Greater Hartford
Coordinated Access Network
Leadership Agenda
Wednesday, April 5th,
1. Welcome
and Introductions – note the address section on sign-in!
a. Brian
Baker – South Park Inn
b. Sonia
Brown - CRT
c. Kyren
McCorey – The Open Hearth
d. John
Ferrucci – South Park Inn
e. Rosemary
Flowers – My Sisters’ Place
f. Louis
Gilbert - ImmaCare
g. Mollie
Greenwood – Journey Home
h. Matt
Morgan – Journey Home
i. Lisa
Quach – Journey Home
j. Kathy
Shaw – My Sisters’ Place
k. Barbara
Shaw – Hands On Hartford
l. Cathy
Zeiner - YWCA
m. Collette
Slover – Charter Oak Health Center
n. John
Lawlor – The Connection
o. Malika
Nelson - CHR
p. Jennifer
Greer - CHR
2. Advocacy
Days – Matt Morgan
i. Advocacy
day is one week away, so we discussed the List of speakers who have all said
yes & willing to speak on behalf of the GH CAN.
ii. Lisa Tepper Bates & Matt will give
overview of reaching home campaign, outlining the need to preserve DMHAS line
items for homeless services. We will also be focusing on preserving DOH
Homeless Youth line item – which was under DCF previously, and which moved this
year to DOH at 2.3 mil. Other line items we are hoping to preserve include capital
improvements for RRH & supportive housing. Any providers with questions
about these line items should reach out to CCEH or Partnership for Strong
iii. Matt
asked whether there was Anything else that you want to make sure is advocated
for that is not on this campaign that is important to our region.
1. Barbara
Shaw would like to add AIDS housing to our list of resources that we are
discussing. AIDS housing is a separate line item from homeless services, and
right now we have already seen a proposal for Over a half million dollar cut to
a small pool. Still $325,000 cut. DOH already made a cut to that in July. HIV/AIDS programs have already lost
supportive housing for folks with HIV. Not CH but at risk. Worried about losing
more housing. Asking for full restoration of $526,000. Barbara will put
together a slide for PowerPoint presentation. Will ask Shawn Lang if she has
one already? Barbara will be at advocacy day and willing to speak if there is
2. Matt
reminded everyone that legislators come in and go, and are not always just
sitting down to listen to entire presentation. Matt asked if there was anyone
else prepared to speak if time allows or in case legislators want more
a. Jen
Greer will be there and will speak for CHR. CHR is in the process of trying to
recruit a client.
b. Sarah
DiMaio is also trying to recruit a client. Anyone else willing to try to get a
client to share their story. Prep them. Suggest client to write their story
down in case they can’t speak. John Lawlor also signed up. Looking for youth.
Should have one by end of week. Other thing we want to do is to get the legislators
there. Matt will send out form letters that you can send but calling is more
important, we really want to make sure we get all the legislators there.
3. Housing
Data Updates – see p. 3
a. We
have housed 33 chronic verified households in the month of March. 26 of those
were in the last 2 weeks. So far in 2017 we have housed 57 clients. We had a
big surge of housing resources became available at the end of December so now
clients are housed. 63 folks verified and currently matched to a housing
b. We
have housed 370 clients since March 2015.
c. 11
households who are verified chronic who are not matched to any housing
resource. # has been increasing because we don’t have a whole ton of openings
in the individuals matching meeting that happens every 2 weeks. Right now we
are looking for folks in PSH range – verified chronic with higher scores to
match them first. Folks who have lower score are matched to RRH. Some of the
clients on the list are verified but have very low scores because they’re not
being matched because their scores are too low.
d. We
had a training yesterday for SPDAT training and – now have 3 trainers in the GH
CAN – Lisa, Trish & Mollie who can go out and complete trainings in the
area. As a community, we need to evaluate those clients with low scores. Right
now we have 65 clients we believe to be chronic but don’t have both forms yet.
Highest was about 85. # of potentially chronic clients has been staying around
65 and not going much lower.
4. Subcommittee
Reports: Assistance Needed from Leadership
a. Diversion
Team (p.4) – Steve Hurley
1. A
concern raised by the Diversion team is that there is no welcome center to
direct people to after CAN appointments. Without that resource the team is
focusing on how to change shelter waitlist, making sure diversion team is
working with community. Another big thing is outreach referral process. The challenge is we have a lot of outreach
capacity, but the services available vary from provider to provider. The diversion team is trying to figure out how
to connect unsheltered clients with some outreach team without calling all 5
outreach workers. Outreach committee is working to trying to handle this.
