been kicked out hotels.

                                                  iii.     Some TEMP staff have been hired – Comfort Inn and new site

                                                  iv.     Warming center staff to be provided and will be available 24/7

                                                   v.     Master key will not be provided but front desk staff will grant access to staff if requested

                                                  vi.     We can ask for extra key cards for staff

                                                vii.     Warn clients to not use the latch on doors – safety reasons if they use it, it will be a discharge. Back of each room maybe guest expectations list

                                              viii.     Agencies to enforce rules with clients

                                                  ix.     Harm reduction RV and Mobile M to possibly be on site

                                                   x.     Narcan – 24 at new site

c.      How to use additional staff if extra?  (keep in reserve?, employ another site for hotel discharges?)

3.      Roommates

a.      Capitol Hotel folks to move?  When?

                                                    i.     Prioritize shelters first then rest

                                                   ii.     Currently elderly and non elderly clients

1.      Elderly – come back to

2.      Handicap  - new hotel. 1 person SO – will stay incurrent location

b.      Sex offenders?

                                                    i.     Wethersfield location

c.      4 in Vernon, 2 in Windsor, 3 in Manchester, 9 in Enfield

d.      Who will get doubles, singles, etc.?

                                                    i.     Google sheet

                                                   ii.     Agencies can make suggestions for roommates and who will receive couch/bed – after rooms are allocated? Have to look at entire client list to determine rooms.

e.      Who will get pull out beds?

                                                    i.     Collectively work on google sheet to determine who can be matched.

                                                   ii.     Raffle style to pick choice of couch or bed? Or switch

f.       Client expectations/Discharge from hotel? Per Kara’s suggestion, can we as a community of providers identify any plan for people who are unwilling to go to the hotel or who are involuntarily discharged from the hotel?

4.      Transportation logistics and Moving

a.      Can we access school buses and bus drivers? If not, what alternate plan can we put into motion within 24 hours?

                                                    i.     Sara is working with Liany. Will know by end of today. Autumn transportation – how many people are we moving and where? Need a schedule.

                                                   ii.     Schedule/ plan for Sunday – can we move 2 shelters in one day?

                                                  iii.     Do we have enough staff to move all on Sunday?

                                                  iv.     Precheck in to hotel? To reduce time. Can ask hotel. Envelopes with keys.

                                                   v.     McKinney – would like to move Monday, 1pm after lunch, 44

                                                 vi.     EH Families – can move on Monday, after McKinney at 3pm, 5 people, 2 families with car  - do not need busses for transportation

                                                vii.     SPI – would like to move Sunday, 2-3 buses at once 1pm the latest after lunch, 60

                                              viii.     Warming Center – would like to move Sunday, maybe to move first – 1 woman 10am

                                                 ix.     Stations to distance people

                                                   x.     Guest from Capitol Hotel – Tuesday

1.      Keep elderly and immunocompromised clients separate

                                                 xi.     9 Enfield clients  

b.      Structuring the physical move – who runs point on what tasks between the shelters, the busses (presumably), and the hotels

5.      Food

a.      Breakfast

                                                    i.     $3 a day

b.      Temporary plan

                                                    i.     Sunday to Monday – Bears will provide lunch and dinner, name your price option. 2 deliveries a day.

                                                   ii.     Possibly SPI to provide meals, can provide for everyone– Sara and Jane to connect.

c.      Long-term plan


d.      Snacks

                                                    i.     Sara is working on getting some snacks –

                                                   ii.     Tyesha from EH to see if snacks can be provided

                                                  iii.     McKinney receives donations of produce – can be brought to hotel

e.      Kitchen – area in hotel can be used by staff only. Not a food prep kitchen.

                                                    i.     McKinney to possibly distribute sandwiches – 1 day or few days

                                                   ii.     Churches to maybe also provide individual packed food – wait till we have #s

                                                  iii.     Need to make sure  we have meals for everyone – needs to be determined after full count

f.       Travelers willing to provide food – Sara and Liany will connect

g.      Smoking –

h.      Juniper cannot accommodate all food restrictions. $10 a day.

i.       SA to do 75 meals – free

j.       Approx. 210 clients

k.      Coffee maker? Amanda to find out

6.      Cleaning

a.      Hotel staff cleaning/linens/towels

                                                    i.     Clean towels as needed/ daily, cleaning rooms once a week

                                                   ii.     To find out about linens

                                                  iii.     Comfort Inn – monitors have been replacing towel and linens

b.      Client expectations for cleaning

                                                    i.     Supplies to be provided to clients to clean rooms – hotels will not provide cleaning supplies

                                                   ii.     Need cleaning supplies for clients

                                                  iii.     Bedbug medication to have

7.      Health –

a.      Withdrawal issues

                                                    i.     InterCommunity is not set up for quarantine

                                                   ii.     Need to be hospitalized

                                                  iii.     Will we allow limited use of certain drugs/ alcohol?

                                                  iv.     Detox before sending them to hotel is an option

b.      Telehealth


c.      Getting MAT to folks...instead of folks going to MAT (low priority eventual detail to sort out)

d.      Medication storage at the hotel/lock boxes

                                                    i.     Administrative office to hold medication in a lockable filing cabinet –

                                                   ii.     Lock boxes for each room

e.      Are we going to temperature screen clients? When how often?


f.       Protocols for symptomatic people/quarantine

                                                    i.     If they are not compliant contact health department – need to confirm

g.      Tracking symptomatic, tested, and positive people

h.      Medical and personal protective equipment and symptom-relieving medication for staff at hotels

8.      Communications

9.      Any critical protocols that need to be developed ASAP other than quarantine protocol for symptomatic guests

10.   Technology at the hotels – what will staff have immediate access to or need? How can we share access to resources if some providers have more than others?

a.      Walkie talkies – 1 to each staff

b.      Laptops for staff

c.      Wifi available

11.   File storage at hotels – is it necessary? If so, where can we safely/securely/confidentially put what we most need?

12.   Monitoring Expectations

a.      Are we going to have a curfew and enforce it?

                                                    i.     7pm – curfew time

                                                   ii.     Need to check person is in room

                                                  iii.     Only allow people to leave with permission? Smoke breaks(once an hour), fresh air

1.      Designate pool area for smoking? Discarding cigarettes in pool as a concern.

2.      Rubber Wristband colors to identify clients based on program

                                                  iv.     Enforce social distancing and staying in

                                                   v.     Discharges – violence and abandoning bed

b.      Will clients be allowed to leave the hotel whenever and for whatever they want?

c.      We have said no drinking but some of them need to drink.

d.      Enforcing quarantine protocols

e.      A pair of monitors to check if there is a problem

f.       Monitors will not enter physical rooms

g.      Just walking around at night

h.      4 exits – rotating staff to check

i.       3 key cards


13.   Data/HMIS

14.   SPI (Yoshi) to talk to JH tomorrow

15.   Tomorrow Zoom Call noon

Hotel Updates:

a.       Agency Concerns around Staffing


b.     Agency Concerns around clients – anyone in isolation?

c.      Other critical concerns or update from agencies

d.     Client specific case conferencing as necessary for hotel clients.

Contract with Best western to be signed by tomorrow.

120 rooms to be given to us, 66 rooms with 2 queens, 24 rooms with queen and pull out couch, 7 handicap units, 9 single king units.

Amanda to get hotel floor plan.

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