Wednesday, October 5, 2016

GH CAN Leadership 9/21/16

Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network Leadership Committee Agenda
Attended: Brian Baker, Steve Bigler, Crane Cesario, Cat Damato, John Ferrucci, Nate Fox, Tenesha Grant, Tomiko Grant, Mollie Greenwood, Steve Hurley, Steve MacHattie, Dave Martineau, Matt Morgan, Diane Paige-Blondet, Heather Pilarcik, Deborah Ullman, Amy Robinson, Christie Corrigan, Cordelia Brady
Welcome and Introductions
1.      Zero: 2016 Updates
-        Crane asks what is happening statewide since Hartford will not reach 90/90 by next week.
-        Matt says GH CAN is at 72 percent.
-        Matt says only 5 percent of people who are already housed in permanent housing want to stay at the current apartment instead of moving in the Housing Voucher Program.
-        Mollie says pre matching could help improve the process so case managers can already know if client plans on moving due to the Housing Voucher Program
-        Sonyia Brown says hopefully by October 1st there will be more openings for CRT’s family program that is transitioning from Transitional Living Program to Rapid Re Housing
-        Matt says there will be 50 openings from CHFA.
-        Dave says there will be 14 openings for Mercy’s ESG rapid re housing program.
2.      Funding Discussion Recap
-        Crane says that Leadership Committee agreed from 180,000 to $120,000 for staffing. The proposal is continuing the three navigators until January and hire two navigators after January and they will have a more included role at the Diversion Center.
3.      Cold Weather Protocol Update
-        Crane says there are no state buildings available to use for cold weather protocol.
-        Nate says he was been working with Dr.Ruhl  and says he is committed to work with the CAN and hopefully plans will be in place in October.
-        Nate says the plan is to attend the next city meeting in October
-        Nate says Asylum Hill Church is willing to be a pop up when cold weather protocol is in place.
-        Nate says by next Center Church will be the fiduciary for No Freeze for only this year.
-        Nate says that the plan is to have Christie oversee the No Freeze shelter and provide continue services when No Freeze is not in place, which would be connected to street outreach.
-        Nate says he would like to change the protocol of instead of putting people up in hotels there should be a location or two for a space in the city to put down a couple of beds and sleeping bags for people to stay.
4.      GH CAN Housing Process and Timing of Referrals
a.      GH CAN Housing Data Metrics
-        Crane requested that in addition to average length of time, we look at median length of time for housing programs as well in these Housing Metrics
5.      HIC Chart
-        Matt says to mark any changes on the chart and to give to Mollie, or email Mollie with any changes that need to be made.
6.      Return to shelter policies
-    Nate asks if this includes people and leave on their own
-        Heather says we should focus on the CANs philosophy for clients returning to shelter.
-        Dave says he wonders how the CAN can focus on the clients who continually move around to different shelters and find out what their barriers are in order to end their cycle of continually living in shelters.
7.      Subcommittee Updates
a.      Outreach Updated
-        Steve proposes to provide outreach cards to public work employees, so they can give them to people who they see in the bridge and other areas where public works employees work.
b.      Coordinated Exit
c.      Rapid Rehousing Matching
8.      Announcements
-        Sonyia Brown asks whether or not to use the HMIS number that is for the VI SPDAT or do to use the other HMIS that is connected to the client.
-        Mollie says to use the HMIS that is connected with the VI SPDAT

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