Wednesday, June 19, 2019

GH CAN Leadership/ GH Sub-COC Committee Notes 6/5/2019

Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network
Leadership Committee Agenda
Wednesday, June 5th, 2019

In Attendance:
Kara Capobianco – CT DOH
Crane Cesario – DMHAS
Stephanie Corbin – Mercy Housing and Shelter
Sarah DiMaio – Salvation Army
Fred Faulkner – The Open Hearth
Heather Flannery – Interval House
Andrea Hakian – CHR
Audrey Kennedy – South Park Inn
John Lawlor  - The Connection
Rebekah Lyas – ImmaCare
Steve MacHattie – Mercy Housing and Shelter
Elijah McFolley – The Open Hearth
Kathy Shaw – My Sisters’ Place
Keysha Starks – South Park Inn
JR Fritsch – Salvation Army

1.       Coordinated Entry
a.       Salvation Army Bridge Beds Proposal – Sarah DiMaio (10 minutes)
                                                               i.      Sarah discussed further with her corps in Florida who does this.  Florida only did this for individuals, which makes sense with what we had discussed.  In talking with Diversion and with Outreach, Sarah discovered that our waitlist for individual men is extremely low.  So it seems like this may not be needed immediately. 
                                                             ii.      We may instead need an option for sheltering folks who are unsheltered, and coordinating with outreach.
1.       Crane appreciates that Sarah thinks as a community member, not just on behalf of her agency.  When all community members work together, there’s a bigger impact.

2.       Coordinated Exit: 
a.       Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Preference Changes – Matt Morgan
                                                               i.      For the past two years, the City has had a preference for folks moving on from PSH, and folks who are chronically homeless, and families and youth. 
                                                             ii.      About 6 months ago, new leadership at the City started talking about what they want to do to expand HCVs in the City. This means that the City is slowing the rate at which Journey Home (and the CAN) are receiving vouchers. 
                                                           iii.      We had previously been getting 75% of the turnover.  We will soon be getting only 40% of the vouchers.  This comes out to about 15 vouchers per quarter (or 5 per month).
                                                           iv.      In addition, the City will have a set-aside for a 10% cap of what can come through the CAN.  There’s a maximum capacity, but we can reuse that 10%.
                                                             v.      The next step is that the City is seeking our input on how to operationalize this.
                                                           vi.      Unfortunately, we don’t have a lot of time to gather feedback. 
                                                          vii.      Internally, we proposed having this just operate for Moving On from PSH or RRH.
                                                        viii.      We’re also looking for feedback on how to operationalize this.
1.       One option is: leave this up to the CAN Solutions meetings to decide which moving on candidates are selected for the vouchers, and who among RRH are selected. 
a.       This option may mean that clients with stronger advocates may benefit from this more than other clients.
b.       The second option is a little more structured, and would rotate between the three subpopulations: families, youth and individuals.
                                                                                                                                       i.      Kara liked this option
                                                                                                                                     ii.      Heather brought up that allocating 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 to populations, and they may not meet the actual demand in the community.             
1.       There was a recommendation to allocate to try and match the actual population we serve. 
                                                                                                                                   iii.      Crane recommended that we do a hybrid option.  We want to try to keep this as a more open process and will recommend a rotation among families, youth, and individuals (perhaps 2 individual slots per each rotation).  Crane envisions us being able to keep track of where we are at this moment.  Crane wants to try and let this process serve the system based on the population we’re serving.  It could perhaps be a little less restrictive of a process than option 2 while serving the goals of option 2. 
                                                                                                                                   iv.      Kara recommends using the data about long-term stayers in PSH to try and really open up PSH programs soon. 
1.       Kara also believes that CSH is working with DMHAS to really work on Moving On more proactively in the future. 
2.       Kara and Crane also discussed using legacy Shelter Plus Care programs (which don’t have services), and could legacy Shelter Plus Care be used for the vacancies. 
                                                                                                                                     v.      Sarah also flagged that for some populations we have had a huge period of time during which we haven’t had Rapid ReHousing programs. 
1.       Matt reminded us that we could theoretically still work with large families in the way that we have been, by using just a Rapid Exit resource (as this is technically RRH). 
c.       We have the option of taking folks who have been in PSH longer and having that be a preference.  We could also approach folks in RRH in the same way. 
d.       Kara also recommended that all PSH programs begin identifying a waitlist of clients who are already ready to go into a Moving On voucher. 
                                                                                                                                       i.      Crane agreed, and this seems to support the goal to not stick too closely to a structure, and allowing us to refer folks to the vouchers based on community need. 
e.       Rebekah asked about the folks who have already been matched to vouchers, and Matt clarified that they will be approved, and the CAN should treat them as being grandfathered in. 
f.        We will share the feedback from this group at Operations this afternoon.

