Friday, November 20, 2020

GH CAN Leadership Meeting 11/18/2020



Wednesday, November 18, 2020 via Zoom

 1PM – 2:15PM


1.       Welcome and Introductions – 5 minutes

2.       ImmaCare Update and Prioritization to Fill Beds – 5 minutes -  Louis Gilbert

a.       ImmaCare is open, opened on Monday 11/16. They are at 18 out of 40 right now with outreach trying to engage the remaining clients

b.      Prioritization for those verified outdoors and homeless

c.       Targeting those who are outside. Engaging with clients who are outside.

3.       Cold Weather/Winter Planning Updates – Lisa Cretella – 10 minutes

a.       Warming center and overflow expected to open Dec 1st, starting to train staff tomorrow

b.      Warming center will be for Hartford residents.

c.       Triage is a gap at the moment.

d.      Bryan working with churches in Downtown Manchester. Looking for more regional areas. Bryan working with Joel from Manchester looking into empty schools. Possibly will use cornerstone shelter as triage space. Cornerstone is placing room dividers. Renovations are being worked on now for New Hope House and C. House at Cornerstone.

e.       Enfield – working with engagement center, opening in January. Anyone that walks in will have CAN appointments, will be at a Church 3 days a week. Will be open at night. New Soup kitchen in Enfield, will determine day hours. Several restaurants in the area are willing to provide food.

f.        Protocols will be established soon.

4.       COVID – 19 Agency Updates – 5 minutes

                                                              i.      No major agency updates

    1. COVID Vaccines – 5 minutes- Matt Morgan

                                                              i.      Survey went out last week. Anyone not complete the survey? Brian – work with a lot of religious organizations. ImmaCare, McKinney,

                                                             ii.      CRT completed the Survey. MSP completed it. SPI completed it.

                                                           iii.      Who will be your vaccine provider? Is a question in the survey. Hartford Healthcare is working on becoming a vaccine site. Charter Oak looking into.

                                                           iv.      Send Survey again. Report out next meeting.

    1. COVID Discussion– 15 minutes – Yoshi Bird

                                                               i.       COVID isolation/quarantine protocols (ways to manage live outbreaks and COVID+ referrals, not just prevention measures)



                                                             ii.      Mask refusers (What strategies have providers used that have been effective in addressing the risk posed by this specific population?)

1.       Those with mental health issues- how to engage in having them use mask or distance?


                                                           iii.      Personnel policies around COVID (What is the most recent technical assistance we have received around managing COVID-exposed staff? What guidelines should we be using with staff who are testing negative but confirmed exposed? What are people doing about secondary/tertiary/etc. potential exposure, among both clients and staff?)


1.       7 staff who have been exposed to those with COVID. Quarantine space is limited. Staff has tested negative post exposure.

2.       Respite clients exposed to COVID at hospitals. Need space for 6 populations. Trying to move general population.

3.       Anyone coming from the hospital – asking for name, date of birth, exposure date, photo of client.

4.       If testing negative, should they move client to general population? Any recommendations from the group?

5.       City does not have a quarantine space at the moment. Would like us to reach out to the statewide departments. Anyone testing positive should call the hotline : 833-560-2843. If someone is pending results and not in the system of the CRC hotline, call Amanda Gordon or Stephanie Corbin. Hotline has been responsive!

6.       Hotline has been created for the general population. Service regardless of income. This is accessible to everyone!

7.       Any DOH updates to the guidance that was previously sent out? Amanda will ask Kara.


                                                           iv.      Barriers preventing better performance for shelters due to COVID


5.       CHESS Program Training Updates– Beacon Health – 3 minutes

a.       No updates today. Will be added to the agenda for statewide. Dec 1st go live has been pushed back – possibly to February.

6.       ESG-COVID Program Updates/FLASH –Andrea Hakian, Kara Zichichi, Matt Morgan, Lionel Rigler, and Stephanie Corbin, Barbara Shaw – 5 minutes

a.       No major updates.

b.      Looking to do FLASH with some diversion clients.

c.       CHR continuing to take referrals.

d.      Mercy continuing to take referral and working with 4th FLASH client.

e.       HOH had first collaborator meeting with JH. Will identify where the outreach team will go. Wheeler Clinic is also involved.

f.        Award letter from DOH – JH received the letter. Proposals submitted for Outreach RFP. Diversion and RRH RFP still out –diversion RFP due 11/20/2020. RRH RFP due 11/30/2020.

