Greater Hartford Coordinated Access
Leadership Agenda
May 31st, 2017
Brian Baker, Crane Cesario, Sarah Dimiao, Fred Faulkner, John Ferrucci, Louis
Gilbert, Andrea Haiken, Kyren McCrorey, Mollie Greenwood, Steve Hurley, Matt
Morgan, Theresa Nicholson, Amy Robinson, Barbara Shaw, Cathy Zeiner, Lauren
Fair, John Lawlor, and Audrey Kennedy
Welcome and Introductions
Hartford No Freeze - Lou Gilbert,
Matt Morgan
a. Lou
says he will be meeting with Brenda and Dr. Rhule about configuration options
for the funding for No Freeze.
b. Fred
indicated that Open Hearth did not have an issue of having open beds
during the activation of No Freeze.
Crane suggested to follow up in the
letter to the city of Hartford that Open Hearth was not one of the shelters
that had empty beds during the winter.
Fred says is he is concerned
that clients are avoiding shelters in some cases as a result of substance use.
c. Sarah
says she is concerned about not having a No Freeze shelter be available during
the winter. Sarah is also concerned about putting the No Freeze money to Rapid Re Housing if right now there is open referrals for Rapid Re Housing.
d. Sarah
suggests to cut down on the number of beds available for No Freeze or create a
different procedure for clients using the No Freeze.
e. Mollie added that one issue that Christie ran into at times during the No Freeze was
shelters refusing to take a certain client and never got a particular reason
for not taking that client.
Audrey says her experience was
that clients were offered a bed, but clients did not show up for that bed, which resulted in openings.
g. Sarah
says that the process needs to be planned out well before the No Freeze starts.
Crane proposes to have a warming
center that has staff having access to transportation. Sarah agreed, indicating that on nights where Mark Jenkins was able to assist with transporting folks, they were more willing to go from the Welcome Center into a year-round shelter ed.
h. Lou
suggests that town recreation centers should open up for availability when No Freeze
is activated.
i. Matt asks what should the message be from the CAN to the City if no one is willing to take the contract for
No Freeze.
j. Dave
says his concern is not having city officials at the CAN meetings talking about
planning the No Freeze.
k. Crane
proposes possibly shifting of all clients being matched to only rapid re
housing and no permanent supportive housing. That way, only clients who are unsuccessful in Rapid ReHousing would be referred to PSH.
l. Dave
suggests if we can identify the group of clients that are declining housing and
then determine a different plan for them.
m. Dave
asks if it is possible to determine the number of these clients who are
declining housing. Therefore, moving resources to solve those issues.
i. Mollie
says there are about 4 to 5 clients who are chronic and who are identified who
have turned down housing. At this point, we only know those numbers for folks who are known to be chronically homeless, and it's unclear how many shorter-term homeless households are refusing all housing assistance.
n. Andrea
asks whether case managers not bringing up clients in rapid re housing meetings
because they believe the client won’t be successful. Sarah and Mollie indicated that they think that is happening to a certain extent.
o. Barbara
says she also wants to focus on a plan for women during the No Freeze this year.
p. Sarah
says she is hopeful Salvation Army Marshall House will be able to prioritize
their overflow beds for single women and have East Hartford Shelter and South Park Inn fill the
family beds.
q. Sarah
suggests that we should have a Welcome Center, and that this year we should be able to come up with a plan
to track the data for those who are truly unsheltered.
r. Dave
asks how can we determine the number of clients who have no resources and are
in serious need of shelter.
s. Sarah
proposes to create a cold weather committee.
t. Andrea
asks if anyone has looked at to see if other cities have a successful model for
No Freeze.
u. Mollie
says Bryan Flint was talking about creating a welcome center that would be at
different churches that are outside of Hartford. Because towns are reluctant to generate any services for folks experiencing homelessness, there was never any warming center developed. Cities were adamantly against the opening of a warming center in their municipality.
v. Matt
proposes to set a deadline to determine plan for No Freeze.
w. Dave
suggests representatives of Hartford need to attend the CAN meetings to hear this discussion.
x. Lou
says he will invite representatives from Hartford to attend the next CAN
GH CAN Gaps and Achievements -
Matt Morgan
a. E
mail Matt if you have any questions or suggestions on this document.
b. Matt
says the purpose of this document is so that when Commissioner Klein visits a future CAN meeting, we can highlight the purpose and
accomplishments of the GH CAN.
