Wednesday, March 22, 2017

GH CAN Leadership 2/8/17

Greater Hartford CAN
Leadership Notes
Wednesday, 2/8/17

Steve Bigler - CRT
Bryan Dixon  - InterCommunity
Sonia Brown - CRT
Kara Capobianco - Department of Housing
Crane Cesario - DMHAS
Cat Damato - CRT
Sarah DiMaio - Salvation Army Marshall House
Fred Faulkner - The Open Hearth
John Ferrucci - South Park Inn
Rosemary Flowers - My Sisters' Place
Andrea Hakian - CHR
John Lawlor - The Connection
Dave Martineau - Mercy Housing
Theresa Nicholson  - Chrysalis
Heather Pilarcik - South Park Inn
Lisa Quach - Journey Home
Amy Robinson - VA
Kathy Shaw - My Sisters' Place
Barbara Shaw - Hands On Hartford
Cathy Zeiner - YWCA
Lorrie O'Brien - Hartford Hospital
Steve Hurley - Journey Home

  1. Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network
    Leadership Agenda
    Wednesday, February 8, 2017

    1.      Welcome and Introductions

    2.      Housing Data Updates – see p. 2
    18 people housed in 2017. Matching clients as soon as they are verified. Sometimes we have more housing openings than folks who are chronic verified. Once they have homeless verification and disability verification is when they are matched. 67 folks who are potential who have either the homeless verification or disability verification. Have not run out of PSH certs which is really good. Initially worried after Z:16 that housing stock would go down. Theresa asked if there is a housing unit but if someone is not chronic, can someone take them if they’re willing to do the work? Mollie said we haven’t done that before because we haven’t had providers offer. Next housing placement meeting, 20 housing slots through Hartford Housing Authority. Verified no one on the list so we can start taking from our list. With all that 20 hit, we could be in a place where there will be more slots than client ready. Moving On through Section 8 is getting shut down because of budget. People who haven’t gotten their certs, does it get effected if it gets shut down? Doesn’t affect city of Hartford. Only affected Central – Danbury. Crane suggested looking at our housing stock. Crane just finished the HIC for PIT, initials with No Freeze data.  Ask folks to come prepared with future housing stock – including moving on or other anticipated openings.
    3.      Youth Engagement in CANs
    a.      Youth Count Update – John Lawlor and Steve Hurley
                                                        i.     CT received grant to vamp up youth homelessness. Last week was youth PIT. Different from normal PIT because it’s the whole week. Beginning stages of how to bring youth services to the CAN and what it’s going to look like in Greater Hartford. Youth is anyone 24 and under. Some folks may have odd dual eligibility. Still waiting for official numbers. Hartford was in the lead. This is going to be good for budget because most services will come to those that have the highest volume of youth homelessness.
    b.      Youth Engagement Teams Initiative – John Lawlor – meant to be a subgroup. Works closely with CAN. Trying to engage youth better at being able to raise awareness. Create front door for programs. Looking for participation from all of you, schools, local agencies and other youth providers. Have been some meetings already. Looking for more folks to be involved. Partnered with agencies that work with youth after school such as YMCA. Had available funding to offer them pizza and administer the youth survey with them. Encouraging other partnerships such as The Village. Anyone else that is involved in the CAN. Over 300 surveys in Hartford. Had about 6 weeks to plan and administer. Has anyone reached out to The Bridge? Are they going to bring someone to Leadership? Working on it because of federal funding. Hartford Public Library also helped out. Coordinated as the hot spot during this location. Youth Action HUB, working with CCEH, huge role in creating hotspots. Hoping it will eventually function as part of CAN. May have other folks who don’t work with just homeless services.
    c.      Next Steps Tool Policy from DOH/DMHAS – Mollie Greenwood – VI-SPDAT for youth. Questions were adjusted to be more youth specific. “Where did you stay last night” has additional questions. Guidance came from DOH/DMHAS that Next Steps Tool should be used for all youth and young adults aged under 25. Should only be used with individuals under 25. Anyone 24 or younger that is parenting should still be using the family VI-SPDAT. Exists in hard copy and in HMIS. Will be distributing at Operations. Next Steps tool will get them right on the by-name-list.  Scores of the next step convert to the score of the VI-SPDAT. Will all show up in the same place. Once we have more youth coordinated entry sites coming online, we’ll look at how we can administer it. Right now we aren’t doing VI-SPDATS at CAN assessments but it may be different once we include youth. CCEH is proud to announce full SPDAT training is coming down the line. Early April, possibly April 3. More information to come. Do we need to prioritize like we did in the past? When we get better sense of how big the room we can plan on who to send.

    4.      Sub-COC Meetings – Theresa Nicholson – appointed to represent Hartford at BOS. Have not met quarterly obligations. If we could attach some time to this meeting, either before or after, or ending at 2 to do COC business. Don’t have minutes for Greater Hartford sub COC meeting. How to be in compliance for Manchester and Greater Hartford COC. No funding for minutes for sub COC. Don’t have anyone to take minutes. Hartford has Cat. Dave likes the idea that it happens before or after the meeting. We put motion on the floor to have this done quarterly. We can do it as a sub COC until BOS makes it change. Do we want to tell COC we want to shift this to the CAN? The next meeting is Feb 17. I do feel that Hartford needs its own. Suggested voting in the Spring, maybe April but haven’t stated if that vote is going to take. Need directions on how many people are representing the cities versus towns. Will go ahead and call Greater Sub COC meeting. Will work with Mollie and Cat to see who will be invited.

    5.      Subcommittee Reports
    a.      Coordinated Exit: Rapid ReHousing – Lisa Quach (p. 3-4)
    b.      Duty Services Coordinators – Steve Hurley (p. 5)
                                                        i.     Dedicated staff there the past couple weeks. 94 single men who are unsheltered, 110 single women who are reporting being unsheltered. Makning referrals to CHR PATH. SPI and SAMH are full every day with women. Just a smaller stock of beds for women. Full year round. Short on individual’s women bed. Until this summer we didn’t have data to pull. Significant need for shelter beds for women. Women’s list is very slow because there’s no turnover for single individuals. Even if we had the space, we don’t have money to hire staff. Even for tonight, Center Church said they don’t have staff to do it. Long term – bring it to the city for next year. Some programs who aren’t shelter but have worked with shelter list in the past. Such as my sister’s place supported recovery program. Or the women’s program at Mercy.
    c.      Coordinated Outreach – Mollie Greenwood (p. 6)
    d.      Coordinated Exit: Individuals – Tenesha Grant (p. 7)
                                                        i.     Not getting updates from providers
                                                       ii.     Sometimes more resources than doc ready clients
    e.      Coordinated Exit: Families – Lisa Quach (p. 8)

    6.      Prioritization of Non-Chronic Households for PSH – Mollie Greenwood

    7.      Announcements
    a.      ImmaCare will be starting a sexual assault survivors group on 2/23.  Meetings will take place at Mercy Housing and Shelter, 118 Main St., every Thursday for eight weeks.  There is a group for women, and a group for men.  Please see attached brochure for more information, or contact Steve MacHattie.

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