- Welcome and Introductions
Sofina Begum - Journey Home
Yoshi Bird - South Park Inn
Sonia Brown - CRT
Letticia Brown-Gambino - Chrysalis
Kara Capobianco - Department of
Crane Cesario - DMHAS
Sarah DiMiao - Salvation Army
Marshal House
Lauren Fair - Salvation Army
Marshall House
Fred Faulkner - The Open Hearth
Heather Flannery - Interval House
Alexis Gaynor - Journey Home
John Lawlor - The Connection
Rebekah Lyas - ImmaCare
Elijah McFolley - The Open Hearth
Lionel Rigler - City of Hartford
Tyeisha Saffold - CRT EH Shelter
Sharon Redfern - Cornerstone
- Career Pathways Program Presentation – Roy Mainelli, Journey Home
Successful 5 year program that
Journey Home would like to continue to grow by training prospective employees
for trade jobs
In the past 5 years 50 plus people
have been employed through this employment program
The Open Hearth has been a big
participant of the program
Hartford Foundation for Public
Giving would like to continue to fund and support the growth of the program
Right now there are 14 positions
with 5 companies open, the Career Pathways Employment Program would like to
open the opportunity to all CAN members to encourage clients to join the
3 month vetting process for
selecting candidates
- Cold Weather Update – Sarah Dimaio
Opening date for Willie Ware
Warming Center will be December 1st with a possible closing date of March 31st
The Warming Center will have up to
20 front line employees
Salvation Army Marshall House has
started to interview for positions and is hoping to hire
The Salvation Army Marshall House
Overflow Shelter will have 23 beds for families and 4 dedicated beds for single
Salvation Army Marshall House is
recruiting churches in the area to host one night a week to open capacity, they
have reached out to 7 churches with the possibility of 3 of them coming on
This year at the Warming Center,
there will not be a case manager. However, diversion appointments will be done
on site to divert as many clients as possible. Immacare will provide one FTE to
assist with diversion
- Shelter Report Out on Progress in Changing the Narrative to be Strength-based – South Park Inn, McKinney, Salvation Army, YWCA, East Hartford Shelter, Open Hearth
McKinney, YWCA, and South Park Inn
were not present for the discussion
East Hartford Shelter reported
that they are training their staff to focus their conversations to be more
about housing; having the clients consider housing options with family/friends,
shared housing, or roommate situations (doubled-up safe)
Open Hearth is encouraging staff
to engage in a casual conversation with clients more often. Staff is having a
2nd “Diversion” conversation with clients, to explore options to self-resolve.
Shelters are working on training
their staff on how to engage with clients to help them get out of the shelters
The Salvation Army changed job
descriptions about a year ago. It is now mandatory for all staff to complete
(3) NAEH webinars per month. Each client has a housing plan, which are kept in
the front office so that each shift has access to the housing plan. Each shift
has been given assignments, specifically to search for housing
Report out on Potentially Chronic clients – shelters, outreach programs
Some shelters have reported that
many of the clients are missing Disability Verification
The Open Hearth has reported that
all 4 of their Potentially Chronic clients have or are receiving support. Two
of their clients have moved on to permanent based housing, one of their clients
has a Disability verfication, and one is difficult but they are receiving the
support they need from Open Hearth.
- Homeless Outreach Gap/Issues
Evening outreach is still needed
but Salvation Army is planning on hiring two full time employees dedicated to
Salvation Army plans to do night
time outreach 3 days a week for about 6 weeks; Staff will only canvass the
community to surveys in order to capture demographics and last zip code
Teams of 3 people will be going
out from 6pm to 11pm to verify clients
Alexis is forming a volunteer
group to do outreach after hours- date to be determined based on doodle poll
that was sent out by Alexis
- PIT Update – Crane Cesario and Alexis Gaynor
2020’s PIT count will be held on January 22nd in the morning from 5 am
to 7am
HUD CoC grants require
organizations provide at least one volunteer for PIT
PIT office hours to be determined
- Updates and Next Steps on Local Strategies on Long Stayers in Shelter – Stephanie Corbin, Sarah Dimaio, Rebekah Lyas, Barbara Shaw, Crane Cesario, Lisa Quach
All shelters need to report on the
changes they are implementing for more strength based results
Trainings to come soon with CSH
collaborative training focusing on race and equity
- New Agenda Items
Wiping Smart Sheets clean in preparation for Cold-weather
Proposal: No longer having diversion staff add people to
shelter-waitlist. Outreach will canvass, verify, and add to the waitlist.
- Announcements