Family Homelessness Data - Crane
a. Sarah
suggests that shelters would benefit from a re-training on Smartsheet, because the numbers on unsheltered families seem artificially high based on the experiences her staff have been having.
Rapid ReHousing Subcommittee
Updates - Sarah DiMaio, Steve MacHattie
a. Sarah says we are still struggling with the
matching meetings with case managers not having enough information about
b. Sarah
is concerned that not all clients are being represented at the shelters and not
getting updated if clients have been moved on or self-resolved.
c. Sarah
says Kara from DOH will be going shelter to shelter explaining the rapid re
housing process and other housing plans.
Refilling RAP Openings – Crane
Cesario, Tenesha Grant
a. Crane
says that as a result of recisions DOH is stopping all RAP certificates in the
a. As
a result, one question that came up at Coordinated Exit is what do we do about
project-based RAPs? Is there a way to preserve
the building and fill any site-based RAP openings with individuals currently
matched to a scattered site certiciate?
b. Crane
is anticipating new openings becoming available at Chrysalis, so one option
could be to utilize households matched to those openings if they’re interested
in moving into the site-based openings?
b. A
secondary but related issue that has arisen is that some of the RAP openings in
project-based buildings are designated for young adults. We have had trouble generating young adult
openings for PSH, and if we do choose to keep the buildings whole by utilizing
scattered site certificates in the building we need to determine whether the
projects are able to take households who are chronically homeless rather than
households who meet the young adult criteria, but may not meet the chronically
homeless criteria.
a. Andrea
says they have been waiting for a long time for DCF to give referral for
i. Andrea
says she will follow up to see how CHR wants to use the certificate they have.
c. Lou
says ImmaCare may have 2 RAPS openings in June.
i. Crane
says to follow up with ImmaCare to figure what they want to do if their RAPS
are taken away from ImmaCare.
d. Crane
recommends to offer to fill buildings that have RAP openings by utilizing scattered
site certificates and matching households who are eligible for the programs to
those openings until we have more clarity on whether RAPs will be restored.
a. Crane
says she will offer referrals to her current 2016 GHRA openings to the Sue Ann
Shay building and will connect with Chrysalis about utilizing their openings in
a similar way, and if Chrysalis says no then she will come back to CAN
Leadership to figure out what to do.
e. Mollie
says if there are any scattered site RAP referrals that are in process and the
process has been stalled because of this recision, they can be referred to the section
8 housing choice voucher preference.
This preference still does not have services available, so if the
individual needs services and agency that started process can provide case
management, it could also be a good referral.
f. GH
CAN Housing Data – see p.2
a. Barriers
to Housing - Mollie Greenwood
i. This
topic will be added to agenda for the next meeting.
g. Announcements
a. Day
Pitney will be hosting a GH CAN meet and greet for board members of all the
different participating organizations.
Hands On Hartford and a number of community
partners are working on planning the Day of Sharing and Caring, and needs lots of
help planning and pulling off the event.
The event is tentatively scheduled for Friday, November 10th. If you’re interested in assisting, please
GH CAN Housing Data
Data Element
Chronically homeless households housed in 2015
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as
well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless households housed in 2016
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as
well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless households housed in 2017
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as
well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Total Chronically homeless households housed in GH CAN
Verified Chronic Matched
Verified Chronic Not Yet Matched
We currently have 13 chronic verified clients who have not
yet been matched to housing.
Potentially Chronic Matched
Potentially Chronic Not Yet Matched
Right now we believe 46 households have the chronic length
of homeless history, but none of these individuals have their homeless and
disabling condition forms completed.
Men’s Shelter Data: 12/1/16-3/31/17

McKinney (91 beds), Open Hearth (28 beds), ImmaCare (75 beds) and South Park
Inn (45 beds).

** Assuming all beds at McKinney,
Open Hearth, Immacare and South Park Inn are utilized and there are no
No-Freeze Beds.
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