Friday, March 18, 2016

Greater Hartford CAN Meeting 2/24/2016

Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network
Wednesday, February 24th, 2016
1.       Welcome and Introductions
a.       Lisa Quach is our new coordinated exit coordinator at Journey Home.
2.       Zero: 2016
a.       Recently Housed Clients
                                                               i.      New trifold board to keep track of everyone who is housed this year
                                                             ii.      One client was housed from ImmaCare
b.      Landlord Breakfast Success – Rubi Alegria
                                                               i.      20 landlords attended and several speakers presented at the breakfast. If we continue to do that, we will have partnerships to help house all 125 chronically homeless individuals.
                                                             ii.      Could have been better, CRT was a good location for the breakfast
                                                           iii.      Since yesterday, 2 landlords have emailed with units available
                                                           iv.      Keeping connections
                                                             v.      Always going to be one difficult one
c.       Diversion Training Updates – Tamara Womack
                                                               i.      Different outlook to diversion and how to handle diversion
                                                             ii.      Diversion is empowering a person is in imminent risk of homelessness to identify ways to prevent homelessness, get them out of the shelters and have an empowering outlook
                                                           iii.      Role-play ways to empower clients, we’re there as mediators to keep them from shelters
                                                           iv.      Paddington-Marmalade drive- Fairfield county- open up account for greater Hartford CAN, CCEH fundraiser Be Homeful, create funds for flexible diversion
                                                             v.      Can start one yourself- similar to gofundme
                                                           vi.      Cleveland has lots of money for diversion
                                                          vii.      Reality testing- build empathy for clients, realistic things we can do to get person back home
                                                        viii.      2 things you have- housing history, rapid rehousing
3.       CT HMIS Updates – Mollie Greenwood
a.       VI-SPDAT 2.0 is now live in CT HMIS 
                                                               i.      127 chronically homeless have been housed.
                                                             ii.      125 need to be housed this year.
1.       53 individuals are on their way to housing.
2.       72 individuals have not been referred.
b.      Registry Functionality coming to CT HMIS
                                                               i.      Things are changing in the last week
                                                             ii.      VI-SPDAT 1 does not exist in HMIS
                                                           iii.      VI SPDAT 2 take 7-8 minutes and translates easier to full SPDAT
                                                           iv.      CAN assessment- CAN intake, includes extra subset of questions used to organize registry
                                                             v.      Click on VIPDAT- vispdat summary screen, current and legacy
1.       Legacy- old VI SPDAT
2.       VISPDAT 2 button
                                                           vi.      CCEH will be releasing- will notice changes on February 25.
                                                          vii.      If you have any questions, please bring them to Nutmeg.
c.       Bulletin Board Updates in CT HMIS
4.       Coordinated Entry – Upcoming Blitz to Eliminate Backlog – Matt Morgan
a.       Individuals have already done a VI-SPDAT, cancel CAN appoiinment
b.      Shelters have been doing drop in times
c.       Some shelters have been doing it as part of case management
d.      Leadership meeting
5.       Case Conferencing – Lisa Quach
a.       Housing providers meeting every Tuesday conference call
b.      List of people who have been returned to the CAN
c.       Disability verification- can be signed by staff member, need documentation in 45 days
d.      Several people on the MIA list have been found and some are on their way to being housed
e.       If it’s more than a month that someone cannot be located that they need to be brought to attention

6.       Announcements:
a.       The time for the Greater Hartford CAN Advocacy Days is March 3rd from 8:30AM-10:30AM.  Contact with questions, or if you’d like to participate.
                                                               i.      Speakers from providers and Andrea will be talking about rapid rehousing,
                                                             ii.      Need a big turnout of people to show legislators that there are a lot of people who care about homeless issues

                                                           iii.      Any clients who would be willing to go, anyone who can bring clients, please bring clients

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