Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network
Operations Agenda
Wednesday, September 6th, 2017
Attended: Manuel Cadena (Catholic Charities), Anita Cordero
(ImmaCare), Stephanie Corbin (Mercy), Rochelle Currie (The Connection), Angel
Fernandez (The Open Hearth), Mollie Greenwood (Journey Home), Steve Hurley
(Journey Home), Je’Naya King (CHR),
Klaudia Lobeska (CRT East Hartford), Gerilyn Maciel (Salvation Army Marshall
House), Kyren McCrorey (The Open Hearth)Malika Nelson (CHR), Heather Pilarcik
(South Park Inn), Lisa Quach (Journey Home), Luz Serrano (ImmaCare), Rob
Soderberg (CHR), Wendy Walker (McKinney), Tanesha Shuler (My Sisters’ Place),
and Rika Racelis (Chrysalis)
1. Welcome
and Introductions
Leadership Updates – Mollie Greenwood
Mollie says that the city has found a location
for a warming center. The city has not yet put out a proposal for funding for the
warming center.
Mollies says CAN leadership has decided to have
standing meetings on Mondays at 3pm of planning out the Cold Weather Protocol
Process. Any interested staff are welcome to attend.
Mollies says the rally for Non Profit providers
at The Capitol tomorrow and is from 10:30 to noon.
Mollie says there were no families that were
matched to family PSH openings at last week's meeting because case managers believed that many families on the BNL did not require the ongoing assistance levels available with PSH.
Mollie says CAN leadership looking at scattered
site to change to individual PSH instead
Mollie says the Veteran committee met last week and
plan to schedule another time to meet soon.
2. Case
Conferences – Fred Faulkner
No case conferences were brought up at this
3. Coordinated
Shelter Waitlist Process Changes – Steve Hurley
i. Training
Steve says Smartsheet training is available on
Thursday 9/7 from 4pm-5m at 76 Pliny Street at My Sister’s Place.
Steve says the new policy and procedures for the
shelter waitlist on Smartsheet will be in effect starting Monday, September 11th. The policies were distributed to all staff, and are attached below:
A. By 8:00
AM - Shelters notify Diversion Center of any vacancies in new “Shelter Bed Vacancies”
· If the
shelter does not have any vacancies, please continue to update the smartsheet
daily even if it says 0.
· If a
shelter has not updated the smartsheet in 5 business days, Journey Home will
reach out to the agency/program manager.
B. 9:00
AM-1:00 PM
· Designated
Outreach workers (Tony Mack, Dave Duverger, Je’naya King, Kelly Gonzalez,
Shihan Ghazi, Juanita Blablock or Tina Gaines) call shelters to request an
immediate shelter referral to the vacant beds for people they have visually
verified that the person is sleeping outside.
a. Outreach
workers adds client to Smartsheet & check “Verified Unsheltered” box.
b. If a
client is accepted into shelter, shelters update Shelter Bed Vacancy Smartsheet
and client status appropriately (Pending, etc).
c. Can
fill all beds with these referrals. If
all beds are full, outreach worker adds to Smartsheets and checks Verified
· Designated
Diversion staff and Connection staff (Stephanie Corbin and Rochelle Currie
(Mondays) - Add all those who cannot be diverted to Smartsheet. For special
cases (see below), they will call shelters to request an immediate shelter
referral for vacancies.
a. If a
client is accepted into shelter, shelters update Shelter Bed Vacancy Smartsheet
and client status appropriately (Pending, etc).
b. Diversion
staff should not fill all vacant beds with these referrals. Should leave some beds open for other
· Soup
kitchen staff – (Janet Bermudez) – Assist clients in calling 211 for a CAN
appointment. For special cases (see below), they will call the diversion center
to check if the client is on the shelter priority list. If client is on the
list, shelter diversion coordinator will reach out to shelters to request an
immediate shelter referral.
Note: If shelter calls a client and the client does not
answer, and the shelter leaves a voicemail/message(s), shelters should not offer this bed to another client. This bed
will be held until the following morning.
If the client is reached by phone, says they will come, but the client
does not show up by the appointed time, then the shelter can follow the
protocol below.
C. 2:30
PM and later – Shelters should use SmartSheet to try and fill any remaining
shelter vacancies as has been done for the past few months using CAN
prioritization for shelter.
· Shelters
will make a minimum of 2 calls to the client and inform them they have until
8am the next day to call back and/or show up. Everything resets at 9am. (This
eliminates the 24 hour wait time. Due
diligence policies will be updated to reflect this new process.)
· While
shelters are waiting for call backs, they should not offer the bed to another
client. Example: If there are 5 beds open at 3pm and there have been calls made
to 5 clients and an outreach worker calls the shelter asking for immediate
shelter referral at 4pm, the 5 beds will be heldso the shelter should not offer
a bed to the Outreach worker’s client.
· Before
8am, shelters will mark all client’s status as appropriate. (“No Shows” or
“Accepted”). This will reduce the volume of the waitlist if clients are removed
from the waitlist after being contacted.
of Contact
A. Third
shift shelter staff would be responsible for updating “Shelter Bed Vacancies”
Smartsheet by 9am.
B. All
staff who answer the phone between 9am-2pm at all the shelters are authorized
to determine if a client can be accepted to shelter. All staff should be sent
to a training at Journey Home.
3. Guidelines for Immediate Referrals from
Diversion Center to Shelters
Some possibilities include:
i. People
who are or have been sleeping outside and staff can see multiple signs of
evidence such as:
· showering
on site
· hygiene/physical
· carrying
all their belongings
· can
specifically describe the location where they are sleeping
ii. Medically
compromised people with discharge paperwork/wristband who staff believe were
sleeping outside before they went into the hospital/institution setting,
iii. Use
judgment call
These processes were approved by the Operations Committee and are effective next week, after the SmartSheets trainings have taken place.
4. Coordinated
Recently Housed – Lisa Quach
Housing Data – see pg.2
Rapid ReHousing Meeting Changes: Progressive
Engagement Training
-RRH Training will be on 9/13 at 1pm at 76 Pliny
Street at My Sister’s Place.
5. CAN
Survey Raffle Winner Drawing
Hands On Hartford and a number of community
partners are working on planning the Day of Sharing and Caring, and needs lots
of help planning and pulling off this event. If you’re interested in assisting,
please contact
The event will take place on 11/2/17
Salvation Army is offering an Anti-Human
Trafficking Training at Capitol Region Mental Health Center on Tuesday, 9/26
from 1 – 4PM. Register for training with Cat Damato at
Security Deposit Guarantee Program is only available
for chronically homeless clients at this time.
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