2. One
ask the Diversion Team has is to have leadership come visit the diversion
center to see what the day-to-day is. The person to get in touch with if you
want to drop in is Yolanda Potter. Appointments typically happen in the morning
- 9am-1pm. At 1:30, everyone in the diversion center comes together to case
conference to discuss all the cases they’ve had and do some problem solving. They
decide how to use funds and who can access financial resources. The afternoon
is when they do follow-ups – updating waitlist information, HMIS close out.
b. Rapid
ReHousing (p.5) – Lisa Quach
1. Furniture
is the challenge the group was most concerned about. There are some clients who
have already received their keys, but are remaining in shelter because they do
not have any furniture in their homes.
a. Sonia
Brown was able to access resources at CRT in the past. Fresh Start had closed
down so they had mattresses but they still had some issues with transportation
of furniture.
2. Even
if we get community donations to Bob’s Warehouse, we still need transportation
to transport the furniture, which is another barrier. Real Estate Agents
recycle in West Hartford – one idea is to take furniture from households who
are moving, and potentially have transportation piece to give folks job
3. Sonia
will see what she can do with getting a UHAUL and see if client is able to move
stuff from the truck to unit. Need storage to hold stuff if people want to
donate. Has anyone reached out to 2 men and a truck? Barbara will touch base
with them.
c. Coordinated
Exit: Individuals (p.6) – Tenesha Grant
i. What to do after a person has been referred to
a program and there isn’t an immediate housing opening for this individual was
a concern for this group We have had
some agencies who have begun requesting more applicants and almost generating
an internal waitlist, so that when one household is refused by property
management, they can move to another person already waiting. This is a concern because in the past it
hasn’t always been clear that programs were requesting “backup” referrals. We also ran into an issue where Tentative
referrals now don’t have housing available, because there were multiple
referrals made for one opening, and there wasn’t clear communication..
ii. A
suggestion from Crane is that if you have already filled all of your vacancies,
if folks were tentative referrals but there is nothing available, they need to
be returned to the list and prioritized. In the past there have been some
issues Issues with clients paying rent to landlords directly. Leadership need
to let staff know they need to be in attendance so that they can happen. Last
individual meeting of the month will be the case conference with PSH case
managers. Times where we don’t get updates and we have outreach/navigator staff
wondering what is going on with client. Challenge to have them at all the
d. Coordinated
Exit: Families (p.7) – Lisa Quach
i. One
of the biggest barriers in family matching is that we have very few PSH
openings for families that need more than a 2 bedroom unit. We need to see if
any programs have flexibility to adjust bedroom sizes. Families in RRH who
should be bridged to PSH but we don’t have anything that can accommodate some
larger households. Tenesha asked if it’s the bedroom size or money allotted to
the bedroom size. Gap in programming that exists right now. Crane’s goes by
certs that she can combine, CRT is about dollars and what it can hold. Some
program contracts explain that they are required to serve a certain number of
families, and because of this they cannot be flexible on bedroom size. Would HUD be willing to amend # of clients
served? Sonia offered to look into this.
e. Youth
Engagement Team Initiative (YETI) (p.9) – John Lawlor
1. 1st
YETI meeting – 18 people. No request of CAN leadership at this point.
f. Coordinated
Outreach (p.11) – Janet Bermudez – put together a chart of all outreach
providers in the areas. Collecting what services each outreach worker actually
does. Folks don’t know who to call – especially diversion team. Everyone’s
services provided are different. Originally, this committee had made outreach
cards, but when we recently tried to go back and remake those cards, we found
that we don’t have a consistent referral process.
g. Malika
from CHR PATH spoke about the fact that the PATH team is currently doing
homeless verifications for the CAN, even for folks who aren’t currently on
PATH’s caseload. The referral process for this was smooth in the beginning, but
more recently when referrals are sent to the PATH teamminimum information is
provided so the staff is doing extra work to fill out the information on the
form needed to locate people. She requested that all staff planning to refer to
PATH please fill out the form completely to save time. Another challenge the PATH team has faced is
that they have been doing many homeless verification forms, but many of the households they are verifying are not
even connected to housing so what was the point of verifying homelessness? The
PATH Team covers the entire geographic area of the GH CAN.
5. Charter
Oak Health Center: Clinical Hours in Shelters – Collette Slover
a. Charter
Oak Health Center is excited to announce they are now operating clinics in 6
shelters. In addition to this, they also have a mobile van – hours of primary
location as well as urgent care at 21 Grand St. All staffed by APRN. Charter
Oak is hoping to get dental and behavioral health in the community. Right now,
the focus is on Figuring out where there’s gap in services and how they can
provide services.
b. Is
the time dedicated at the shelters only for referrals for clients staying at
the shelter? Yes, at this point the shelter clinic hours are reserved
specifically for shelter residents, and is not open to the public. Diversion and Mercy is a primary location for
all clients as that is the centralized entry-point to the system. Mobile Van is
for everyone. Behavioral health services at Mercy is in the works. Collette is
working on it. Limited at SPI now. Green is okay to refer – Yellow is not okay
to refer. House of Bread is open. Collette will revise schedule to have one to
give to clients.
6. Announcements
a. There
are now 3 full SPDAT trainers in the GH CAN. If someone at your
organization needs training in the full SPDAT, please email
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