Thursday, December 10, 2015

Greater Hartford CAN Meeting 11/4/15

Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network
Meeting Agenda
Wednesday November 4th, 2015
Next Meeting: Wednesday November 18th, 2015

In Attendance:
Rubi Alegria – Mercy Housing
Brian Baker – South Park Inn
Natasha Baldwin – Salvation Army Marshall House
Janet Bermudez – Hands On Hartford / MANNA
Latisha Birchett – CHR Enfield
Cordelia Brady – The Open Hearth
Aisha Brown – CHR Enfield
Gail Budrejko – Tabor House
Traci Burdick – Community Health Network
Crane Cesario – DMHAS / Hartford COC
Marcel Cicero – CRT / East Hartford Shelter
Roger Clark – ImmaCare
Rebecca Copeland – CHR Manchester
Stephanie Corbin – Community Health Network
Joel Cox – Town of Enfield Social Services
Tylon Crump – CRT / McKinney Shelter
Rosa DeJesus – Mercy Housing
Jaccqueline Farmer – Veteran’s Inc
Nate Fox – Center Church
Valorie Gaines – CHR / PATH
Lynette Gibson – My Sisters’ Place
Lou Gilbert – ImmaCare
Amanda Girardin – Journey Home
Mollie Greenwood – Journey Home
Nathalie Guzman – Salvation Army Marshall House

Amber Higgins – CHR Manchester / Rapid ReHousing
Peter Jenkins - ImmaCare
Aaron Jones – VA
Brittany King – The Open Hearth
Ivonne Lopez – Chrysalis Center
Kimberly May-Bailey – Catholic Charities
Gerilyn Maciel – Salvation Army Marshall House
Matt Morgan – Journey Home
Malika Nelson – CHR Manchester / PATH
Roxan Noble – Chrysalis Center
Shannon Oliver – Salvation Army Marshall House
Yolanda Ortiz – CRT / SSVF
Maureen Perez – CRT / McKinney Shelter
Heather Pilarcik – South Park Inn
Patricia Pollicina – Chrysalis Center
Chris Robinson – Chrysalis Center
Emmett Ruff – Journey Home
Jessica Russell – Town of Enfield
Kathy Shaw – My Sisters’ Place
Sarah Simonelli – Chrysalis Center
Stacy Smith – CRT / McKinney Shelter
Rob Soderberg – CHR Manchester
Sandra Terry – CRT / Supportive Housing
Jose Vega – CRT/ McKinney shelter
Ymonne Wilson – CRT / Supportive Housing
Tamara Womack – My Sisters’ Place

1.      Introductions

2.      GH CAN Housing Referrals – Amanda Girardin

a.      Since last meeting, at least 4 chronically homeless individuals have been housed.  3 have been housed through Project Teach TLP, and 1 has been housed in permanent supportive housing.
b.      At this time we have not identified any chronically homeless families in the Greater Hartford CAN, and so any PSH family openings will be getting referrals of families with a disability, who are highly vulnerable, and who appear to meet program eligibility. 
c.       New Referrals were made to Chrysalis- Family Matters, My Sisters’ Place – Mary Seymour Place, and My Sisters’ Place – Sue Ann Shay (Young Adult),
d.      The group reviewed the list of clients who have been identified as chronically homeless, but who have not been seen for at least 3 months, to see if staff had any updates. 

3.      Cold Weather Protocol for Greater Hartford – Matt Morgan
a.      Last year there were 50 No Freeze beds that were funded by the City of Hartford at ImmaCare.  In addition to that, we received funding for 25 beds from the Department of Housing.  There were a few days where it was totally full, but last year we were also dealing with the fact that a lot of people were resistant to the 211 process, and were struggling with it.  In addition, we had the challenge of households figuring out how to get from a shelter bed into a hotel for a night.  Historically the City of Hartford has said that if 20 individuals were in need of shelter they would open some type of emergency shelter.
b.      This year, we have preliminary plans, and Hartford COC Leadership and Opening Doors: Greater Hartford has discussed this.  The plan for this year is similar, and we will have 75 overflow beds for individual men, and there will be a small amount of funding available for hotel/motel funding.
c.       In Enfield, there has been a group meeting to try and establish a warming center for the winter.  There is no location identified at this point, but they have a couple of interested churches.
d.      Next year the No Freeze shelter will not be operated by ImmaCare.  ImmaCare is in the process of selling their current building and the new location will not be able to accommodate this additional space.
e.      Nate Fox of Center Church expressed that last year there was a challenge where beds were not filled, and individuals did not have a warm place to go while they waited for shelter curfew to figure out if beds were opening.
f.        Some suggestions on how to figure out warm locations this winter were to involve the local hospitals, library, or different church groups.  So far attempts at engaging these groups have not led to any concrete warming center locations.
g.      Triage Protocols right now – Shannon Oliver and Roger Clark
                                                              i.      For the past couple of weeks, the triage centers have been maintaining waiting lists.  The lists are first-come, first served, and households are expected to take any shelter option that is provided to them as long as they are not barred or banned from that location.  The waitlist was instituted because for many months, households had to call 211 many times a day, and whether they got a bed often depended on who called right as something opened up.  
                                                            ii.      There has been a lot of continuous communication between the shelters and triage sites, but shelters are still continuing to struggle with no-shows from households off of the waiting lists. 
                                                          iii.      A challenge for triage centers is when shelters allow walk-ins, rather than pulling directly from the waitlist, because this sends the message that folks should just show up at a shelter, making the waitlist less effective.
h.      Cold Weather Last Year

