Friday, March 15, 2019

GH CAN Leadership/ GH Sub-COC 1/16/2019

Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network
Leadership Committee Agenda
Wednesday, January 2nd, 2019

1.      Welcome and Introductions
a.      Betsy Ballad from Vesta Corp came through in hopes that their organization (who is primarily a property management company) and is very interested in getting her properties better connected with the housing providers in the CAN. 

2.      Sub-COC Items:
a.      PIT – Crane Cesario
                                                    i.     This year’s census of the homeless is coming up and Greater Hartford will be conducting our unsheltered count in the morning.  If you haven’t signed up, you can sign up on 
                                                   ii.     Legislator Volunteer Recruitment
1.      CCEH is seeking to identify legislators to assist with the Point In Time count.  CCEH has added to their volunteer recruitment whether folks are an elected official as well, we’re hoping to have more folks participate as volunteers.  We will be conducting the Point In Time count on January 23rd.  If anyone knows of folks who are disconnected from outreach, contact Crane.
2.      There are trainings taking place for agency staff.  There’s also a training taking place the night before training for the unsheltered count. 
3.      Our Warming Center was counted as unsheltered last year, and that will continue to be the case this year.
b.      CT HMIS – Crane Cesario
                                                    i.     All organizations should know who their HDC (Data Coordinator) is for their agency.  The HDCs from each org should be participating in the monthly webinars.
                                                   ii.     One item we need guidance on is whether AMI can be removed from the financial assessments.  It currently isn’t being used.  The Housing Solutions for Individuals meeting determined that we could let it go.  Do any organizations have a reason that we need to keep this information in the system?
                                                  iii.     HUD provides a statewide AMI value. That could be used, but we would move from CaseWorthy baseline with that update.
c.      HUD Funding – Crane Cesario
                                                    i.     With the government shutdown, we don’t know anything.  HUD is reporting that they have an interim plan for programs that were being funded through the end of 2018.  It’s not clear what’s next.
                                                   ii.     CT BOS Continuum of Care had a semi-annual meeting.  Look for information online.  If you have questions, reach out to Crane.  There are new standards for evaluation coming.  It’s a similar story. 
d.      Proposed Rapid ReHousing Standards (see handout) – Crane Cesario
                                                    i.     If organizations have the time to look this over and discuss any changes they have proposed.  If anyone has concerns, pass them along to Crane.  We would need feedback by noon next Thursday. 

3.      Cold Weather Protocol Updates – Salvation Army Marshall House
a.      Everything has been going well, we’re in full swing.  We have family shelter bed capacity right now.  We have 0 families in overflow, we have spent 0 hotel funding.  We’ve been able to shelter individual women in the overflow.  The Warming Center has so far been between 15-30, which is significantly lower than the same time period last year. 
                                                     i.     Triaging has been working well directly out of the Warming Center.  Volunteers have been amazing and we’ve had dinner dropped off almost every night.  We have clinicians on site, we have outreach workers on site, Mark Jenkins of GHHRC has been on site regularly and assisted with transportation.  The one thing we’re running into is that the 10-15 people who are coming to the warming center repeatedly and all the individuals are refusing to enter beds. 
                                                   ii.     Sarah said that the housing locator emails from Mary McGowan at Journey Home is leading to a lot of helpful leads for housing search.
                                                  iii.     Appointments at the Diversion Center are still booked out pretty significantly because of staffing limitations. 
1.      All three organizations are down one staff person right now.  Because of the low staffing we’re hitting some real issues in keeping our system scheduling quickly. 
2.      Regular appointments are booked out until 1/22, urgent individuals are booked out until 1/11.  Urgent families we’re seeing the same day or next business day.  We’re now up closer to a 60% no-show rate (between 40-50% no-show is normal for the Diversion Center).  The number of people booking multiple appointments is very low (about 8% of the whole).  Only 3 family requests for shelter have happened this winter. 
                                                  iv.     Barbara asked whether the churches who were on standby to assist if there were a governor activated severe cold weather protocol, and whether we would end up needing that volume.  We usually start to see more and more families after the end of the holiday season. 
                                                   v.     Nutmeg closed enrollments but did not actually end enrollments for everyone so it has not been smooth entering them into CT HMIS.

