Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Greater Hartford Sub-COC/ GH CAN Leadership 9/20/17

Hartford sub-CoC Advisory Board

September 20, 2017 at 1:00 pm

Next Meeting: October 18, 2017 at 1:00 pm

1.    CT HMIS – Steering Committee Report – Crane Cesario
o   Due to low attendance expectancy, the August HMIS Steering Committee meeting was cancelled.
o   The next meeting is scheduled for 10/13/2017.

2.    Dynamic Prioritization and Progressive Engagement – Crane Cesario
o   CAN’s will need to begin to look at how to best implement this framework to ensure we maintain progress on chronic homelessness and serve our target population as effectively as we can.

3.    CT BOS Steering Committee Items and Discussion
o   FY 2017 CoC Program Competition Project Final Ranking Report 
o   An email was sent to grantees on 9/8/2017 to inform them that their CT BOS project had been accepted and ranked on the Priority Listing for submission to FY 2017 HUD CoC Program Competition.  
o   The Final Ranking Report was released via email on 9/15/2017
o   No Greater Hartford projects were scored in the bottom 10%
o   Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program Update
o   At the last CT BOS meeting, Katie Durand of DOH presented a draft plan to the Steering Committee
o   DOH has been working with HUD to understand what needs to be included in the community plan.
o   Draft Community Plan will be sent to HUD in October and HUD will send feedback. 
o   The draft Allocation breaks down funds as follows:
·        63% on RRH for Youth
·        14% on Rapid Exit and Diversion
·        23% on Youth Navigators to have in each CAN
o   BOS representatives for the Coordinating Committee
o   At the September CT BOS meeting, Cathy Zall volunteered as one representative
o   Cathy Zeiner has offered to be a second volunteer, if needed
o   Another volunteer needed (does not need to be a CT BOS SC member)

o   DOH Update – HOME
o   Currently, RRH HOME Funding is not available as HUD has not executed the contract

     4.   Changes to the Planning Grant – Crane Cesario and Cat Damato
o   Beginning on 9/26, Cat will be part time (12.5 hrs per week.)

o   She will still serve as the Greater Hartford Community Liaison.

Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network
Leadership Agenda
Wednesday, September 20th, 2017

1.      GH CAN Committee Updates
a.      Cold Weather Planning Committee – Matt Morgan

b.      Diversion Center Committee – Stephanie Corbin

c.      Coordinated Exit for Families – Sarah DiMaio and Lisa Quach

d.      Youth Engagement Team Initiative – John Lawlor

e.      Coordinated Outreach Committee – Janet Bermudez / Mollie Greenwood

f.       GH CAN Housing Data – see p.3

2.      Future Agenda Items

3.      Announcements
a.      Hands On Hartford is working on planning the Day of Sharing and Caring and needs lots of help planning and pulling off the event.  The event is currently scheduled for 11/2 from 11:00AM – 2:00PM If you’re interested, please contact
b.      Salvation Army is offering an Anti Human Trafficking Training at Capitol Region Mental Health Center Tuesday, 9/26 from 1-4 PM.  Register with Cat Damato.
c.      CT Department of Housing has an RFP out for HOPWA funding for the following locations: Litchfield County, Middlesex County, New London County, and Tolland County.  The RFP is available in electronic format on the State Contracting Portal at or from the Department’s Official Contact, Steve DiLella.

Cold Weather Planning Committee
·        The City has not yet released an RFP
·        Salvation Army Marshall House will be operating a No-Freeze for individual women beginning November 1st.
·        This committee recommends having Diversion Center stop direct shelter referrals when cold weather season starts, and instead direct people to the warming centers if they are in need of shelter.  At the warming center, staff will triage to year-round shelters.

Diversion Center Committee
·        Are there any gaps in services or financial assistance that is harming our clients?  If so, what are the gaps?
o   Staffing levels are significantly reduced at the Diversion Center right now- appointments have been reduced as a result.

Family Matching Meeting:
·        Are there any gaps in services or financial assistance that is harming our clients?  If so, what are the gaps?
o   Past utility issues. Most of the families in East Hartford Shelter that have not been able to be referred are due to utility arrears. The lowest scoring 4 clients on the by-name-list all have arrears over $1,000.
o   Larger size bedrooms. Many 2 bedrooms become available but would it be possible to have 2 bedrooms grow into bigger size bedrooms to accommodate our larger families?
o   Families failing out of Mercy’s ESG program cannot be bridged to PSH since it is not a rapid rehousing program.
·        Committee is carefully case conferencing families to assess proper housing intervention. There may be delays in filling in PSH openings due to eligibility. This is in effort to reduce the discussion amongst clients to refuse rapid rehousing with hopes of getting PSH. The committee matched 2 PSH openings at last week’s opening and have 1, possibly 2 PSH openings at Sue Ann Shay as well as openings in the congregate building on Wethersfield Ave. through My Sister’s Place. 2 families will be moving into the congregate setting this Friday 9/15/17.

Youth Engagement Team Initiative:
·        Are there any gaps in services or financial assistance that is harming our clients?  If so, what are the gaps?
o   The gaps in services for the clients is employment services and a drop in center for youth if they are in need of services.
·        Are there issues with any staff’s ability to prepare for or participate in this committee?
o   The committee is in the process of engaging with McKinney Vento Liaisons in the large school districts that are in the GH CAN region to participate in the YETI Committee.  Does anyone have a relationship with any McKinney Vento Liaisons?

Outreach Committee:
·        Are there any gaps in services or financial assistance that is harming our clients? 
o   Diversion Center Referrals to the PATH team who aren’t PATH eligible.
o   No outreach outside of the City of Hartford if folks aren’t PATH eligible.
o   Bus passes/ transportation is a large issue
o   Drop-offs from DOC continue to be an issue.
·        Are there any issues with any staff’s ability to prepare for or participate?
o   Our Unsheltered List is not always a good representation of who is currently working with outreach.  Because it’s challenging to capture information on who is currently engaging with outreach, we don’t know if we’re discussing everyone we need to at the outreach meeting. 
o   We discuss many people but staff aren’t coming with a plan for housing matching. 

Data Element
Chronically homeless households housed in 2015
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless households housed in 2016
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless households housed in 2017
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Total Chronically homeless households housed in GH CAN

Verified Chronic Matched

Verified Chronic Not Yet Matched
We currently have 5 chronic verified clients who have not yet been matched to housing.
Potentially Chronic Refusers

Verified Chronic Refusers

Potentially Chronic Matched
These households did not disclose a disabling condition, and are matched to various programs.
Potentially Chronic Not Yet Matched
Right now we believe 34 households have the chronic length of homeless history, but none of these individuals have their homeless and disability verifications completed.

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