Wednesday, October 5, 2016

GH CAN Operations 9/7/16

Attended: Alicia Akers, Janet Bermudez, Cordelia Brady, Manuel Cadena, Crane Cesario, Roger Clark, Tylon Crump, Rochelle Currie, Catherine Damato, Brenda Earle, Valerie Gaines, Ruby Givens-Hewitt, Kelly Gonzalez, Tenesha Grant, Amber Higgins, Mark Jenkins, Je’Neya King, Nicole Milton, Margarita Morales, Matt Morgan, Roxan Noble, Heather Pilarcik, Miiosotys Santiago, Sandra Terry, Jose Vega, Wendy Walker, Ymonne Wilson, Tamara Womack, Leslie Wilper, Julie Bernstein, Sarah Dimato, and Kara Capabianco
1.     Welcome and Introductions
2.      Zero: 2016 Campaign Progress:
  1. - Document-Ready Households - Lisa Quach.      
-        Form and e mail was sent out to all shelter case managers of clients in their shelter who have been identified as chronically homeless
    1. Recently Housed - Tenesha Grant
    2. Update on Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program
-        71 clients have been referred for the Housing Voucher Program
3.      SOAR Referral Process - Matt Morgan
-        Matt announces that there is a SOAR Meeting once a month to help clients apply for SSI and SSDI and if anyone is interested in going to contact Matt
-        SOAR Programs in Greater Hartford is attached to this week’s Diversion Meeting
-        Wendy asks when can clients re apply for SOAR
-        Matt says if client is appealed you can start a new application or go to Hartford Legal to re apply
-        Brenda from DOH asks if client has already applied for SSI and SDI already could be an additional column on the shelter waitlist
  1. 4.      Shelter Waitlist - 24 Hour Wait Time - Sarah Dimaio
-        Heather says that when a staff person at Mercy is doing a CAN appointment with an unsheltered family they call South Park Inn to see if they have beds available for a family.
-        Sarah says that a lot of families on the shelter waitlist have refused the shelter bed due to only wanting to seek shelter in East Hartford.
3.     5.      GH CAN Meeting Schedule - See Attachment
-        Mark asks when do clients are staying outside can complete a VI-SPDAT if they are not in a shelter?
-        Crane says when seeing a client outside a Navigator can do a VI-SPDAT for a person right away. For other housing services later on the Navigator can sign off stating that person was unsheltered at the time when they did their VI SPDAT.
-        Tylon asks do clients need to have a VI-SPDAT completed in order to get funding from Diversion?
-        Amber says in order to get Diversion a client does not need to do a VI SPDAT and only need to do a VI SPDAT when applying for housing.
-        Tylon asks do clients need income to be eligible for long term rapid re housing?
-        Amber says that a client does not income for long term rapid re housing, but they need to have income for short term rapid rehousing
  1. 6.      Announcements
    1. a.      There will be a training for the Security Deposit Guarantee Program on Friday, 9/9 from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM at the Lumsden Center at CRT, 555 Windsor St., Hartford.  Please email if you or your staff plan to attend so we can make sufficient copies!

b.      There are openings in the next GH CAN Training on Friday, 9/16th.   Please email if you're interested

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