3.       Data Needs of this Committee – Matt Morgan
a.       Sarah likes seeing the information about the priority list. 
b.       Crane thinks it’s helpful to see a running total of how many folks have been housed. 
                                                               i.      Crane suggested pulling the statewide data rather than this segment. 
                                                             ii.      Total number of people housed would be ideal.
                                                           iii.      Crane offered to have a brainstorming session to look at this. 
                                                           iv.      This should be on the next agenda. 

4.       Sub-COC Updates  – Crane Cesario
a.       Managing Project-Based Grant Funds – Crane Cesario
                                                               i.      Crane would like to get a general consensus around how people are feeling about project-based grant funding being underutilized and identify some options to manage that.  
                                                             ii.      PRA funding is what we’re discussing. 
                                                           iii.      Kara reminded us that the CAN Policies and Procedures went out through the CT BOS Listserv. 
1.       This was re-sent to the Leadership Listserv.
                                                           iv.      There is a high-level fight going on to change the policies at a HUD-level to institute work requirements and change equal access rules as they stand.  There are some people in HUD who are trying to slow this progress. 
1.       Programs who would be able to go in this direction are just agencies who contract directly with HUD.  Kara noted that the state has no plan to change their standards around equal access and discrimination.  We need to see how this plays out.  Some of how it plays out will be in effect when the NOFA comes out. 
                                                             v.      A discussion that will be coming up at the COC is how do we manage project based grant funds?
1.       When clients don’t do well and leave, sometimes it takes time for the property managers to upgrade/turnover that unit.  Those vacancies add up to a significant loss for some programs.
a.       There are a few ideas – convert to a sponsor-based.  The YWCA has sponsor-based.  The subsidies are held by the grantee/sub-grantee.  The YWCA holds the grant, and are responsible for spending the money on a certain number of units.  The benefit of this is that the grant is consistently applied to keep the funding of the building whole. 
b.       Another idea is to change the whole grant to scattered site, and allow some grants to be used within the building.
                                                                                                                                       i.      When clients know they have a scattered site certificate, they leave the building.
                                                                                                                                     ii.      We then struggle to find families to fill these units.
c.       A third option would be to merge multiple grants. 
d.       Matt asked whether there were restrictions on the building switching to these funding options?  Crane didn’t think so.
e.       Matt also asked whether properties were able to make revenue by renting units in the building at market rate while units were scattered site. 

5.       100 Day Campaign Updates – Matt Morgan (5 minutes)
a.       The 100 Day Team just met and texted Matt some issues.  They’re struggling to identify resources and employers to attend the Job Fair on June 28th, particularly entities outside of Hartford. 
b.       Andrea doesn’t want to duplicate, but is willing to connect offline.  Matt will connect Andrea to the team leads. 
c.       The team is also having difficulty with establishing relationships with landlords, with knowing the appropriate resources that exist in the community, language barriers, transportation barriers, and communication barriers. 
d.       Sarah mentioned that it seems like more education must be required from CAN staff, and Sarah will reach out to the change stewards and will plan to report at the next meeting. 
e.       The last thing they said was that the system is flawed and they want our input on what routes we should take to come up with a consistent plan? 
                                                               i.      John added that many youth providers are seeing Category 2 folks and are not seeing them being served. 
                                                             ii.      We need a drop-in center. 
                                                           iii.      Lisa suggested a location in Enfield that may be available for a youth drop-in center. 

6.       GH CAN Shelter and Housing Data
a.       GH CAN Housed Data (see p.2)
                                                               i.      We’ve housed over 700 chronically homeless households as a CAN
                                                             ii.      There aresome Rapid Exit dollars that have been available. 
                                                           iii.      Sarah asked about partial second month’s rent – Lisa will follow up with Amanda.
b.       GH CAN Waitlist Data (see p.2)

7.       Future Agenda Items?
a.       Sarah Updates to 100 Day Campaign for Youth
b.       Revisiting the Data discussion. 