4.      Coordinated Exit
a.      Documentation Expectations for Shelter and Housing Case Managers – Sonia Brown
                                                    i.     Some concerns have come up from CRT about their program receiving referrals to their program who were missing their homeless verifications.  There’s a need to expedite referrals to programs. 
                                                   ii.     Mollie mentioned that an area of discrepancy may be that different Rapid ReHousing programs across the board have a variety of different forms and expectations. 
                                                  iii.     Crane brought up that a number of the referrals that she has recently received who don’t have the full homeless verification to back it up. 
                                                  iv.     Kara mentioned that she and Leigh will be going out on shelter monitoring visits across the state to provide consistency on case management across the board. 
1.      Everyone needs certain documentations. 
                                                   v.     We at Journey Home have not been getting back consistently.
                                                  vi.     Programs are at risk of losing their funding if they can’t ensure that they’re housing the appropriate folks.
                                                vii.     Kara reminded everyone that CT HMIS counts as third party verification. 
                                               viii.     Kara suggested that CRT look at changing their RRH program to not require chronicity. 
                                                  ix.     Sarah requested that Journey Home go on an agency-by-agency tour of listing out what the issues are.
                                                   x.     Barbara questioned whether another person may be able to assist with this type of work? 
                                                  xi.     At the state level, we’re identifying that there may be a better way to go about chronic homelessness.  Rather than working to build out extensive HVs and then trying to identify the presence of a disability, at the statewide level we’re trying to identify what the ways are that we can do better at verifying disabilities earlier on.
                                                xii.     When someone hits their 12th month, supervisors should be copied on all message.  Then, if anyone who is potentially chronic who gets referred to a housing program, there will be an expectation that within a week the case manager will complete the documentation.
1.      Rebekah mentioned that another big piece of this that adds to the challenge is in obtaining in third party verification. 
2.      Self-verification isn’t something that we have relied upon very heavily, but may be an opportunity for further review.  We will revisit this for next time.

5.      Campaign Updates: ESLC and Family Challenge
a.      Weekly Family Meeting Request – Lisa
                                                     i.     We’re only discussing families on the By-Name List at family matching every two weeks.  But we’d like to insert some specific meeting time during the Leadership and Operations meetings. 
                                                   ii.     New meeting to begin
b.      Upcoming Requests for Data - Mollie

6.      GH CAN Shelter and Housing Data
a.      GH CAN Housed Data (see p.2)
b.      GH CAN Waitlist Data (see p.2)

7.      Future Agenda Items?
a.      Review of potentially chronic and delays between referrals and intakes. 
b.      Bring the Chronic Dashboard for next week as well as a list of all clients. 
c.      Indoor document readiness

8.      Announcements
a.      CAN Data Dashboards are available at .  Please check out your organization’s data and work on cleaning up any incorrect data so that we can start using these dashboards to inform our system work.
b.      CCEH will be making Diversion/Rapid Exit funds for youth available as part of the YHDP program, more details to come soon.

GH CAN Housing Data
Data Element
Chronically homeless individuals housed in 2015
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless individuals housed in 2016
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless individuals housed in 2017
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless/potentially chronic individuals housed in 2018
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs and bridges to PSH as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Total Chronically homeless individuals housed in GH CAN

Verified Chronic Matched

Verified Chronic Not Yet Matched
We currently have 9 chronic verified clients who have not yet been matched to housing. 
Potentially Chronic Refusers

Verified Chronic Refusers

Not Chronic (Verified) Refuser

Potentially Chronic Matched
These households did not disclose a disabling condition, and are matched to various programs.
Not Chronic Matched

Potentially Chronic Not Yet Matched
Right now we believe 26 households have the chronic length of homeless history, but none of these individuals have their homeless and disability verifications completed.
Individuals - Active – Not Matched
This is Enrolled in CAN, Enrolled in TH, and In an Institution
Families – Active – Not Matched
This is Enrolled in CAN and Enrolled in TH
Families - Verified Chronic – Not Matched

Families – Not Chronic (Verified) – Matched

Families – Verified Chronic – Matched

SmartSheet Shelter Priority List Data
Individual Men
Individual Women
Families – Waitlist Does Not Exist
58 Unsheltered/ In a Car
 61 Unsheltered/In a Car
10 families are on our Family Stabilization List
74 Total
81 Total

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