Monday, June 12, 2017

GH CAN Operations 5/31/17

Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network
Operations Agenda
Wednesday, May 31st, 2017
Fred Faulkner
Mollie Greenwood
Kyren McCorey
Jose Vega
Lourdes Ward
Maribet CHN
Wendy Walker
Heather Pilarcik
Natalie Ramos
Luz Serrano
Alise Rangasammy
Roger Clark
Luciana DeGray
Monique Shand
Zaida Hernandez
Klaudia Lobeska
Crane Cesario
Kelanda Santos
Steve Hurley
Kelly Gonzalez
Cat Damato
Beth Maguda
Gerilyn Harrison
1.      Welcome and Introductions
a.      Leadership Updates – Mollie Greenwood
                                                    i.     No Freeze was a topic of discussion. None of our providers are ready to host No Freeze this year. Securing a location will be an issue again. It’s a good thing we’re discussing it in May. Lou has meeting with the City of Hartford and we’re hoping to bring them to the meeting in the future.
                                                   ii.     CAN Gaps & Achievements – Yvonne Klein from DOH is set to come to a CAN meeting. We are thinking of what great things we have achieved and highlight the gaps.
                                                  iii.     Refilling RAP openings was discussed. Will dive in deeper later in meeting.
                                                  iv.     RRH Subcommittee and the matching process was also discussed. Goal is to maximize meeting time to get as many RRH referrals as possible. Next step is DOH will be visiting each shelter to re-educate and answer questions regarding RRH. 

2.      Case Conferences – Fred Faulkner
                                                    i.     When you send a referral to Fred, he will try to facilitate a resolution before bringing it to the CAN Operations, unless it is specifically requested to be brought to CAN Operations. He will evaluate to see if it’s worth our time. Part of this process is fulfilling obligations to DOH. When you bring someone here, please be prepared to change what you’re doing with them.

a.      HA was recommended for a transfer to South Park Inn shelter, with an opportunity for assessment by the CRMHC

b.      EH was recommended to view the final apartment identified by housing staff.  If this doesn't succeed, housing staff will bring this case up again in 2 weeks.

3.      Coordinated Entry:
a.      Changes to Shelter Waitlist - Steve Hurley
                                                    i.     Unique Records for All Shelter Additions
1.      Unnecessary fields on questionnaire
a.      Things we added last year and are now not as helpful as we thought.
b.      Proposed Changes – Remove following questions:
                                                                                                                i.     Have you completed a VI-SPDAT? Now we don’t do VI-SPDATS until 2 weeks of enrolled in shelter. Yes
                                                                                                               ii.     Would you like to be contacted after 10pm? Yes
                                                                                                              iii.     Would you like to receive a text message? Yes
                                                                                                              iv.     What IDs do you have? Yes
                                                                                                               v.     Are You currently taking any medication? Yes
                                                                                                              vi.     Are you able to self-care? Yes
1.      For folks who aren’t able to self-care, diversion staff wouldn’t add them to shelter waitlist.
                                                                                                            vii.     Suggestion by Klaudia to add preferred language as a question because she has reached out to folks who are Spanish speaking only.
                                                                                                           viii.     Who else is adding clients to shelter waitlist?
1.      Navigators, Outreach workers.
                                                                                                              ix.     From shelter perspective, we really just need basic information like contact info and family size. All the other information is obtained at intake. No one is going back to smart sheet to obtain this information. (Heather)
                                                   ii.     Verified Unsheltered – Higher Prioritized
1.      Journey Home contacted Fairfield CAN and Asked them how they improved their shelter priority list. One recommendation was those who are verified as being outside by an outreach worker or someone who visibly saw the client sleeping outside would be checked off which would make them the highest priority and jump them to the top of the unsheltered list. Outreach meeting was interested in doing this. Heather suggested adding to the smart sheet to indicate if they’re willing to get into shelter so folks aren’t wasting time reaching out to them.
                                                  iii.     Date Accepted to Shelter
1.      Journey Home suggested to add new column of timestamp when you accepted the client into shelter. Staff will no longer be able to reactivate someone on the shelter priority list. If staff would like to add the client to the shelter waitlist again, staff will have to complete new questionnaire. We have to be able to track exactly when clients were accepted to shelter. The data right now is only capturing when they were added to the waitlist. It’s hard to collect data on how many folks are on the shelter waitlist until they get accepted or how many folks are coming into shelter. New field will be for when client actually gets to shelter.
2.      The real goal of this addition is trying to pull information on how well our shelter waitlist is working. We know we have a certain number of people who end up in shelter. What we don’t have is when folks are moving through. Do we see an uptick in the really cold week this month? At this point the only way we can sort is based on the date they were added to the waitlist. All information is tied to the added date not the accepted date. We weren’t originally collecting this field but later realized we can’t look back for data. We are trying to fix this by adding the new field so we can gather the following data. How long are people staying on the list? How many people are staying on the list short term? Are some populations on there a really long time? Without that date marker of when folks actually come in, we can’t get at the information in a good way. HMIS cannot be used because it is two separate databases. Smart sheet cannot self-populate at this time. CAN voted yes to add field. Will be offering refresher training to staff.

4.      Coordinated Exit:
a.      Recently Housed - Lisa Quach
b.      Rapid ReHousing Matching Meeting Time - Lisa Quach
                                                    i.     Changed to 1:15-2:45PM to allow break before family meeting.
c.      Refilling RAP Openings - Crane Cesario, Tenesha Grant –
                                                    i.     DOH had a rescission – budget cut for 2 million dollars. All RAPS are on hold including project based RAPS. Immacare has RAPS in it but has some rules written in contract so they will have to check to see if they are able to cut the RAPS or not. Sue Ann Shay and CHR Manchester RAPS are gone right now. For project based units, there is a proposal to use existing S+C certs for those units. There are currently 9 clients who have been matched to GHRA and have no case management and could be offered one of these building options. Building standards are going to apply. Had one young adult referred who turns 25 on Sunday and the unit is not ready and RAP has gone away. Still trying to find out if S+C can serve young adult and we won’t have an answer by then.
d.      Housing Matching Data – see p.2

5.      Announcements
a.      The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Preference is open again.
                                                    i.     No services attached. Direct folks who are connected to services in the community to apply because there is case management for housing search.
b.      Hands On Hartford and a number of community partners are working on planning the Day of Sharing and Caring, and needs lots of help planning and pulling off the event.  The event is tentatively scheduled for Friday, November 10th.  If you’re interested in assisting, please contact
                                                    i.     Last year couldn’t run it. Usually runs 11/11/17 to 11/19/17 which is hunger awareness week. Just wanted to put it out to get more community involvement. A day to give back and make people feel special. They have resource booths and will be giving out gift bags. Entertainment will also be offered. If you want to be a part of the planning process or your organization wants to be a part of giving back, please reach out. One thing discussed at Leadership is that Veteran’s Day is tough because all businesses are closed. RMV is not open on Monday. Will bring back for new date.

GH CAN Housing Data

Data Element
Chronically homeless households housed in 2015

This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless households housed in 2016
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless households housed in 2017
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Total Chronically homeless households housed in GH CAN

Verified Chronic Matched

Verified Chronic Not Yet Matched

We currently have 13 chronic verified clients who have not yet been matched to housing.
Potentially Chronic Matched

Potentially Chronic Not Yet Matched

Right now we believe 46 households have the chronic length of homeless history, but none of these individuals have their homeless and disabling condition forms completed.

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