Wednesday, October 5, 2016

GH CAN Leadership 9/7/16

GH CAN Leadership Meeting
Wednesday, September 7th, 2016
In Attendance:
Brian Baker – South Park Inn
Kara Capobianco – Department of Housing
Crane Cesario – DMHAS
Cat Damato – CRT
Brenda Earle – Department of Housing
Fred Faulkner – The Open Hearth
Nate Fox – Center Church
Tomiko Grant – Salvation Army Marshall House
Andrea Hakian – CHR
Steve MacHattie – ImmaCare
Dave Martineau – Mercy Housing
Matt Morgan – Journey Home
Theresa Nicholson – Chrysalis Center
Tina Ortiz- CRT
Heather Pilarcik – South Park Inn
Iris Ruiz – Interval House
Kathy Shaw – My Sisters’ Place
Barbara Shaw – Hands On Hartford
Deborah Ullman – YWCA
Daphne McCoy – House of Bread
Tamara Womack – My Sisters’ Place
Sarah Fox – CCEH

1.      Zero: 2016 Updates
·        Recently housed- big successes this month CRT had about 6 at the beginning of this month
o   Our regional housing connection rate is increasing because we have been identifying new individuals who meet the definition of chronically homeless individuals.
o   The navigators have been connected to potentially chronic households and almost all of them end up being verifiably chronic
o   Chrysalis has 20 slots with the Hartford Housing Authority- have identified potentially 7 who are chronic that might be housed through the Hartford Housing Authority
o   Section 8 HCV Preference- have had 71 applications so far for PSH
§  Some folks in scattered site are indicating they want to move, there are barriers to this so it is suggested that they stay where they are and work towards moving in a year
o    Crane- what can we do to hit our housing connection rate
§  Chrysalis is willing to fill open slots that are being vacated by the HCV preference
o   Dave- need to ask front line staff how many people they think they can get placed into housing each month.
o   Take another look at their current PSH clients to see if anyone is “ready” to move on.
·        Journey Home to come up with a list of PSH client referred, by program by case manager
·        Shelter Plus Care is struggling to get the challenge 15 matched because of delays in case management.
·        Amanda of Journey Home will email Tina about matching the CRT units to back fill the HCV Preference units.
·        Supportive Housing Programs should go through all of their tenant rosters and make sure that programs have done everything in their power to encourage those that want or should “move on” to do so.
2.      GH CAN Funding
·        Handouts were provided with a number of potential funding scenarios based on possible cuts, depending on which funding streams get renewed. 
o   We have heard that the Diversion Center at Mercy has a need for more staffing
§  Mercy was awarded $100K through the City of Hartford for family diversion
·        Journey Home is optimistic that both the HFPG renewal and CoC funding will come through and we don’t have to look at scenarios 1 & 2 but those would be worst case scenarios
·        The more likely scenarios are 3-6 and the decision we make should depend on what we feel our priorities are for moving forward with the CAN.
·        Brenda- DOH would like CANs to prioritize direct service staff – as opposed to administrative/ coordinating staff.
o   The need for diversion staff is high they are far over capacity at the Diversion Center
·        Theresa- the information we have about navigator performance is anecdotal at this point. We need to focus on the positions and what we want the positions to do as opposed to the current staff filling the roles
o   Theresa works very closely with the CAN manager and can’t see this working without that position
·        Kara- navigators have been helping connect people that have been bouncing from shelter to shelter- these positions should phase themselves out as the shelters & outreach staff are better able to keep up with those who are moving around
·        Crane- a lot of direct service staff is being leveraged by the agencies around the table
·        Kara- Should be looking at our CAN’s gap and making sure that we are using our resources to help fill those gaps.
o   Hartford has a large inflow to the system so it is always going to be important to look at diversion.
·        Tomiko- what do you mean by “support” for the diversion center?  Staffing support or funding for more staff
o   She had to pull her staff from Mercy so that her HPP and ESG program did not fall under
·        Kara- the diversion center and prevention should be working hand in hand, centrally located
·        Matt- once the ESG person is in place- do you think this will change the dynamic?
o   Brenda- it is families only- and the waiting room for singles is the one that is overflowing
·        Dave- looking at people’s cases very in depth and creatively is what the Diversion staff are doing for each household who comes in. 
o   Kara reminded us that Iain DeJong, creator of the VI-SPDAT, has said that it’s essential to fill Diversion positions with folks who have a Diversion skill set in order to be effective. 
·        Barbara Shaw and Dave Martineau requested information about the current roles Journey Home is filling administratively
·        Matt indicated that if Journey Home needed to reduce staffing it would impact how many projects Journey Home could take on in working with the CAN.
·        The group decided to make a final decision with more information at the upcoming Sub-Continuum of Care meeting next Tuesday.
·        Interval House is doing renovations aiming to close down mid sept and move to temp location in East Hartford in the meantime.  Have 20 beds.
3.      CAN Housing Metrics Data – tabled due to time constraints
4.      Disability Verification Attachment – tabled due to time constraints
5.      GH CAN Housing Process: Timing of referrals – tabled due to time constraints

The Leadership Committee elected to move this meeting to 1Pm – 2:15 Pm so that the meeting doesn’t roll over into Operations meeting time.

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