Tuesday, May 23, 2017

GH CAN Operations 5/3/17

Greater Hartford Coordinated Access Network
Operations Agenda
Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017
Attended: Alicia Akers, Sam Antunes, Roger Clark, Rochelle Currie, Fred Faulkner, Angel Fernandez, Ruby Givens-Hewitt, Kelly Gonzalez, Mollie Greenwood, Amber Higgins, Steve Hurley, Gerilyn Maciel, Andre McGuire, Nichole Milton, Heather Pilarcik, Iris Ruiz, Jose Vega, Wendy Walker, Ymonne Wilson, Alise Rangasamy, Natalie Ramos, Luz Serrano, Michelle Munn, Klaudia Lobeska, Monique Shand, Colette Slover
1.      Welcome and Introductions
a.      Process from last week attached on pg. 2
b.      Be prepared to talk about at next CAN Meeting
2.      Case Conferencing Complex Households
a.      Fred says in new Department of Housing contracts that shelters cannot discharge clients to the streets unless client they are violent or other criminal activities. Also, clients must come up for case conferencing when being discharged.
b.      Fred asks what group should be responsible for case conferencing to discharging clients from the shelters.
c.      The Department of Housing has notified shelter leadership that as of July 1st clients cannot be discharged from shelter due to noncompliance or length of stay.
                                                    i.     The goal is to utilize the collective ideas in a case conference to brainstorm different ideas on how to work with that particular client. The shift is trying use other people feedbacks to figure out a plan for a client.  Just because a client has not been successful in one shelter doesn’t mean they aren’t able to be successful, so this is an opportunity to brainstorm together.
d.      Fred says clients can be discharged if that is the agreement during the case conference meeting. Mollie says there are no set rules of how many times a client can be brought up for case conferencing at this point, and we are going to practice this process and figure out what makes sense for us locally.
e.      Roger says he is concerned about clients not following curfew rules in the shelter once they hear that they will only be discharged for violent or illegal activities.
f.       Geri asks if this case conferencing would be a new subcommittee.
g.      Kelly suggests to do case conferencing during the CAN Operations.
                                                    i.     Heather says she is concerned that not all case managers may not be able to attend the case conferencing.
                                                   ii.     Wendy suggests clients should be on the agenda before the meeting, so that if folks need to be present they can organize internally.
                                                  iii.     Klaudia suggests to send an e mail of how many clients would need to be discussed at the case conferencing.
                                                  iv.     Heather suggests to breakdown more detail on the agenda for the client to understand the complexity of the client’s situation.
                                                   v.     Roger is concerned about the negative and positive discharges.
                                                  vi.     Fred says we can talk to Brenda Earle at Department of Housing about that process.
                                                vii.     Jose asks about the discharge process if client’s need to be on Smartsheet or not.
                                               viii.     Fred says clients would not have to go on Smartsheet due to communicating between shelters if a client should be switched to a different shelter.
                                                  ix.     Fred proposes in two weeks’ case managers should identify these clients for the next meeting.
                                                   x.     Fred suggest shelters to bring one client case to the next meeting.
                                                  xi.     The Operations Committee agreed to send emails to Fred at the end of next week about the difficult clients that will need to be discussed during case conferencing.
B.     Coordinated Entry:
a.      Calling Mercy Soup Kitchen- Clients Without Phones
a.      Jose says his shelter is getting a lot of situations of clients are not showing up for a bed.
b.      Heather says there is a subset of clients who are self-discharging from shelters and those clients who are choosing to discharge are returning to the Diversion Center after a couple of weeks.
C.      Coordinated Exit:
a.      Housing Data pg. 3
b.      Recently Housed
D.     Training Needs
a.      Immediate training requests identified were more training on DSS programs like saga cash (and other relevant benefits), and phones (the differences between Assurance, Safelink, etc).
E.      Announcements
a.      The CT Coalition to End Homelessness will be hosting their Annual Training Institute on Thursday, May 18th. Register online at www.cceh.org. Early –bird registration discounts are available until May 1st.
b.      There are openings available in this month’s full-day CAN Training on Friday, 5/9. Email mollie.greenwood@journeyhomect.org to register.
c.      A schedule of upcoming CAN meetings is attached to this agenda.

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