Friday, April 22, 2016

GH CAN Leadership Meeting, Wednesday 4/20

GH CAN Leadership Meeting
Wednesday, April 20th, 2016
Attended: Kara Capobianco Department of Housing, Roger Clark ImmaCare, Fred Faulkner The Open Hearth, Bryan Flint Cornerstone, Mollie Greenwood Journey Home, Lou Gilbert ImmaCare, Steve Hurley Journey Home, Audrey Kennedy South Park Inn, Diane Paige-Blondet My Sister’s Place
1.      Welcome and Introductions
2.      Updates and Feedback from Family Assessment Schedule
a.       We have seen huge changes in the length of time between when households call 211 to the time at which they’re able to see people.  For the month of February, there was an average of 18 days between calling 211 and having a CAN assessment.  In March, there was an average of 6 days between calling 211 and having an assessment.
b.      Right now, on average people are getting assessment appointments within 1-2 business days of when they called 211, which is a tremendous improvement for Hartford.
-          Nate said that he has secured parking for other agency staff members to use when coming to Center Church for next week’s drop in appointments.
-          Mollie said if you have any feedback or comments about the family assessment schedule to please free to let her know.
3.      Shelter Waitlist Prioritization Criteria: Poll Results on reverse
a.       Next Steps for Shelter Prioritization
-          Bryan says that there should be a separate prioritization section for hotel. There should be once of living in a hotel with their own money and another choice should be living in a hotel being paid by a 3rd party.  This was echoed by others in the room, and so households in a hotel being paid for by a 3rd party are slightly higher priority than households paying for the room themselves. 
-          Mollie said that we need to determine how many times to call a person on the shelter waitlist to determine when to stop calling person, and this will be discussed with the operations group.
-          Kara proposed to have multiple sections for contact information on the smart sheet.  It seems to make sense to include both a primary contact, a secondary contact, and a place that folks are known to visit for those unsheltered households who are difficult to contact.  Nate asked how long someone’s name stays on the waiting list and proposes we should have multiple strategies to contact people.
-          Fred Faulkner asked what to do about those people who don’t have an address or phone number. How do we make sure they don’t get off the list because they can’t be contacted?
-          Kara proposes to hold beds longer for people that we know who are living outside.
-          Nate proposes to have a waiting list available in his drop-in center for clients to see if they are on the list for shelter.
-          Kara proposed that we create a policy for those who live unsheltered and at risk to make sure they don’t lose housing while navigator is searching for them.
-          Kara proposed that there should be a preference of location in the smart sheet.
-          The Leadership Group proposed no additional changes besides the addition of a second category of folks who stayed in the hotel last night, and recommended this prioritization criteria to the Operations Committee for review. 
4.      Be Homeful Q&A Session with CCEH: May 2nd at 1PM or May 3rd at 11:30 AM
a.       The leadership group determined that it would be most convenient to discuss the Be Homeful funding immediately following the Hartford COC meeting at My Sisters' Place, 238 Hamilton St., Hartford on May 3rd. 
b.      Mollie will contact CCEH to organize this time.
5.      Announcements
-          West Hartford Housing Authority is opening its section 8 waiting list

Shelter Waitlist Prioritization Criteria: Poll Results
Top Priority Individuals:

Top Priority Families:

1.       Unsheltered
2.       Staying in a car
3.       Doubled Up – Unsafe
4.       Coming from DV shelter
5.       In a hospital
6.       Eviction/Foreclosure
7.       In a hotel – paid for by third party
8.       In a hotel – paid for by self/family
9.       Doubled Up- Safe

1.       Unsheltered
2.       Staying in a car
3.       Doubled Up – Unsafe
4.       Coming from DV shelter
5.       In a hospital
6.       Eviction/Foreclosure
7.       In a hotel – paid for by third party
8.       In a hotel – paid for by self/family
9.       Doubled Up- Safe


1.       Pregnant
2.       Elderly (62+)
3.       Physical Disability
4.       Needs access to medicine
5.       Mental Health Disability
6.       Elderly (55+)

1.       Pregnant 2-3rd trimester
2.       Elderly (62+)
3.       DCF Involvement
4.       Children younger than school age
5.       Children: school age
6.       Physical Disability
7.       MH Disability
8.       Needs access to medicine
9.       Elderly (55+)

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