8.       Announcements
a.       Sarah’s temporary full-time position to work on the housing stabilization list has been essential, but the position is only funded through June 30th.  Sarah asks that if programs are looking at reallocating a position, a second shift diversion staff person has been essential for triaging emergencies as they come up with families. 
b.       State budget is looking the same as it has historically been, so it seems like the CIA funds will operate in the same way that they have. 
c.       ImmaCare shelter will be doing renovations beginning in the next few months, and stopped taking new intakes last Friday, 5/10/19. 
d.       CAN Data Dashboards are available at .  Please check out your organization’s data and work on cleaning up any incorrect data so that we can start using these dashboards to inform our system work.
e.       CCEH has funding available for victims of Hurricane Maria- if you are working with anyone who was a hurricane evacuee please contact Mollie Greenwood or Lisa Quach immediately.
f.        CCEH has funding available for childcare for families in shelter!
g.       The action items from the April 3rd meeting can be found on page 3.  Several action items had deadlines of this week! 

GH CAN Housing Data

Chronically homeless individuals housed in 2015
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless individuals housed in 2016
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless individuals housed in 2017
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless/potentially chronic individuals housed in 2018
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs and bridges to PSH as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless/potentially chronic individuals housed in 2019
This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs and bridges to PSH as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Total Chronically homeless individuals housed in GH CAN

Verified Chronic Matched


Verified Chronic Not Yet Matched
We currently have 30 chronic verified clients who have not yet been matched to housing. 
Potentially Chronic Refusers

Verified Chronic Refusers

Not Chronic (Verified) Refuser

Potentially Chronic Matched
These households did not disclose a disabling condition, and are matched to various programs.
Not Chronic Matched

Potentially Chronic Not Yet Matched
Right now we believe 27 households have the chronic length of homeless history, but none of these individuals have their homeless and disability verifications completed.
Individuals - Active – Not Matched
This is Enrolled in CAN, Enrolled in TH, and In an Institution
Families – Active – Not Matched
This is Enrolled in CAN and Enrolled in TH
Families - Verified Chronic – Not Matched

Families – Potentially Chronic – Matched

Families – Potentially Chronic – Not Matched

Families – Not Chronic (Verified) – Matched
This includes RRH bridges
Families – Verified Chronic – Matched

SmartSheet Shelter Priority List Data
Individual Men
Individual Women
Family Stabilization List
7 unsheltered
23 unsheltered
30 families on Stabilization List
9 total
30 total

Strategies for Reducing Long Stayers in Shelter – Identified 4/3/19

Goal Area
Action Step Identified
Responsible Entity
Due Date
Change the Narrative to be more Strength Based
Distribute DOH "Shelter Questions" to individual shelters
Kara give to Mollie, Mollie distribute to shelters, shelters to complete
May 20th Mollie distribute – June 7th shelters will send in their identified areas for improvement.
Change the Narrative to be more Strength Based
Encourage other systems of care to work on conversations about housing.  DOH??  NEED ACTION STEPS
Amy Robinson will reach out to the VA and the CCT
HOPWA group – Barbara Shaw to discuss
Barbara Shaw to discuss at CDC May 30th
June 7th

HOPWA – May 30th

Barbara update CAN for June 19th.
Engaging People with Lived Experience/ Peers
Identify existing peer/client groups in shelters/meal programs
Audrey will ask Dave DuVerger to pull a group together

Mark will follow up
By June 7th Audrey will make a plan with Dave

Engaging People with Lived Experience/ Peers
Identify housed clients who may be good speakers about their experiences
Barbara will be keeping the Melville / Reaching Home process at the forefront of her mind.

Engaging People with Lived Experience/ Peers
Identify funding for stipends for peer-to-peer mentoring
Not identified

Shared Housing

Bring in New Haven for a Ready to Roommate Training
Journey Home
June 7th (Mary)
Get income information on BNL via a request to Nutmeg
Lisa/Crane have submitted to Release Bin. 
June 14th due date.
More fully utilizing other systems of care
Identify MH/SA/Residential/Medical Treatment programs
June 19th
Increasing Income
Identify interns who can assist with employment
Sarah DiMaio
June 14th
Identify mechanism for adding a "during" assessment for income for shelter and outreach programs.
Crane and Sarah will combine with above
June 19th

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