4.      Backlog of Assessment Appointments – Mollie Greenwood
a.      Following registry week, we were able to cancel nearly 200 upcoming CAN appointments, which was a big success, but we are still dealing with the reality of far book out times, particularly for households who call seeking assistance in the city of Hartford.  We’re still seeing a lot of no-shows at many assessment sites as well.
b.      Lino Cruz of CHR announced that he would soon be partnering with the Warburton Room at Center Church to provide flexible walk-in assessment slots for individuals in the city.
c.       Heather Pilarcik of South Park Inn wondered how valuable these appointments were any more.  Shelters are now doing many VI-SPDATs on households currently in the shelters, and most of the people attending the appointments do not seem to be appropriate.  Shelter sites are now doing many interim assessments, but it seems like 211 isn’t able to see this.
                                                              i.      As a reminder to all staff- if you complete a VI-SPDAT with a client who has an upcoming appointment, you should email immediately to cancel the upcoming assessment appointment.
                                                            ii.      Journey Home has a training coming up in November for assessment appointments if additional staff are interested.  Please contact to register.

5.      Zero: 2016 Summit
a.      Housing Connection Rate – Matt Morgan
b.      AIM, Drivers, Goals – Z:16 Team
a.       AIM Statement:
                                                              i.      We the leaders of Greater Hartford CAN commit to ending homelessness for 362 chronic individuals and families by 12/31/2016, ending all veteran homelessness by 12/31/15 and sustaining functional zero for veterans.
1.       Driver 1: Improving outreach and navigation
a.       By November 28th, 2015, form a CAN Outreach Group, led by Janet Bermudez
2.       Driver 2: Increase community resources
a.       Daniel will work with 211 to identify and contact local resource providers (town social services, churches, etc) by November 30th
b.      The Z:16 Team will hold an introduction-to-homeless-services event on January 14th, 2016.
3.       Driver 3: Increase housing access and landlord partnerships
a.       By December 31st, Jamie will facilitate a team to network with landlord education agencies
4.       Driver 4: Improve Data Management
a.       Mollie will upload priority lists to HMIS Greater Hartford CAN client file by November 6th, 2015

6.      Announcements
a.      The PATH Outreach Team through CHR is now up and running, led by Malika Nelson.  The PATH staff are excited to team up with current shelter, soup kitchen, and outreach staff, and is able to help with navigation for some clients.  If you identify a client who is staying unsheltered with serious mental illness, please refer to the PATH team by contacting
b.      Zero: 2016 Funding Meeting will happen next week, date/time TBD.
c.       CCEH Training November 11th
d.      Day of Sharing and Caring will be happening November 20th at the St. Patrick’s - St. Anthony’s at the Franciscan Center for Urban Ministry.  For details, contact Nate Fox at
e.      The Connection’s elderly housing program has openings in Southington CT and will be having an open house this Thursday from 3-5 PM.  Please contact Helen Lavin at

Greater Hartford CAN Data Update 11/3
GH CAN Master Registry
Total # of active* clients
Total # in our master registry
Total # of people identified with a length of homelessness that qualifies as chronically homeless who aren’t housed

Coordinated Assessment
Total clients with a VI-SPDAT
Total active* households with a VI-SPDAT
Total 211 Appointments Cancelled Since Registry Week
# of upcoming GH CAN appointments
Booking into early January for City of Hartford

Coordinated Exit
Chronically homeless housed through CAN 3/11 – present
This may not include all clients housed by existing wait lists.
TLP Enrollments for all adults 11/17- Present
RRH Enrollments for all adults 11/17- Present

Zero: 2016
Average # of new people who are becoming chronically homeless each month
GH Monthly Housing Connection Rate:

Greater Hartford CAN Items for Continuing Discussion
Shelter search through 211
Clients churning, high shelter turnover
Shelter search through 211
People staying out of doors to avoid the 211 process
Shelter search through 211
Clients calling to get a hotel instead of shelter
Shelter search through 211
Empty beds in shelters
Client choice
Clients declining housing options – refusing to pay a portion
Challenges gathering documentation of homeless history
Client choice
Clients referred for a shelter bed who no show (Time frame established)
Case Conferencing
Clients who no-show for multiple appointments
Identifying appropriate clients for CAN
Backlog of CAN appointments
Identifying clients who are not attached to navigation / need help gathering documentation
Data Quality
Multiple client records in HMIS
Data Quality
Misrepresentation of homeless status due to HMIS assessments not checking current status. 
Data Collection
Identifying/validating progress matching clients housed through CAN to Zero 2016
Apparently inaccurate VI-SPDAT Scores: Concern Form / Full SPDAT
Need staff allocated for CAN Functions (navigation, management, etc.)

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