Monday, May 20, 2019

GH CAN Leadership/ GH Sub-COC 05/15/2019

Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network
Leadership Committee Agenda
Wednesday, May 15th, 2019

1.      In Attendance:
Crane Cesario - CRMHC, DMHAS
Stephanie Corbin - Mercy Housing
Sarah DiMaio - Salvation Army
Fred Faulkner - The Open Hearth
Heather Flannery - Interval House
Amber Freeman - Chrysalis Center
Mollie Greenwood - Journey Home
Andrea Hakian - CHR
Audrey Kennedy - South Park Inn
Daniel Langless - Beacon Health Options
John Lawlor - The Connection
Rebekah Lyas - ImmaCare
Steve MacHattie - Mercy Housing
Matt Morgan - Journey Home
Lisa Quach - Journey Home
Barbara Shaw - Hands On Hartford
Ruby Givens-Hewitt - My Sisters' Place
Jose Vega - CRT
Cathy Zeiner - YWCA
Mark Jenkins - Greater Hartford Harm Reduction Coalition

2.      Racial Equity Listening Session – Crane Cesario (5 minutes)
a.      Our next and final listening session for Black or Indigenous or People of Color service providers is scheduled for Monday May 20th from 1pm-3:30pm at CSH’s Office located at the CT Nonprofit Center in Hartford.  Please RSVP by using this link: .  Directions and parking information attached.
b.      The last listening session for Black or Indigenous or People of Color with lived experience of homelessness is scheduled for Tuesday May 21st from 1pm-3:30pm also at CSH’s Office.  We’re asking BIPOC with lived experience to email or call me, Jessica Park, to RSVP.  My telephone number is 860-560-0744 ext. 2700 and email address is
c.      CSH is convening a race equity collaborative.  From our area Lisa Quach and Letticia Brown-Gambino and Mia Bryant from CCEH are all from our area.  This group is all about helping us understand racial inequities in housing. 
d.      It’s important to note that the newer terminology of Black or Indigenous People of Color is to help us recognize that the experience of everyone is different, and the history for different groups in this country has varied. 
                                                    i.     Lisa added that there will be incentives available for folks with lived experience of homelessness.  If we have any additional information we’ll share it out via email.

3.      Veteran Case Management Application Letter of Support - Matt Morgan (5 minutes)
a.      CRT requested a letter of support for a new case management program.  They’ll be applying through the VA for an additional case manager to support veterans in supportive housing beyond the limit of the traditional grant-per-diem period of time.  This grant would fund case managers to provide support during that period of time.  They’re proposing to serve 25 veterans.
b.      The group supported this.

4.      Coordinated Entry
a.      Salvation Army Bridge Beds Proposal – Sarah DiMaio (10 minutes)
b.      With the late start of the warming center, Salvation Army has a little extra funding that our funder has graciously allowed us to keep and serve a CAN gap.  For those of you who have been serving families, you already know that the shelter system is maxed out on beds for families.  EHFS has been serving families in their living room at fire code for awhile. 
c.      A site in Florida has had success with this model, and their county fully funds it.
d.      Bridge beds allow us to create additional capacity to create additional flow within the system.  Sarah wanted to propose this to our area.  Salvation Army would have enough funding to run it for a couple of months to test it out.  Sarah thinks they could open 3 rooms (approximately 9 beds).  Case management would not be attached to these beds, because presumably these are families with a signed lease.  We’re hoping that it wouldn’t be a long term stay option. 
                                                    i.     Sarah clarified that if there were a firm exit date (even if a lease is not quite signed). 
e.      Cathy asked about whether there were problems that the other Salvation Army experienced in terms of relocating children multiple times?
                                                    i.     Sarah thought that it might be well received by families currently in dormitory style beds.
                                                   ii.     In Florida, any family matched to RRH they get transferred to a bridge bed.
                                                  iii.     Heather suggested – if we’re looking into this option as a CAN, Heather would want to make sure we had some clarity to identify how we would be tracking the information about households who would have gone into housing. 
1.      Sarah suggested tracking them as still exiting to permanent housing.
a.      It’s a temporary overflow system.  Crane suggested adding them to CT HMIS because beds that exist outside of HMIS count against us on the PIT count. 
2.      For action steps, Sarah will bring some policies from her colleagues. 

5.      Sub-COC Updates – Crane Cesario
a.      Dedicated Plus (15 minutes)
                                                     i.     BOS did not re-send the dedicated plus document.  Adopting some dedicated plus in our community would allow us to house folks who have long homeless histories but who do not meet the chronically homeless criteria for some reason. 
                                                   ii.     If all providers don’t go to dedicated plus, you create a two-tiered system within grants.  If all programs aren’t switching over to dedicated plus, you are operating two different tracks. 
                                                  iii.     We can go to it upon renewal, although we don’t yet know when that’s happening. 
                                                  iv.     A grant or group of grants could submit to HUD to change from 100% dedicated (which we are now) to 100% dedicated plus. 
1.      Housing Innovations is researching whether it is possible to amend current grants.  HUD is sending out the dedicated plus brief again. 
                                                   v.     There are 10 people who have previously been in CAN housing, but who for multiple reasons have returned to shelters.  Often, these are folks who had previously been housed from chronic homelessness.
                                                  vi.     GH CAN expressed support. 
1.      Crane will send out an email so that if any grantees were absent, but who have objections, she will ask for feedback prior to Friday’s meeting.
b.      Point In Time Count (10 minutes)
                                                     i.     There’s an RFP out for the upcoming year’s Point In Time count.  CT BOS has requested that all CANs identify one agency from a CAN to submit an application. 
                                                   ii.     Journey Home is willing to pursue the process if other agencies would support us.   GH CAN voted in support of Journey Home pursuing the RFP.
c.      Project Review and Recommendations (10 minutes)
                                                     i.     It’s not clear whether this process is still alive. 
                                                   ii.     CT BOS sent an email this morning that the local CAN should be doing some project review.  It’s not clear what the format for this would be and there are some concerns about peer grantees doing reviews. 
                                                  iii.     One thing Crane and Matt had discussed is whether we as a CAN are supposed to endorse for some level, the idea is we should give a red light or a green light.  We would need to identify our goals and would want applications to indicate that agencies are active in the CAN. 
                                                  iv.     It’s a burden.
                                                   v.     CT BOS also doesn’t want BOS to exclude agencies who haven’t previously been involved. 
                                                  vi.     There was also a question about whether only one agency should put in an application?
                                                 vii.     We think we should have some consensus on what type of resources are most essential, but otherwise this opens a new can of worms. 
1.      We are discussing the project priorities for the upcoming application.  We’re trying to get started on discussing project priorities. 

