Monday, July 24, 2017

GH CAN Leadership 7/12/17

Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network
Leadership Agenda
Wednesday, July 12th, 2017
Sonia Brown - CRT,
Kara Capobianco- DOH,
Crane Cesario – CRMHC, DMHAS
Cat Damato - CRT,
Fred Faulkner – The Open Hearth,
Louis Gilbert - ImmaCare,
Mollie Greenwood – Journey Home,
Andrea Hakian- CHR,
Matt Morgan – Journey Home,
Amy Robinson- US Department of Veterans Affairs,
Iris Ruiz – Interval House,
Kathy Shaw – My Sisters’ Place,
Cathy Zeiner - YWCA,
John Lawlor – The Connection,
Ymonne Wilson - CRT,
Justine Couvares[MG1]  – Chrysalis Center

1.      HUD Standards for Housing and Shelter Accessibility-Kara
a)      Following up on the article that we distributed last week, Kara wants to make sure shelters are following the American Disabilities Act (ADA) and Fair Housing Act (FHA) laws regarding clients in shelter and housing accommodation requirements for clients with disabilities such as clients with oxygen tanks and emotional support and therapy pets.  In some parts of the state there have been issues with accommodating different kinds of disabilities lately, so Kara wants to remind everyone to let their staff know that if they are not sure what to do they should elevate the issue to their shelter manager.
b)     If a shelter or housing program is unable to accommodate an individual because of their disabilities, Kara says that programs should bring these clients up to CAN meetings to figure out a solution to the client.
c)      Sonia says that happens in housing programs as well with landlords and the agency speaks on behalf for the client to make that accommodation.
d)     Kara says if any shelter has any questions or concerns about these issues is to contact the shelter director.
a.      Coordinated Entry requirements for accessibility and language line- Matt
a)      Matt says a gap that needs to be covered at CAN appointments is accommodating clients who have language barriers such as English not being a client’s primary language, clients who are deaf, and clients who are blind.
b)     Sonia asked if the problem is the fee for the language line?
a.      Kara suggests to add the language line to the Diversion Center budget.
b.      Andrea says the Diversion Center can use the language line when CHR staff is there at the Diversion Center[MG2] .
c)      Andrea asks if 211 is able to flag these clients on the CAN appointment schedule for clients that need these other resources.
d)     Mollie says right now there is no way to flag these clients in HMIS for the CAN appointments.
e)     Andrea asks if 211 can add another question to their script of whether or not the client needs special accommodations at their CAN appointment.
f)       Matt proposes to contact 211 and CCEH to get this new option in HMIS.  Mollie will work with Laura of 211 to figure out how to flag households who need special accommodations and will submit a request to Nutmeg’s Release Bin to have some sort of identifier added statewide.
2.      Balance of Stated COC Representation
a)      Cat says Manchester is still its own Sub COC and is meeting regularly.  Andrea Hakian regularly attends those meetings.
b)     Cat says Manchester Sub COC can stay separate from the CAN.
c)      Cat says the next Hartford sub-COC meeting is next August.
d)     Crane suggests if Andrea can’t attend a BOS COC meeting on behalf of Manchester Crane or Matt can represent the CAN at that meeting.
e)     Crane says the Hartford Sub COC Chair position needs to be filled and this position will be discussed at next month’s meeting.
f)       Sonia asks about the maximum pay that agencies can pay for the CT BOS RRH and whether exceptions to the maximum this need to go through the CAN.
g)      Crane suggests the authorizations should come to the CAN Leadership meetings.
h)     Kara says she thinks the purpose is to keep the CAN informed when difficult cases come up.
i)       Kara says DOH is trying to balance the budgets for RRH since more RRH programs will be growing.
j)       Sonia suggests to bring this issue at the Operations or RRH meetings.
k)      Matt suggests that this may be better resolved at the housing matching meetings and that leadership may benefit from hearing if this is an issue with RRH programs.
l)       Andrea suggests to bring that information back to the Leadership Meeting to look at the information.
m)    Crane suggests to create a form and send it CT BOS to approve it and send it back to the CAN.
3.      The Open Hearth Program Changes
a)      Fred says as of July 1st Open Hearth no longer has a TLP program and has expanded its shelter beds from 25 to 55 beds.  When clients walk into the shelter the case managers will assess the level of need for the client to determine what tier of the shelter seems like a good fit for case management.
b)     Fred says
c)      Fred says that in addition to these changes to their shelter,  they have a new SRO-style Extended Program.  This program is designed for clients have income and who are focused on sober lifestyles.  Residents will pay to stay at The Open Hearth and stay as long as they would like, get to vote on new individuals joining the program, and will live in a sober environment, similar to Oxford House.  Anyone can make a referral to this program.
a.      Matt says if a client is being matched during a housing matching meeting would you want a referral if client seems appropriate.
i.       Fred says yes they would take those referrals and they have 10 to 15 beds.
4.      Young Adult Shelter Beds
a)      John ask if any shelter provider would be interested to set aside a bed or two for young adult youth.
b)     Brian from South Park and Lauren from Salvation Army Marshall House said they would be interested in prioritizing some beds for young adults if there was funding available to support this.
c)      Kara says to also think about the logistics for shelters if that is possible, and to consider if your shelter is a place where youth may feel more comfortable.  Some shelters have had success with prioritizing shelter beds for youth if those beds are able to be separated from other beds and have a little more privacy.  This is not feasible for all shelters, so it’s something to keep in mind.
d)     Cathy from YWCA says they may be interested as well.
5.      GH CAN Housing Data
a)      Mollie says it is the first time that potentially chronic not yet matched is under 40.
a)      Mollie says the issue is that some of these clients are not in a shelter and are unaware of where these clients are staying right now.
b)     Matt says in an estimated trend we could reach zero chronically homeless in 12 to 18 months.
6.      Announcements
a.      Hands On Hartford is working on planning the Day of Sharing and Caring and needs lots of help planning and pulling off the event. If you’re interested, please contact
b.      Salvation Army is offering an Anti Human Trafficking Training at Capitol Region Mental Health Center Tuesday, 9/26 from 1-4PM

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