Greater Hartford CAN Leadership Committee
Wednesday, June 29th, 2016
1. Welcome
and Introductions
2. Zero:
2016 Updates- Document Fair- Mollie Greenwood
Benchmark on Ending Chronic Homelessness- Matt Morgan
Crane thinks we need to have a plan to make sure
that we have enough resources for people who are chronically homeless.
- One reason we believe that we have the resources to finish this job is because we have identified how many resources will be becoming available through last year's HUD application, as well as a group of new vouchers that will be coming down the line through the City of Hartford.
4. City
of Hartford Housing Choice Vouchers- Matt Morgan
Theresa passed out a Summary of Services Form
that indicates which clients can be served by other community services to the
clients who need a light touch of services to those who may need other
Matt proposed a plan to help transition those
individuals who could receive resources from other community services.
Theresa announced that there would be Section 8 Housing Choice vouchers becoming available
in the Greater Hartford area as a part of this program through the City of Hartford, and we discussed how folks had been identified as ready to move on from Permanent Supportive Housing programs. CHR and CRT asked if another agency can talk them through the process for identifying who is ready to Move On from PSH units, and Theresa of Chrysalis offered to assist.
Matt announced that the Chronic Client meeting
to prep clients will be at My Sisters Place next Wednesday from 1:30-3:30
Crane proposes to keep data of how many people
who were homeless are housed in the Greater Hartford area
5. Managing
the By Name List in CTMIS
Beau says Greater Hartford has 2,002 people on
the By Name List and 1,256 are active on the By Name List, which is a huge amount of data to have to work with. Right now there is not an automated system to deactivate people when they leave shelter.
Beau says anyone that is homeless after March 4
can be activated as chronic, but that we have a
Theresa proposes a subcommittee in order to
clean up the By-Name List. Whoever is interested in joining subcommittee may
contact Matt or Mollie.
Theresa agrees that this will be back on the
agenda for next CAN Leadership meeting to determine when is the right time to
do a VI SPDAT at a CAN appointment.
Dave recommends this needs to be a side meeting
instead of bringing it up at the next CAN Leadership meeting. The group agreed that we needed input from frontline staff administering the VI-SPDAT to make a decision. Journey Home will organize a subgroup to discuss this issue.
6. Diversion
Center at Mercy- CAN Assessment Scheduling- Mollie Greenwood
7. Subcommittee
Reports (Shelter Waitlist Subcommittee, CCEH Coordinated Entry Data, Outreach,
Coordinated Exit Individuals, Coordinated Exit Families, Veterans) – See
Because there are no CAN assessments available on the weekends, the front line staff and operations groups have both identified that having a weekend process for waitlist additions is a top priority.
Kara proses a small triage staff for the weekends
and can be a rotating schedule, and a number of agencies volunteered to assist with coverage of weekend phones.
Theresa proposes to get the data to figure out
how many people who are 211 that are indicating that they are homeless during
the weekend.
- Attendance and clear communication between agency staff who attend different committees (outreach, coordinated exit) is an ongoing challenge.
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