Friday, July 21, 2017

GH CAN Operations 6/28/17

Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network
Operations Agenda
Wednesday, June 28th, 2017

In Attendance:
Alicia Akers, CRT
Steve Bigler, CRT
Crane Cesario, CRMHC, DMHAS
Justine Couvares,  Chrysalis Center
Tylon Crump, SSVF, CRT
Rochelle Currie, The Connection
Cat Damato, CRT
Sarah DiMaio, Salvation Army Marshall House
Fred Faulkner, The Open Hearth, 
Kelly Gonzalez, CRT
Je'Naya King, PATH, CHR
Klaudia Lobeska, EHFS, CRT
Ryan MacDonough, InterCommunity
Andre McGuire, McKinney, CRT
Malika Nelson, CHR
Maureen Perez, McKinney, CRT
Heather Pilarcik, South Park Inn
Luz Serrano, ImmaCare
Wendy Walker, McKinney, CRT

1.      Welcome and Introductions
a.      Leadership Updates – Mollie Greenwood
a. Mollie says shelters are working to establish their internal policies for when a client will be considered to have self-discharged from shelters, and what period of time shelters will hold a bed for a household.
b. Crane says leadership is concerned about the outcomes for clients who are leaving shelter.
c. Mollie says leadership discussed sub-COC meetings merging with the CAN Leadership meetings.
            d. Mollie says they discussed about the subcommittee reports
e. Mollie says they discussed about clients in shelters who may be chronic, but are missing certain documentation.
2.      Case Conferences – Fred Faulkner
a.      Fred said that he would like to tour all the shelter agencies in order to get a better understanding of each agency.
b.      Fred says Dave from South Park Inn is concerned about missing documentation of when transferring a client from one shelter to a different shelter.
c.      Fred says when person is transferred to a shelter both agencies will get an email to confirm the transferring of clients.

d.     135024

e.      43851

      f.    78289

3.      InterCommunity Presentation – Ryan MacDonough
a.      Ryan says they have two offices located in Hartford and East Hartford
b.      East Hartford has a children's section for clients to bring their children when they have an appointment
c.      Ryan says they have a detox program and they have a benzo detox as well.
d.      Ryan says they have a call center when contacting their direct number.
e.      Clients are able to walk in appointments on the same day and clients can be able to see other service providers as well.
f.       Ryan says they will be working with the East Hartford schools as well and provide mobile crisis for the East Hartford area.
g.      Ryan says they do not have a pediatrician in their program yet.
h.      Ryan says they have basic needs beds as well in East Hartford.
i.       If any providers need InterCommunity to do disabling condition form for a client to contact Ryan.

4.      Coordinated Exit:
a.      Recently Housed – Lisa Quach
b.      Standards for Marking Unsheltered on BNL – Lisa Quach
a. Lisa says during Outreach meetings committee discusses about clients who are currently unsheltered and is verified by an outreach worker.
b. Lisa asks how long should a client be on the unsheltered list.
c. Heather asks what is the difference of being on the unsheltered list.
i. Lisa says this unsheltered list is to keep track of clients who are currently unsheltered and client who are unsheltered that refuse to go into shelter.
d. Lisa will wait for seven days until she removes a client from the unsheltered list.
e. Wendy asks if there is a way to track clients on HMIS when they are unsheltered.
f. Crane suggests to contact Beau Anderson to see if he can help
c.      Removal from BNL – Lisa Quach

5.      Coordinated Entry:
a.      Shelter Priority List Training - Steve Hurley

6.      Announcements
a.      Hands On Hartford and a number of community partners are working on planning the Day of Sharing and Caring, and needs lots of help planning and pulling off the event.  If you’re interested in assisting, please contact
b.      Salvation Army is offering an Anti Human Trafficking Training at Capitol Region Mental Health Center Thursday, 9/28 from 1-4 PM
c.      The time for the Rapid ReHousing Matching Meetings has changed- Rapid ReHousing matching will now begin at 1:15 PM and go until 2:45 PM.

GH CAN Housing Data
Data Element
Chronically homeless households housed in 2015

This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless households housed in 2016

This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Chronically homeless households housed in 2017

This includes clients housed through GH CAN programs as well as through other subsidies or independent housing
Total Chronically homeless households housed in GH CAN

Verified Chronic Matched

Verified Chronic Not Yet Matched

We currently have 10 chronic verified clients who have not yet been matched to housing.
Potentially Chronic Matched

These households did not disclose a disabling condition, and are matched to RRH programs.
Potentially Chronic Not Yet Matched

Right now we believe 43 households have the chronic length of homeless history, but none of these individuals have their homeless and disability verifications completed.

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