g.       Solicitation needs to be sent out for emergency shelters I will

7.       Length of Stay in Shelter – 5 minutes – Matt Morgan

8.       Chronic Homelessness Trends – 5 Minutes – Matt Morgan

9.       Future Agenda Items or Additional Announcements – 2 minutes

a.       House of Bread will serve grab and go meals during the winter. Facility will not be open.

b.       CRC Hotline 833-560-2843

c.       PIT – Data must be entered in for COVID bed count extended till November 20th – email sent 11/17/2020

Thursday, November 12, 2020

GH CAN Leadership Meeting 11/4/2020



Wednesday, November 4, 2020 via Zoom

 1PM – 2:15PM


1.       Welcome and Introductions – 5 minutes

2.       COVID – 19 – 5 minutes

a.       Capitol Region – stable. No exposure to COVID. Increase states that include MA, state website list.

b.      CRT McKinney – Oct 27th tested 52 people. Negative results. Next testing Nov 23rd at Best Western hotel.

c.       SPI – Oct 27th testing completed, all negative results.

  1. COVID Testing – 5 minutes- Matt Morgan
    1. Providers, does everyone have a testing partner for congregate sites?
    2. YWCA – partnered with Charter Oak, one round of test completed. Everyone was tested negative.
    3. Interval House- referring clients to testing sites. Will not test on site for confidentiality.
    4. SA – providing information for testing sites and emphasis on testing. Not sure about on site testing.
    5. ImmaCare – reached out to Hartford Healthcare, possibly working with Charter Oak health center. Will refer people to Charter Oak.
    6. EH Shelter – no onsite testing, families are encouraged to take test upon intake. Intercommunity and 1st Choice of EH.
    7. Cornerstone – thermometer check every day, refer clients to hospital.
  2. Community Resource Coordinators Referrals – 10 minutes – Matt Morgan
    1. CRT oversees contract and staffing programs for GH
    2. Cases have raised in New Haven.
    3. If someone tests positive – information goes to state database, process for services are provided for isolation and quarantine. CRT referrals once seeking services.  CRT is providing food and medication. If person in shelter cannot be isolated on site, call 211 to be placed in isolation location.
    4. CRC – brief intervention due to COVID positive results or need to isolate because they have been exposed. Referral will go to CRC. Large call volume. Hotline number - 833-560-CVID contract tracers can call them back sooner to provide intervention services. Can verify clients in system. Can provide them with food and intervention services. Pharmaceutical, clothing, etc. Behavioral health provided as well.

5.       Vote: Reallocation Process and Voting Procedures – Crane Cesario and Lisa Quach

a.       Cathy – motions to state 2/3 or 75% instead of 4 co-chairs. Someone might not be available.

b.       Email feedback by Friday, noon.

6.       Cold Weather/Winter Planning Updates – Lisa Cretella – 10 minutes

a.       Waiting for contracts. Looking to hire staff.

b.       Meeting tomorrow for cold weather, 1pm to 3pm.

c.       Working with Cornerstone to target east of the river area

d.       Looking at locations in Manchester

e.       Day shelters – 24/7 – ImmaCare, YWCA, EH shelter. The Open Hearth, Cornerstone

                                                               i.      HOH – serving 15 people instead of 90

                                                             ii.      Mercy – serving 10 people

                                                           iii.      Milner Warming Center – wants to be open 24/7, need day shift staff/funding

7.       Survey from DPH to Collect Information – Amanda Gordon – 3 minutes

a.       Distributing a critical message from DPH to CAN providers. How many people will we have vaccinated. Responses to be submitted by tomorrow.  

8.       CHESS Program Training Updates– Beacon Health – 3 minutes

a.       No updates yet. Go live date has been postponed, possibly Dec. 1st.

9.       Statewide/ESG-COVID Housing Effort/FLASH /Prevention Update–Andrea Hakian, Kara Zichichi, Lisa Quach, Matt Morgan, Lionel Rigler, and Stephanie Corbin – 10 minutes

a.       CHR and Mercy continuing to take referrals

b.      RFPs have gone out – Prevention out right now, Hartford and State

10.   Future Agenda Items or Additional Announcements – 2 minutes

a.       Statewide CAN/Homeless Delivery System Workgroup – Feedback to be sent to Matt Morgan

b.       Immacare should be opening on Monday, Nov. 16th – planning to open to 40 clients

c.       How to prioritize