6.      Coordinated Exit:
a.      Action Steps from April Meeting (see p. 3) – Matt Morgan (15 minutes)
See Chart below, as well as images available here: 

a.      The 100 Day Team is considering doing a job fair.  The team has helped this group to help engage other employment/job training programs or other justice-involved entities. 

8.      GH CAN Shelter and Housing Data
a.      GH CAN Housed Data (see p.2)
b.      GH CAN Waitlist Data (see p.2)

9.      Future Agenda Items?
a.      Data Discussion
b.      Bridge Beds – policy discussion from FL.

10.   Announcements
a.      Salvation Army will be holding a Cold Weather Planning Meeting Tuesday at 2PM at the YWCA.
b.      Resource training will take place at 1PM next Tuesday.
c.      ImmaCare shelter will be doing renovations beginning in the next few months, and stopped taking new intakes last Friday, 5/10/19. 
d.      CAN Data Dashboards are available at .  Please check out your organization’s data and work on cleaning up any incorrect data so that we can start using these dashboards to inform our system work.
e.      CCEH’s Annual Training Institute will be held on May 16th, 2019, register on
f.       CCEH has funding available for victims of Hurricane Maria- if you are working with anyone who was a hurricane evacuee please contact Mollie Greenwood or Lisa Quach immediately.
g.      CCEH has funding available for childcare for families in shelter!
h.      Family Shelter Check-In will be taking place immediately after today’s meeting from 3:30-4:00PM

GH CAN Housing Data
Chronically homeless individuals housed in 2015
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless individuals housed in 2016
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless individuals housed in 2017
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless/potentially chronic individuals housed in 2018
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs and bridges to PSH as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless/potentially chronic individuals housed in 2019
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs and bridges to PSH as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Total Chronically homeless individuals housed in GH CAN

Verified Chronic Matched


Verified Chronic Not Yet Matched
We currently have 31 chronic verified clients who have not yet been matched to housing. 
Potentially Chronic Refusers

Verified Chronic Refusers

Not Chronic (Verified) Refuser

Potentially Chronic Matched
These households did not disclose a disabling condition, and are matched to various programs.
Not Chronic Matched

Potentially Chronic Not Yet Matched
Right now we believe 28 households have the chronic length of homeless history, but none of these individuals have their homeless and disability verifications completed.
Individuals - Active – Not Matched
This is Enrolled in CAN, Enrolled in TH, and In an Institution
Families – Active – Not Matched
This is Enrolled in CAN and Enrolled in TH
Families - Verified Chronic – Not Matched

Families – Potentially Chronic – Matched

Families – Potentially Chronic – Not Matched

Families – Not Chronic (Verified) – Matched
This includes RRH bridges
Families – Verified Chronic – Matched

SmartSheet Shelter Priority List Data
Individual Men
Individual Women
Family Stabilization List
29 unsheltered
35 unsheltered
24 families on Stabilization List
39 total
44 total

Strategies for Reducing Long Stayers in Shelter – Identified 4/3/19

Goal Area
Action Step Identified
Responsible Entity
Due Date
Change the Narrative to be more Strength Based
Distribute DOH "Shelter Questions" to individual shelters
Kara give to Mollie, Mollie distribute to shelters, shelters to complete
May 20th Mollie distribute – June 7th shelters will send in their identified areas for improvement.
Change the Narrative to be more Strength Based
Encourage other systems of care to work on conversations about housing.  DOH??  NEED ACTION STEPS
Amy Robinson will reach out to the VA and the CCT
HOPWA group – Barbara Shaw to discuss
Barbara Shaw to discuss at CDC May 30th
June 7th

HOPWA – May 30th

Barbara update CAN for June 19th.
Engaging People with Lived Experience/ Peers
Identify existing peer/client groups in shelters/meal programs
Audrey will ask Dave DuVerger to pull a group together

Mark will follow up
By June 7th Audrey will make a plan with Dave

Engaging People with Lived Experience/ Peers
Identify housed clients who may be good speakers about their experiences
Barbara will be keeping the Melville / Reaching Home process at the forefront of her mind.

Engaging People with Lived Experience/ Peers
Identify funding for stipends for peer-to-peer mentoring
Not identified

Shared Housing

Bring in New Haven for a Ready to Roommate Training
Journey Home
June 7th (Mary)
Get income information on BNL via a request to Nutmeg
Lisa/Crane have submitted to Release Bin. 
June 14th due date.
More fully utilizing other systems of care
Identify MH/SA/Residential/Medical Treatment programs
June 19th
Increasing Income
Identify interns who can assist with employment
Sarah DiMaio
June 14th
Identify mechanism for adding a "during" assessment for income for shelter and outreach programs.
Crane and Sarah will combine with above
June 19th

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