Wednesday, August 2, 2017

GH CAN Operations 7/27/17

Greater Hartford Coordinator
Operations Agenda
Wednesday, July 26th, 2017
Attended: Alicia Akers (CRT), Janet Bermudez (Hands on Hartford), Manuel Burnias (CRT), Roger Clark (ImmaCare), Catherine Damato (CRT), Angel Fernandez (Open Hearth), Luciana DeGray (YWCA), Klaudia Lobeska (East Hartford Shelter), Gerilyn Maciel (Salvation Army), Andre McGuire (McKinney), Maureen Perez (McKinney), Heather Pilarcik (South Park Inn), Kyren McCrorey (Open Hearth), Luz Serrano (ImmaCare), Wendy Walker (McKinney), Serlena Weatherington (Mercy), Anita Cordero (ImmaCare), Jackie Florez (Mercy), Shefia Ibrahim (Mercy), Rikka Racelis (Chrysalis Center), and Tanesha Shuler (My Sister’s Place)
1.      Welcome and Introductions
a.      Leadership Updates
a)      Mollie says there are 38 clients who meet the criteria of chronic who have not been verified but do not know where they are right now.
b)     Mollie says clients are being diverted at the CAN appointments more than last year.
c)      Mollie says that Leadership discussed about if respite programs and recovery programs should be listed on the HIC Chart. Recovery programs are not on the HIC Chart right now.

e)     Roger asks how to get programs on the HIC?
i.                 Mollie says Balance of State needs to approve and program needs to agree to put their data on HMIS.
2.      Case Conferences
-        No conferences were brought up at the meeting.
3.      Utility Assistance through Hands on Hartford
a)      Janet says Hands On Hartford received a one-time grant to help clients with utilities.
Janet  says the goal is to help clients with paying utilities and cannot exceed over $500 for per client.
b)     Janet says the completed application and copy of utility bill must be sent to her. Also, it will take about 10 business days for approval and for the check to be sent out.  Janet committed to trying to expedite her review of the applications, but that 10 days was the period of time that Hands On Hartford had to both review the application and documentation as well as to cut the check.
c)      Janet requested that all staffinclude case managers name and number on application in order to follow up if she has any questions while reviewing the application.
o   Shefia asks whether this program could it pay for back utility bills
i.                 Janet says yes.  She added that clients who have been helped out before for utilities are eligible as well.
f).  Klaudia asks whether, if a client has income and is able to pay a portion for bills that exceed $500, if the client has to pay up front.
i.                 Janet says yes they prefer that.
g). Janet says the preference is for clients who are in the process of trying to get housing to apply for this program since that has been a gap of services that has been addressed in this committee.
h). Mollie asks what kind of identification is required for submission of this form.Janet says as long as it has the person’s picture and name on the picture, any photo ID is acceptable.  The households do not need to have a DMV photo ID, things like a DOC ID, employment ID card, school ID card, or municipal ID will be sufficient for this application.
4.      PLAN of Connecticut
a.      The definition of disability for this trust is not the same as the one we use for HUD.  Chronic substance use is not considered a disability for this program.  The disability standards for the trust are the same as for social security, but a household does not need to be receiving social security benefits to qualify for the trust, they only need a letter from a doctor indicating that they are unable to work for 12 months or more.
b.      The trust doesn’t send checks directly to participants, but they can send checks or pay with credit cards directly to vendors.
b)     Shefia asks if the trust would pay for security deposits.
i.                 Colleen says they do help with security deposits and help with moving costs.
c)      Alicia asks if the client has to be a United States citizen.
i.                 Colleen says there are no restrictions if they are not U.S citizens.
5.      Coordinated Entry
a.      CCT Release of Information
a.      Mollie asks if anyone is using CCT as part of their intake process?
                                                              i.     Wendy says she was in the past, but did not find it a good resource for getting information about institutional stays.
                                                             ii.     Alicia says she was not able to get any official information for intakes and discharges for clients.
                                                            iii.     Gerilyn says SAMH is using this form as part of their intake.
                                                            iv.     Luz says ImmaCare uses the form as part of their intake.
                                                             v.     Angel says Open Hearth is not using the form during the intake process.
                                                            vi.     Klaudia says East Hartford does not use the form.
                                                          vii.     Heather says South Park Inn uses the form by a case by case with clients only if they are already aware that the households are high utilizers of ERs and/or treatment programs.
                                                         viii.     Je’Naya says CHR PATH does not use the form.
                                                            ix.     Luciana says the YWCA uses the form
                                                             x.     Serlena says Mercy uses it for all of their programs.
6.      Coordinated Exit
a.      Recently Housed
7.      Announcements
a.      Hands On Hartford and a number of community partners are working on planning the Day of Sharing and Caring, and needs lots of help planning and pulling off the event. If you’re interested in assisting, please contact
b.      Salvation Army is offering an Anti Human Trafficking Training at Capital Region Mental Health Center Tuesday, 9/26 from 1-4PM
c.      The time for the Rapid ReHousing Matching Meetings has changed- Rapid ReHousing matching will now begin at 1:15 PM and go until 2:45 PM

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